
英文自修2017015 CNN TEN out of TEN 13-15

2017-03-16 武太白 武太白


10 OUT OF 10 13-15


Feb. 21

For "10 Out of 10", she`s affectionately known as Kung Fu Grandma. And the reason is obvious. At 94 years old, Zhang Hexian has been practicing the martial arts since her father started teaching here at age four.



Nine decades later, she`s not just skilled with hands and feet, her son says she works out every morning, and while Kung Fu helped her challenge bullies when she was younger, it`s her willingness to help others today that`s one secret to her longevity.



Still seems pretty Kung Fu-rmidable. You can call her punchy. You can say she gets a kick out of exercise. It`s clear she`s made self-defense a martial art form, though her source of inspiration seems to be all fu-ism (ph).



I`m Carl A-fuz for CNN 10. Hope to see you Wednesday.


Feb. 22

At first, this clip brings up a lot of questions.



"Why?" is one of them. Another is "What`s up with that penny-farthing in the background?"



We can answer only the most important. This is a Guinness World Record attempt for most finger snaps in a minute. And though this Japanese college student slows down at the end, he still snapped his way into the record books with 296 snaps, almost five per second.



So, maybe snapping the record wasn`t exactly a snap (sound and gesture) even if it was. But if you thumb through the index of finger-snapping history, he wasn`t anywhere near the middle. Champion has a nice ring to it and can`t be belittled. So, put your hands together for a digital display of excellence counted on one hand.



I`m Carl Azuz for CNN.


Feb. 23

For "10 Out of 10", waiting patiently is not a trick this dog knows. When her owner ran inside to pick up some fast food, Diamond, her name is Diamond, decided to make a little scene, barking and honking for her owner to hurry up, and she didn`t just do it once. No, Diamond seemed to take a shine to the car horn and the word on the street is that she`s been spotted doing this in other places around her home town in Ohio.



At least she can`t get a ticket for noise pollution. We don`t know why she`s so doggedly a-paws her owner`s absence, why she was so honked off, why she just hates to terrier. But we can say she is truly a diamond in a ruff!



I`m Carl Azuz and that is CNN 10.

