




The Strength of Weak-Tie Consensus Language

作 者: Jeffrey K. Lee, Ann Kronrod

期刊:Journal of Marketing Research, 2020, Volume: 57 issue: 2, pages: 353-374



Every day, consumers share word of mouth (WOM) on how products and behaviors are commonly adopted through the use of consensus language. Consensus language refers to words and expressions that suggest general agreement among a group of people regarding an opinion, product, or behavior (e.g., “everyone likes this movie”). In a series of online and field experiments, the authors demonstrate that the interpretation and persuasiveness of consensus language depends on the tie strength between the communicator and the receiver of WOM. Although abundant literature highlights the advantage of strong ties (e.g., close friends, family) in influence and persuasion, the authors find that weak ties (e.g., distant friends, acquaintances) are more influential than strong ties when using consensus language. The authors theorize and demonstrate that this effect occurs because weak ties evoke perceptions of a larger and more diverse group in consensus, which signals greater validity for the issue at hand. These findings contribute to research on WOM, tie strength, and descriptive norms and provide practical implications for marketers on ways to analyze and encourage consumer discourse.




关键词:共识语言(consensus language),描述性规范(descriptive norms),社会影响(social influence),关系强度(tie strength),口碑(word of mouth)


Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? An Empirical Study of Image Content and Social Media Engagement

作 者: Yiyi Li, Ying Xie

期刊:Journal of Marketing Research;Volume: 57 issue: 1, page: 1-19.DOI: 10.1177/0022243719881113


Are social media posts with pictures more popular than those without? Why do pictures with certain characteristics induce higher engagement than some other pictures? Using data sets of social media posts about major airlines and sport utility vehicle brands collected from Twitter and Instagram, the authors empirically examine the influence of image content on social media engagement. After accounting for selection bias on the inclusion of image content, the authors find a significant and robust positive mere presence effect of image content on user engagement in both product categories on Twitter. They also find that high-quality and professionally shot pictures consistently lead to higher engagement on both platforms for both product categories. However, the effect of colorfulness varies by product category, while the presence of human face and image–text fit can induce higher user engagement on Twitter but not on Instagram. These findings shed light on how to improve social media engagement using image content.


有图片的社交媒体帖子比没有图片的更受欢迎吗? 为什么具有某些特征的图片比其他图片有更高的吸引力?作者从Twitter和Instagram收集了有关航空公司和运动型多功能车品牌的社交媒体帖子数据集,从实证研究角度考察了图片内容对社交媒体参与度的影响。在考虑了对包含图像内容的选择偏差之后,作者发现在Twitter上的两个产品类别中,图像内容对用户参与都有显著的正向影响。高质量和专业拍摄的照片始终能够提高两个平台上相关产品类别的参与度。但是色彩的效果因产品类别而异,人脸和图像文本的匹配会在Twitter上吸引更高的用户参与度,而在Instagram上则不会。这些发现为如何利用图片内容提高社交媒体参与度提供了新的研究思路。

关键词:图像处理(image processing),自然语言处理(natural language processing),社交媒体分析(social media analytics),用户生成的内容(user-generated content),视觉营销(visual marketing)


Native Advertising in Online News: Trade-Offs Among Clicks, Brand Recognition, and Website Trustworthiness

作 者: Anocha Aribarg, Eric M. Schwartz

期刊:Journal of Marketing Research;Volume: 57 issue: 1, page: 20-34

DOI: 10.1177/0022243719879711


Native advertising is a type of online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears. In practice, the choice between display and in-feed native advertising presents brand advertisers and online news publishers with conflicting objectives. Advertisers face a trade-off between ad clicks and brand recognition, whereas publishers need to strike a balance between ad clicks and the platform’s trustworthiness. For policy makers, concerns that native advertising confuses customers prompted the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to issue guidelines for disclosing native ads. This research aims to understand how consumers respond to native ads versus display ads and to different styles of native ad disclosures, using randomized online and field experiments combining behavioral clickstream, eye movement, and survey response data. The results show that when the position of an ad on a news page is controlled for, a native ad generates a higher click-through rate because it better resembles the surrounding editorial content. However, a display ad leads to more visual attention, brand recognition, and trustworthiness for the website than a native ad.



关键词:本地广告(native advertising),公共政策(public policy),眼动追踪(eye-tracking),现场实验(field experiments),广告披露(advertising disclosure)



Path to Purpose? How Online Customer Journeys Differ for Hedonic Versus Utilitarian Purchases

作者:Jingjing Li, Ahmed Abbasi, Amar Cheema, Linda B. Abraham

期刊:Journal of Marketing, First Published March 12, 2020 .https://doi.org/10.1177/0022242920911628



The authors examine consumers’ information channel usage during the customer journey by employing a hedonic and utilitarian (H/U) perspective, an important categorization of consumption purpose. Taking a retailer-category viewpoint to measure the H/U characteristics of 20 product categories at 40 different retailers, this study combines large-scale secondary clickstream and primary survey data to offer actionable insights for retailers in a competitive landscape. The data reveal that, when making hedonic purchases (e.g., toys), consumers employ social media and on-site product pages as early as two weeks before the final purchase. By contrast, for utilitarian purchases (e.g., office supplies), consumers utilize third-party reviews up to two weeks before the final purchase and make relatively greater usage of search engines, deals, and competitors’ product pages closer to the time of purchase. Importantly, channel usage is different for sessions in which no purchase is made, indicating that consumers’ information channel choices vary significantly with the H/U characteristics of purchases. The article closes with an extensive discussion of the significant implications for managing customer touchpoints.




关键词:顾客旅程(customer journey),享乐性和功能性产品(hedonic and utilitarian products),信息来源(information sources),购买路径(path to purchase),接触点管理(touchpoint management)


Food as Fuel: Performance Goals Increase Consumption of High-Calorie Foods at the Expense of Good Nutrition


作者:Yann Cornil, Pierrick Gomez, Dimitri Vasiljevic

期刊:Journal of Consumer Research, First Published Online 11 March 2020




At work, at school, at the gym club or even at home, consumers often face challenging situations in which they are motivated to perform their best. This research demonstrates that activating performance goals, whether in cognitive or physical domains, leads to an increase in consumption of high-calorie foods at the expense of good nutrition. This effect derives from beliefs that the function of food is to provide energy for the body (“food as fuel”) coupled with poor nutrition literacy, leading consumers to overgeneralize the instrumental role of calories for performance. Indeed, nutrition experts choose very different foods (lower in calorie, higher in nutritional value) than lay consumers in response to performance goals. Also, performance goals no longer increase calorie intake when emphasizing the hedonic function of food (“food for pleasure”). Hence, while consumer research often interprets the overconsumption of pleasurable and unhealthy high-calorie foods as a consequence of hedonic goals and self-control failures, our research suggests that this overconsumption may also be explained by a maladaptive motivation to manage energy intake.





关键词:常人信念(lay beliefs),绩效(performance) ,目标(goals), 食品消费(food consumption),健康( health),营养(nutrition)


The Impact of Hospital Advertising on Patient Demand and Health Outcomes

作者:Tongil “TI” Kim, Diwas KC

期刊:Marketing Science, 2019, Articles in Advance. DOI: 10.1287/mksc.2019.1153


Does hospital advertising influence patient choice and health outcomes? We examine more than 220,000 individual patient-level visits over 24 months in Massachusetts to answer this question. We find that patients are positively influenced by hospital advertising; seeing a television advertisement for a given hospital makes a patient more likely to select that hospital. We also observe significant heterogeneity in patient response depending on insurance status, medical conditions, and demographic factors, like age, gender, and race. For example, patients with more restrictive forms of insurance are less sensitive to advertisements. Our demand model allows us to study the impact of a ban on hospital advertising, which has been recently considered by policy makers. We find that banning hospital advertising can hurt patient health outcomes through increased hospital readmissions. This is because hospital advertisements drive patients to higher-quality hospitals, which tend to advertise more and have lower readmission rates. However, we do not find a significant change in the overall mortality rate.




医疗(health care),广告(advertising),实证产业组织方法(empirical IO methods),内生性(endogeneity),公共政策(public policy),结构模型(structural models)

7 【JSR】大众评论与专家评论对消费者服务评价的差异化影响性研究


孙瑾,Hean Tat Keh。

期刊Journal of Service Research,Volume 21,Issue 4, Pages: 474-489.













8 【MS】在线筹款、自我形象以及回避问题的长期影响

Online Fundraising, Self-Image, and the Long-Term Impact of Ask Avoidance

作  者Maja Adena , Steffen Huck

期刊:Management Science,2020,66(2), 722:743. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2018.3232.


We study an online fundraising campaign run on an opera ticket booking platform. After establishing a baseline, a first change doubled the donation grid. A second change altered the navigation of the website rendering the act of declining to donate more salient. The contribution of our paper is fourfold. First, we add to the literature on defaults by showing how donation grids can have dramatic impacts on giving. Second, we demonstrate that small, apparently superficial changes in the design of a campaign can have unexpectedly large consequences (offsetting the effects of changes in the choice architecture). Third, we provide the first field evidence for the role of self-image in charitable giving. Finally, we provide stark evidence on possible adverse long-run effects of fundraising campaigns for ticket selling entities. “Avoiding the ask,” non-frequent customers buy fewer tickets in the following opera season. Ticket sales per person fall by €35, while average charitable income from the same group during the campaign had been just under €0.12. 




在线筹款(online fundraising),准实验(quasi-experiment),自我形象(self-image


Altruistic behaviors relieve physical pain

作 者:Yilu Wang,Jianqiao Ge,Hanqi Zhang,Haixia Wang,Xiaofei Xie

期刊:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,PNAS


Engaging in altruistic behaviors is costly, but it contributes to the health and well-being of the performer of such behaviors. The present research offers a take on how this paradox can be understood. Across 2 pilot studies and 3 experiments, we showed a pain-relieving effect of performing altruistic behaviors. Acting altruistically relieved not only acutely induced physical pain among healthy adults but also chronic pain among cancer patients. Using functional MRI, we found that after individuals performed altruistic actions brain activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and bilateral insula in response to a painful shock was significantly reduced. This reduced pain-induced activation in the right insula was mediated by the neural activity in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC), while the activation of the VMPFC was positively correlated with the performer’s experienced meaningfulness from his or her altruistic behavior. Our findings suggest that incurring personal costs to help others may buffer the performers from unpleasant conditions. 




利他行为(altruistic behavior),生理疼痛(physical pain),有意义(meaningfulness),功能性核磁共振成像(functional MRI




学会邮箱   cmau@cmau.org.cn 

执委会邮箱 cmau-ec@cmau.org.cn

图文编辑:李一鑫  审校:张希贤


中国高等院校市场学研究会(Chinese Marketing Association of Universities,英文缩写CMAU)成立于1984年元月,是经中华人民共和国民政部批准,由全国各高等院校从事市场营销学教学、研究的专家、学者及企事业单位自愿组成的非营利性学术团体。学会的主管单位是中华人民共和国教育部,现任会长是北京大学光华管理学院符国群教授。




  • 通过定期(如年会)或不定期(如不同专题的研讨会)的形式,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员提供交流的机会;

  • 通过出版物,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员和社会各界的有关人士提供发表研究成果的园地;

  • 组建全国性的市场营销教学、研究案例库、资料库,建立全国性的市场营销研究信息网络;

  • 通过各种方式为社会各界培训市场营销教学、市场营销管理实践人才;

  • 以各种方式为企业界及其他部门提供市场营销相关的专业援助,如咨询等;

  • 收集国内外的市场营销理论的研究动态,与国外有关市场营销研究的机构、团体建立不同形式的合作、交流关系。






