

平台君大叔 加拿大社区平台 2019-05-19

Lisa Ren

作为约克2,3和6区的教委候选人, 我会尽心尽职的做到以下几点:

* 建立安全和友善的学校环境

* 制定目标去取得更高的学习业绩, 身心健康和平等

* 监管教育基金和师资的合理分配

* 联合各校, 一同合作发展各校的强项和优势

我是两个孩子的妈妈,孩子们都在约克区教育局的学校就读。我取得加拿大项目管理硕士学位。 我同时也是高级项目经理,有多年企业运营管理经验。

在过去几年里,通过家长和校方的高选票连任了校委会主席一职。我紧密反馈家长意见, 联系协助学校校长,教育局主管和教委, 解决对社区孩子安全,师资分配, 教师培训, 教育局拨款, 学校设施更新等相关行政管理事务。


* 实施了多个课后兴趣班: 机器人, 编程, STEM, 象棋,等等。

* 推动学校加强数学及英文教学质量以及相关教师的培训, 以提高EQAO成绩。

* 策划, 组织毕业典礼及校庆活动并致辞, 颁奖。

* 组织年度学校员工答谢午餐, 促进教师和家长的合作

* 电影之夜, Chapter买书读书活动, 学生艺术节 和健康展览会

在我竞选的区域, 西至Woodbine 东至Markham Rd., 南至 Hwy 7 北至19th Ave, 有以下16所小学, 和3所高中::

* Ashton Meadows PS * Beckett Farm PS * Buttonville PS * Castlemore PS

* Central Park PS * Coledale PS * Donald Cousens PS * John McCrae PS

* Lincoln Alexander PS * Parkview PS * Sir John A. Macdonald PS * Sir Wilfrid Laurier PS

* Stonebridge PS * Unionville Meadows PS * Unionville PS * William Berczy PS

* Markville SS * Pierre Elliott Trudeau HS * Unionville HS


Lisa Ren

Together, We Build …

Stronger School Communities!

As YRDSB Trustee Candidate for Ward 2, 3 & 6, I will be Responsive, Responsible and Reliable to:

* Establish Safe and Bully-Free School Environment

* Set Goals for Higher Academic Achievement, Well-Being and Equity

* Assure Proper Allocation of Budget and Teaching Resources

* Unite Schools to Collaborate in Developing Strength

I am a mother of two children, who both are attending YRDSB elementary school. I completed master degree in Canada. This experience enabled me to see the advantages and the areas for improvement in the education system. I am an experienced senior project manager, with extensive industrial management experience in private and public sectors.

In the past years, I was elected as School/Parent Council Chair with predominant majority votes for William Berczy PS. I have been working closely with parents in the community, school administrators, school superintendent, and YRDSB Trustee. Together we managed

various issues related to school safety, teaching resources, teacher training, school funding and school facility needs.

I successfully managed several fund-raising activities with strong parents/guardians’ support and engagement. We organized various extra-curriculum program and school-community engagement activities. Here are the selected major events I organized:

* Implemented various extra-curriculum program, such as Chess, Coding, STEM,Robotics, etc

* Promoted school to improve EQAO test results with additional training program for teachers and learning resources (educational applications) for students.

* Planned Grade 8 student graduation ceremony and delivered the speech and award to student.

* Organized annual staff appreciation lunches successfully. It enables us to reach great staff engagement with parents.

* Organized Movie Night, Chapter Night, Art Night, and Mental Health Expo, etc


Fund raising for Markham Rogers Hometown Hockey 


8年级学生毕业典礼现场和校长及和Billy Pang 当时的校委合影


义工答谢会 School Volunteer Appreciation  


我以一己之力拦截前省长韦恩的心腹竞选连任--万锦教委候选人Jenny Chen的竞选宣言

每个孩子都有潜能--我是烈治文山教委候选人Cindy Liang

长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海  ---选林翔 (LIN, Shawn) 担任教委 做您的教育热线


热心奉献,专业服务!解民(XIE, MIN)博士参选TDSB Ward 12教

