
Review | 19th iTalk: Embrace possibilities

XiaoyanOnline 清研学术 2022-08-20

looking back on

the 19th iTalk


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Stories from iTalkers

Nathan Diwa 

Nathan started with a guitar solo along with his adaption of pop songs. Nathan's topic was "Compete with Yourself", and he emphasized the importance of both self-motivation and the cooperation with others. When Nathan looked back on his Chinese-learning process, he pointed out that  it was really important to have good expectation at first, than to track our own progress other than others', and most importantly believe in the talent of ourselves. For new THUers, Nathan encourged us to be optimistic, to be ourselves, and to be improving ourselves and others.


Abiha firstly demonstrated a series of crises facing our world today, from the refugees of wars and disasters to the children out of school. Then she led us to the question - "What can we do for them." Abiha then shared her answer: she used to play an active part in summits and organizations concerning these issues. Abiha encouraged us to fulfill the need for youth leadership in such a dynamic world.

Wai Wun Ana Lo 卢炜媛

Ana shared her three "humiliating" but inspiring stories with us. Ana said, if she knew the results at the very beginnig, she would have done the same thing and made these mistakes again. In her view, those "mistakes" actually helped her step out of comfort zone and made her here today. "Know the world better, know China better, and most importantly know your self better!"

Peter  Garamvolgy 

Peter shared with us his perspectives on making the most of our four years at Tsinghua. Peter gave us four specific suggestions on improving ourselves: 1.choose cooperation over competition; 2.choose to learn over being taught; 3.choose to drive your own luck; 4.choose to embrace uncertainty. Peter interpreted these advices with his experiences of studying and internship. These advices are quite useful for new THUers who are aboout to embark on a new journey.

Johnson Liu 刘肇宁

Johnson shared his stories of studying abroad and creating his own business as a returnee in China, both of which involved great courage and intelligence of integrating into local culture and commutity. When he came to U.S as a teenager, Johnson joined the Feternity group to get involved in American community, and now his start-up "Brive!" is intended to help Chinese companies go overseas in line with the trend of  further opening up of Chinese companies' market. "Identify possibilities and then embrace them."

Hostess, Mikaela Wang 汪宇辰

Q & A  Session

"Why and how did you find your passion and choose your path now?"

"what is the biggest obstacle you have ever confronted with and how did you overcome?"


In the Dialogue and Q&A sessions, the iTalkers had a heated discussion with each other on the given topic and answered some of the questions from our participants.

ITalk is a platform 

showing great minds, 

sharing diverse experiences, 

and helping call out your own potentials.

Feedback From Audience

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How did they feel about the 19th iTalk

Embrace possiblities


 Good luck!

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Editor: Wu Haiming

Reviewers: Kevin Hu, Xue Cheng, Liu Xin

