




The Impact of Advertising and R&D on Bankruptcy Survival: A Double-Edged Sword

Jindal Niket. Journal of Marketing; Vol.84,Iss.5, (Sep 2020): 22-40.



Advertising and research and development (R&D) benefit firms by increasing sales and shareholder value. However, when a firm is in bankruptcy, the cumulative effects of its past advertising and R&D can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they increase the firm’s expected future cash flow, which increases the likelihood that the bankruptcy court will decide the firm can survive. On the other hand, they increase the liquidation value of the firm’s assets, which decreases the likelihood that the bankruptcy court will decide that the firm can survive. The author argues that the ability of advertising and R&D to either increase or decrease bankruptcy survival is contingent on the influence that the firm’s suppliers have, relative to other creditors, on the bankruptcy court’s decision. Advertising and R&D increase (decrease) bankruptcy survival when suppliers have a high (low) level of influence. Empirical analyses, conducted on 1,504 bankruptcies, show that advertising (R&D) increases bankruptcy survival when at least 35%−38% (18%−21%) of the bankrupt firm’s debt has been borrowed from suppliers, whereas it decreases bankruptcy survival below this point. Out-of-sample machine learning validation shows that the ability to spandict whether a bankrupt customer will survive is substantially improved by considering the firm’s advertising and R&D.

广告和研发(R&D)通过增加销售额和股东价值,使企业受益。然而,当一家公司破产时,其过去的广告和研发产生的累积效应可能是一把双刃剑。一方面,它们增加公司预期未来现金流,从而增加破产法院判决该公司继续生存的可能性。另一方面,它们增加公司资产的清算价值,从而降低破产法院判决该公司能够生存的可能性。作者指出,广告和研发能否增加或减少破产生存,取决于该公司的供应商相对于其他债权人而言,对破产法院的裁决产生的影响。当供应商具有较高(低)影响力时,广告和研发会增加(降低)破产生存率。对 1,504 起破产公司进行的实证分析表明,广告(研发)提高破产存活率,当破产公司债务至少 35%-38%是从供应商借来的时候,而低于18%-21%,则会降低破产存活率。抽样机器学习验证表明,通过考虑公司的广告和研发,可以大大提高预测破产客户是否能够生存的能力。



Speed Up, Size Down: How Animated Movement Speed in Product Videos Influences Size Assessment and Product Evaluation

He, Jia; Kyu, Kim B; Lin, Ge. Journal of Marketing; Chicago Vol. 84, Iss. 5,  (Sep 2020): 100-116.



Digital ads often display video content in which immobile products are presented as if they are moving spontaneously. Six studies demonstrate a speed-based scaling effect, such that consumers estimate the size of an immobile product to be smaller when it is animated to move faster in videos, due to the inverse size–speed association they have learned from the domain of animate agents (e.g., animals, humans). Supporting a cross-domain knowledge transfer model of learned size–speed association, this speed-based scaling effect is (1) reduced when consumers perceive a product’s movement pattern as less similar to animate agents’ movement patterns, (2) reversed when a positive size–speed association in the base domain of animate agents is made accessible, (3) attenuated for consumers who have more knowledge about the target product domain, and (4) mitigated when explicit product size information is highlighted. Furthermore, by decreasing assessed product size, fast animated movement speed can either positively or negatively influence willingness to pay, depending on consumers’ size preferences.

数字广告显示视频内容时,不可移动的产品通常显示为如同它们自发移动一样。六项研究显示了基于速度的缩放效果,当视频中动画移动速度更快时,由于他们从动画代理(例如动物、人类)领域中学到的大小-速度反向关联,消费者估计不移动产品的尺寸会更小。基于已知大小-速度关联的跨领域知识转移模型,这一速度的缩放效应:(1)当消费者认为产品的移动模式与动画代理的移动模式不太相似时,将会降低;(2) 当基本域中的动画代理达到正大小-速度关联时,则相反;(3)对目标产品域了解更多的消费者进行减弱;(4) 突出显式产品尺寸信息时缓解。此外,通过减少评估的产品尺寸,快速动画移动速度可能会对付款意愿产生积极或负面影响,具体取决于消费者的尺寸偏好。



Tolerating and Managing Failure: An Organizational Perspective on Customer Reacquisition Management

Vomberg Arnd; Homburg, Christian; Gwinner Olivia. Journal of Marketing; Vol. 84, Iss. 5,  (Sep 2020): 117-136.


Although reacquiring customers can lead to beneficial outcomes, reacquisition processes are often unpleasant for employees, who may be required to admit and address failures. Because many organizational environments reward success and punish failure, companies need to understand how to create an organizational environment that stimulates customer reacquisitions. This study investigates the impact of failure-tolerant cultures and formal reacquisition policies on successful customer reacquisition management. Drawing on organizational design theory and psychological ownership theory, the authors find that failure-tolerant cultures have an inverted U-shaped effect on reacquisition performance because moderate failure tolerance increases reacquisition attempts while not inducing more failures or increasing their severity. Formal reacquisition policies, in contrast, have a positive linear relationship. Notably, formal reacquisition policies do not conflict with failure-tolerant cultures but enhance the beneficial effects of failure tolerance on reacquisition performance; formal reacquisition policies provide guidance for reacquisition attempts that failure-tolerant cultures inspire. Finally, results show that customer reacquisition performance is positively related to overall firm financial performance, a finding that emphasizes the managerial and organizational-level importance of reacquisition management.




The Polarity of Online Reviews: Prevalence, Drivers and Implications

Schoenmueller Verena; Netzer Oded; Stahl Florian. JMR, Journal of Marketing Research; Chicago Vol. 57, Iss. 5,  (Oct 2020): 853-877.


In this research, the authors investigate the prevalence, robustness, and possible reasons underlying the polarity of online review distributions, with the majority of the reviews at the positive end of the rating scale, a few reviews in the midrange, and some reviews at the negative end of the scale. Compiling a large data set of online reviews—over 280 million reviews from 25 major online platforms—the authors find that most reviews on most platforms exhibit a high degree of polarity, but the platforms vary in the degree of polarity on the basis of how selective customers are in reviewing products on the platform. Using cross-platform and multimethod analyses, including secondary data, experiments, and survey data, the authors empirically confirm polarity self-selection, described as the higher tendency of consumers with extreme evaluations to provide a review as an important driver of the polarity of review distributions. In addition, they describe and demonstrate that polarity self-selection and the polarity of the review distribution reduce the informativeness of online reviews.















2、本公众平台转载内容包括视频、文章和广告等,仅以信息传播和分享为目的,供感兴趣的读者学习参考之用,未经授权禁止用于商业用途,如无意中侵犯了哪个媒体、公司 、企业或个人等的知识产权,请联系处理;



图文编辑:张均燕  审校:张希贤


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中国高等院校市场学研究会(Chinese Marketing Association of Universities,英文缩写CMAU)成立于1984年元月,是经中华人民共和国民政部批准,由全国各高等院校从事市场营销学教学、研究的专家、学者及企事业单位自愿组成的非营利性学术团体。学会的主管单位是中华人民共和国教育部,现任会长是北京大学光华管理学院符国群教授。




  • 通过定期(如年会)或不定期(如不同专题的研讨会)的形式,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员提供交流的机会;

  • 通过出版物,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员和社会各界的有关人士提供发表研究成果的园地;

  • 组建全国性的市场营销教学、研究案例库、资料库,建立全国性的市场营销研究信息网络;

  • 通过各种方式为社会各界培训市场营销教学、市场营销管理实践人才;

  • 以各种方式为企业界及其他部门提供市场营销相关的专业援助,如咨询等;

  • 收集国内外的市场营销理论的研究动态,与国外有关市场营销研究的机构、团体建立不同形式的合作、交流关系。






