

平台君大叔 加拿大社区平台 2021-01-27




安省正式启动寻求全球发展合作伙伴 – 重新打造安省游乐宫(Ontario Place),使其成为世界一流的旅游目的地!

安省保守党政府正在向全球征集合作伙伴,以最卓越的理念将安省游乐宫打造成世界一流的旅游目的地。旅游,文化和体育部长Michael Tibollo与安省基础设施部长Monte McNaughton一同宣布了这一消息。

“我们的政府承诺尽快采取行动,让安省游乐宫重新恢复生机,我们正在抓紧时间实现这一承诺,”旅游,文化和体育部长Michael Tibollo说。 “我们邀请来自世界各地的合作伙伴为重新设想的游乐宫提交他们的设计和想法。”政府鼓励感兴趣的各方献计献策,重新审视这一得天独厚的湖边优质资产。


基础设施部长Monte McNaughton表示,“基础设施不仅仅是实体。也将关乎如何合理使用。” “今天的宣布让我们为安省带来了一条新的,富有远见的发展道路,这将有利于我省及其他地区的经济发展。我们正在突破旧的思维,重新寻找一条符合时代发展的新创举。”


“前自由党政府忽视了这块宝地,一度使其面临关闭的窘境,”Tibollo说。 “我们将珍惜这次的发展机遇,将重新打造这个宝地,使之成为全年吸引游客,世界级的旅游圣地。”


·   省政府听取民意,欢迎有兴趣的人士访问OntarioPlaceDevelopment.com了解有关如何提交和其他详细信息。

·    提交截止日期为2019年9月3日。

·     安省基础设施公司已聘请毕马威会计师事务所和高力律师事务所跟进。

安省游乐宫(英语:Ontario Place)是一座位于加拿大安大略省多伦多的多用途文娱设施,由安大略省政府拥有,并由安大略省旅游及文化厅辖下的机构营运。



Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

TORONTO — Ontario's government for the people is launching aworld-wide search to find a private sector partner, or partners, with the best,most remarkable concepts to transform Ontario Place into the world-classdestination it was always intended to be.Michael Tibollo, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, was joined by Monte McNaughton, Minister of Infrastructure, at Ontario Place to make the announcement.

"Our government promised to move quickly to bring Ontario Place back to life and we are delivering on that promise," said Michael Tibollo, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. "We are inviting partnersfrom around the world to submit their designs and ideas for a reimagined Ontario Place."

Through a Call for Development, the province is encouraging interested parties to take a fresh look at this unique waterfront asset. The province is seeking transformational ideas that are financially viable from partner(s) who have the right experience and capacity to design, implement andoperate their development on the site. Residential developments or casinos will not be considered. "Infrastructure is more than bricks and mortar. It's about the people who use it," said Infrastructure Minister Monte McNaughton."Today's announcement puts us on a new, visionary path for Ontario Place that will benefit the people of our province and beyond. We are looking for big, bold ideas."his Call for Development follows the government's invitation in January to interested parties to submit their ideas early. Submissions should be commercially feasible and reflect the province's vision for the site as aspectacular destination that could include sport and entertainment landmarks, public spaces and parks, recreational facilities, as well as retail. "The former government ignored this gem and let deteriorate for far too long," said Tibollo. "We have a real opportunity here to unlock the great potential of Ontario Place as a year-round,world-class destination that can attract visitors from Canada and abroad, as well as Ontarians."

以上信息由Oakville North - Burlington省议员选民办公室提供。

EffieTriantafilopoulos,MPP OakvilleNorth –Burlington

2525 OldBronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 4J2

Office:(905) 825-2455 Facebook:EffieONB



3000加币装一个插座!100 加币配 一把钥匙!!哪里的活这么赚钱?

全世界的游客们都来吧!安大略欢迎你们!-安全 多元文化 人文和自然景观 美食 应有尽有


