
My Program | 我的专业我做主 · 材料科学与工程专业

广以君 广东以色列理工学院 2022-06-21













* 温馨提示:可先看介绍视频,再详读文字材料











1. 与其他大学一样,广以的材料科学与工程专业也设置了有关现代材料学及其基本法则的课程,但我们同时希望学生理解控制和影响材料合成、组织结构、性质和性能之间相互关系的科学原理。因此,广以的课程涵盖了晶体结构和微观结构分析、材料加工、电化学、扩散和相变、动力学和热力学、高分子性质等内容。学生们有机会参与前沿的科学研究,并到海外读研。

2. 材料科学与工程专业要求学生获取充足的、关于材料和合成的知识。广以的材料科学与工程专业要求学生在打好扎实的理论基础之后,尽快进入教学实验室和科研实验室,并参与教授的科研项目。在此过程中,他们既获得了课堂上的知识,也获得了科研所不可或缺的动手实践能力。


3. 广以的教师都在北美或欧洲国家接受本科或者研究生教育。在教学过程中,他们不仅教授书上的内容,还会将自己在发达国家获得的先进经验分享给学生,带领他们进一步探索科学前沿。










1. 找出你的激情所在。材料是21世纪三大重要课题之一。这是一个跨学科的技术领域。学生需要学习专业的材料学知识,熟悉跨学科技术,并建立自己的知识储备。

2. 将大学教育当成培养职业深造精神和技能的关键平台。用正确的态度探索未来。

3. 无惧口头交流,用英语向自己和演讲者提问。若如此,则致远。

4. 放飞想象,投身于小组、团队和项目。创新使你与众不同。

5. 成就学业,道德为先。诚实、责任感和宽容,乃群体生活所需。


Click the video to know more

Program introduction

01What is Material Science?

Materials Science deals with the design, processing and discovery of new materials. In terms of properties and nature, materials are classified into metallurgy like Copper, ceramics like aluminum oxide, polymers like epoxy and semiconductor like Silicon. By processing, they may exhibit in dense and porous materials, thin film, and composites. On the length scale, it examines from atomic scale (Angstrom), to nanostructure (<100nm), to microstructure (<cm) and all the way up to the macro scale (<meter).

Materials are building blocks for variety of devices, components, modules, and even systems in modern world. For example, various materials and products can be easily found in an automobile and a smart phone. Students need to learn some courses about fundamental principles of materials, crystalline structures, processing and properties, as well as their applications.

Materials science incorporates elements of physics, chemistry, and engineering. The theme is to understand how the processing and compositions influence the structure, properties and performance of a material. Computation also enables the understanding of behaviors, mechanisms, and design of materials. So, materials science requires multidisciplinary knowledge and skills.

Chemical engineering is about combination of chemistry/biochemistry knowledge with engineering tools to provide best solutions for mankind, in particular,  the goods that one uses every day and raw materials leading to production of the goods. Aside from such traditional chemical engineering such as oil refinery, new development in chemical engineering includes health and wellbeing, food and nutrition, water and energy, climate change and resources. Through learning and practicing in chemical engineering, ones can make much better contributions to our societies and improvement in the quality of living. 


What is special about Material Science in GTIIT?

1. Materials science designs the courses about modern materials and basic laws behind like other universities, but we expect students to understand the scientific principles governing the interrelation among processing, structure, properties, and materials performance. For example, the courses include: Crystal structure and microstructural analysis, processing of materials, Electrochemistry, Diffusion and phase transformation, Kinetics and thermodynamics, Property of polymers, etc. As a result, students will be able to participate in leading researches and continued graduate school overseas.

2. Acquiring adequate knowledge about materials and processing experience are what a student in Materials science should do. Material science program actively involves college students into teaching lab, research lab and professors' projects as early as possible. So, they will gain in-class knowledge, hands-on skills, and practical interaction with real materials.

3. Our faculty members all received college and/or graduate education from North America and Europe. We know what is important and useful in educating students. We not only deliver the knowledge in textbook, we also bring over the practical information that developed countries acquired.

Career Prospects

Since 1940s, technology development demands more material science students. Relatively speaking, these students easily find job opportunities particularly in emerging economies like China, as well as in the US and Europe.


The related industry includes: Renewable energy such as battery; Power conversion and thermal management; Transportation and electric vehicles; Semiconductor and Microelectronics; Data storage and sensors; Plastic, ceramic and Sports Industry; Filtration and separation; Corrosion and coating industry; Microwave and communication. Students can find many Guangdong companies as their future employers. For instance, BYD and Huawei.


Now, almost all major universities in the world offer graduate programs for material science. GTIIT students will have strong competitiveness for graduate school, academic institution and oversea exploration.

Research Area

The principal objectives of the MSc and PhD programs in Materials Science are to provide knowledge in materials science and engineering and to develop the capability for dealing with materials problems in modern technology. We have a broad scope of research areas for graduates to select, which belongs to 4 different categories: energy materials, nano-electronics, metallurgy and functional nanocomposites. Specifically, a student can pursue his/her research on thin film transducers, multiferroic thin film sensors, energy storage device, energy conversion materials, quantum beam science and ultrafast material behavior, surface corrosion and modification, computational materials design, nanocomposites, and 5G materials, etc.


1. Find out where your passion is. Material is one of the three important subjects in 21st century. This is a technical area that spans across a broad spectrum. It is imperative to gain specialized materials knowledge, to be familiar with cross-disciplinary technologies, and to build up your expertise.

2. Take college education as a critical platform for a learning spirit and skills for your continued learning for your career. There will be more to explore in the future, and you got to prepare a right attitude.

3. Deal with your fear in oral communication, ask questions to yourself and speakers in English. This can lead you to a far distance.

4. Use your imagination when participating in group meeting, team work and project execution because innovation differentiate you.

5. Pay attention to morality build-up such as honesty, responsibility, and tolerance beside academic achievement because you live in a social community.

Prof. Daniel Tan contributed substantially to this introduction




Video clip/Photo by GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Translated by GTIIT Admissions Office

Edited by GTIIT News & Public Affairs

