
直捣黄龙府 与诸君痛饮尔--加拿大最勇敢的一群华人将会师国会山

社区综合报道 加拿大社区平台 2018-08-06











(一)   国会山活动地点和时间

1)地点:Area between the Centennial Flame and the steps at the north end of the centre walkway

2)时间:2月18日,周日, 下午2点到4点

(二)  主要诉求

1)重启头巾事件的调查, 还原真相;

2) Trudeau必须向亚裔和全加拿大人民道歉;

3) 要求加拿大三级政府对各族裔平等对待。

(三) 注册报名和交通安排

参加示威活动的群众可以自己开车或报名搭乘组织者安排的巴士。如果搭乘巴士, 报名方法如下:

1) 一共有3个登车点:  


A)Toronto 集合地点: 1800 Sheppard Ave E, Toronto。Fairview Mall南面面对Sheppard Road的停车场(地铁站Don Mills Station 出口);       

B) Richmond Hill 集合地点:  9005 Leslie St, Richmond Hill 。Hwy 7& Leslie 东北角,Sheraton Hotel 南面 的 停车场;       

C) Mississauga 集合地点 : 100 City Centre Drive, Mississauga. Walmart前面的停车场。

2) 来回程每人一共收费50元(包括司机小费), 通过email转账, 具体步骤如下:       

    (A)Recipient Name (接收机构):hijabhoaxcanada         

    (B) Recipient Email (电子邮箱):hijabhoaxcanada@gmail.com      


    (C) Security Question (安全问题):rallyday    


    (D) Security Response (回答):20180218     


    (E)Memo (备注):说明登记的名字和在哪上车或是捐款。 比如, Peter Zhang Richmond Hill; or donation.        

    (F) 建议家庭或团体一起报名,以减少组织方面的工作量。 比如, Helen Chen 6人 Toronto.    


  (G) 请保留转款和捐款确认信息。 如有问题请email : Annewu2018@gmail.com,   所有车辆在7:45AM出发, 下午5:15PM离开渥太华。





首先让我们回想一下当新闻首次爆发时,围绕Hijab Hoax事件的震耳欲聋的炒作。比方说,我们都知道抢标题是新闻界的专业需求。媒体各有各的偏见,也是现实的一部分。现在让我们希望他们愿意有一些反思,因为他们称之为“新闻业”。







那些坚信真理,诚实正义,公平正义,全体公民平等的华人社区,强烈地相信这个美丽国家的核心价值观,勇敢地站起来,要求加拿大人深入到骗局的底层。 。他们问,谁在煽动民族分裂,不信任,最终是种族冲突。谁,制造政治恐怖袭击。让我们大家联合起来,确保这个国家的未来不受政治恐怖袭击,免于将儿童沦为政治恐怖袭击武器。





由于“政治恐怖袭击”的概念在加拿大人中间得到承认,那由于“政治恐怖袭击”这一概念在加拿大人中得到了认可,那么Hijab恶作剧背后的真相暴露在阳光下的那一天将是特鲁多,韦恩和其他政治戏剧演员面对他们破坏性分裂行动的实际后果的那一天 这个伟大的国家叫加拿大。



Fanning the flame of ethnic conflict Is political terror attack.

First let’s recall the deafening hype surrounding the Hijab Hoax incident when the news first broke. Let’s say we all know grabbing headline is professional need of the press. Media outlets each have their own bias, also part of reality. Now let’s hope they are willing to have some introspect, for the sake of a thing they call “journalism .”

Among Asian, Chinese is the largest population group. Asian Canadian is a term most likely to be connected with Chinese Canadians instead of  any other ethnic Asians. Throughout the history of Canada, Chinese Canadians have never been in conflict with any other minority group, that includes Muslims in Canada. At most, some trivial matters between individuals that are hardly newsworthy.

In the Hoax Hate incident, Asian Canadians, in particular, Chinese Canadians, are in fact the direct victims, naturally they are now the first to stand up and asking to be heard. The Hijab Hoax happened in a community that has 90% Chinese population. Under the breathless condemnation of Trudeau, Wynn, TDSB,  actors who wield considerable political power and influence, plus main stream media CBC with obvious liberal  party leaning operating in hyper drive, many netizens were directing their anger at Chinese community, it is only natural and absolutely necessary for Chinese community to respond.

Criminal mischief happens across all ethnic backgrounds of course. Dealing with an 11 year old who’s obviously too young to have competent understanding of action and consequence on her own, all the more reason to treat her hate crime claim with extra caution. Yet Trudeau, Wynn, CBC and TDSB, with curious rule-breaking urgency, jump, hop, skip over all due diligence investigation, right to the conclusion that the child’s claim equal to a factual hate crime case, and made it national and international headline news. Does that not undermine normal legal process ?

Furthermore, An 11 year old told a dangerous lie, caused huge ripple effect, faced with dazzling media lights and cameras, still remained exceptionally calm and collected, showing amazing poise. it is extremely difficult to believe that the child was not coached and trained, convinced of what she’s doing and the supporting power behind. 

Disagree? Maybe you could show me another 11 year old capable of that without adults manipulation.

If the Hijab cutting had actually happened, should PM make statement condemning it? Of course, but before all the facts are known, room should be reserved in his statement for the unexpected. In stead, this hoax hate criminal case was regrettably and dangerously tried in political theatre, in media, and in public opinion. In actual fact, this kind of lightning speed condemnation can be seen as some sort of newly invented “Political Terror Attack”.

Those among Chinese community who believe strongly in truth, in honesty, in justice and equality for all citizens, above all, believed strongly in the core values of this beautiful country, have stood up courageously, asking Canadians to get to the bottom of the hoax. They are asking, who, is inciting ethnic division, mistrust and ultimately, ethnic conflict. Who, is manufacturing political terror attack. Let us all stand united to ensure the future of this country is free of political terror attack, free of children being reduced to weapon of political terror attack. 

Those who stood up deserve great deal of respect and admiration for speaking out on behalf of every good citizen of Canada, every individual regardless of backgrounds who values fundamental decency and fairness.

Political terror attack are now using innocent little children to fabricate hoax hate story. Fanning the flame on the sidelines are mainstream media, mainstream political actors. Without a second lost, successfully turned a hoax into white hot sensational hate crime. Cheap and effective. Given time and experience, wannabe “fabricators” of the hate crime could certainly improve their skills to avoid detection in future. Were it not by shear luck this time, law enforcement discovered without a doubt that it being a hoax, it’s hard to imagine innocent citizens somewhere in this country would be able to walk out of the political terror attack unscathed.

The competent investigative work of our police force has changed drastically the course of this hate hoax incident. For this, members of Chinese community are deeply grateful. 

Yet we are reminded of the existence of political terror attack in our society, against hope and wishes deep from our hearts. Only the main characters changed from imaginary “young asian with moustache “ to Trudeau, to Wynn, to CBC.  They are certainly more than willing to put liberal party interest above the interest and wellbeing of this country and its ordinary citizens. Should Canadians tolerate that? That’s.

As the concept of “Political Terror Attack” gaining recognition among Canadians, the day that the truth behind the Hijab Hoax being exposed under the sun will be the day that Trudeau, Wynn and other political theatre actors face real consequence of their damaging divisive action towards this great country called Canada.






