

在2019广东省大学生英语演讲比赛暨“外研社·国才杯”全国英语演讲大赛(广东赛区)中,来自广东以色列理工学院化学工程与工艺专业的杨逸凡同学在指导老师Constance Van Horne的帮助下,通过自身努力,获得了三等奖的好成绩!












杨逸凡:看英文书籍可以潜移默化改善英语能力。我高三时开始看第一本英语原版书《格林童话》,接着是《哈利波特1》。在看书时不必要逐字逐句翻译,可以根据对剧情的了解去猜测生词的含义,标记下来,看完一章节再去查找,这样可以加深记忆。或是在社交网站上看一些感兴趣的英语视频、游戏解说、Vlog,像美食、生活类的我都会看。如果能明白视频的意思,就尽量不要打开字幕。口语上多多利用老师们的Office hour,最重要的是尝试去表达。

再让我们听听 Constance Van Horne(以下称为Connie) 老师对大家学习英语一些建议吧:








感谢 Connie 老师对学习英语及参赛提出的宝贵建议。






In the 2019 “FLTRP · ETIC CUP” English Public Speaking Contest, Yang Yifan, a student from Chemical Engineering in GTIIT, with the help of his instructor, Constance Van Horne, won the third prize for his good performance.
Let's listen to Yang Yifan's opinion on learning English:

 Could you share the experience of the contest with us?

Yang Yifan: A friend told me the contest. I’d like to improve my English and make more friends  from different universities. What matters is not winning but participating. The two-day competition is consist of two parts. On the first round, you need to present a three-minute speech after 15 minutes of preparation when you draw a topic. The top 13 enter the finals of the second day for a keynote speech and a impromptu speech. Finally the top 3 won the top prize and the qualification for the national finals on behalf of Guangdong Province. The top 4 to 13 won the first prize.

The chanllenge to me is to enlarge my vocabulary and pay attention to the use of grammar in oral English to make my expression clearer.

Is there anything impressive in this speech contest? How do you feel after participation?

Yang Yifan: In the contest, many participators are not English majors like me, but I think their comprehensive mastery of English has reached a very professional level. I have also seen many players make mistakes such as end early, or even get nervous to say nothing in three minutes. It's a pity. Therefore, while learning English or other majors, we should also pay attention to improving the ability of on-the-spot performance and maintain a good attitude.

Besides enjoying the competition, I also made full use of the opportunity to eat a lot of delicious food. It is very important to relax yourself. 

How do you practice oral English usually?

Yang Yifan: English is the language of instruction at GTIIT, so we have a lot of opportunities to practice. I often watch original English videoes during my leisure time. I won't open the subtitles to keep the language "fresh" if I can understand it. I am also a part-time student assistant in the University, and communicate in English while working.

Is there any difficulty in learning English and how to overcome it?

Yang Yifan: My English learning may not be the same as most of students. In primary school, I spent a lot of time following the teaching CD after class. It was boring usually, which was the most difficult to me. With the supervision of parents, I finally overcome it and learn how to study activly. It’s far from enough to learn a language by the sense of language. I usually learn grammar and vocabulary  by reading English originals and watching English videos.

Do you have any tips of English learning to share with us?

Yang Yifan: Reading English books can improve your English ability. Grimm's Fairy Tales is my first English original when I was in high scholl, and then Harry Potter I. No need to translate word by word. Just guess the meaning of the words while reading, search them after finishing a chapter. It’s also very useful to watch interesting English videos, game commentaries and Vlog on social media. Try not to open the subtitles. And don’t forget the teachers' office hours! The most important thing is to try to express yourself.

‍Let's listen to some advice from Constance Van Horne (Connie) on learning English:

Are there any tips to learn English? Are there any interesting ways?

Connie:The best way to learn English is to use it every chance you get - and to create chances to listen to and speak English for yourself. Go to professors' office hours (when life gets back to normal), watch movies (really - it worked for me when I was learning French), read for pleasure (after all homework is done of course!), and try to have English lunch or English dinner with friends and family. 

Also, teaching is the best way to learn. Hold a class for younger (or older) family members and close neighbours... make it fun with grammar and vocabulary games and small prizes (candy always works).

What is the biggest challenge for Chinese students to practice spoken English?

Connie:The biggest challenge of course is shyness and a reluctance to "bother" professors with questions. For the first challenge of course I recommend my students to use "Smile and Courage" - put a smile on your face and just speak! For the second, the teachers and professors at GT look forward to students' questions during office hours... and if office hours don't work for you, write an email and make an appointment. 

As an instructor of the contest, what do you think is the most important to prepare such a big competition?

Connie:Preparation... Yifan and I prepared a lot! The first week we covered the seven structures for impromptu speeches, looked at the speeches of past winners and great speakers and then practised, practised, and then practised some more. For several weeks we met 4 -6 hours a week over 2 or 3 sessions. First Yifan would practise and develop his prepared speech and then he would prepare and give (with an empty paper box as a podium) two impromptu speeches. The subjects for the impromptu speeches I got from research from past contests and we followed the contest format we had seen online. I gave constructive feedback and Yifan would incorporate it into the next speech. He quickly found his preferred structure and I think he could give an impromptu speech in his sleep now!

Many thanks to Connie for giving advice on learning English and facing the contest.
Thanks to Yang Yifan for receiving the the interview! 
Congratulations again!

Do you find any resonance in the article?
Learning is a process of constantly challenging yourself.
Let’s go together!

:Constance Van Horne、杨逸凡、GTIIT传媒与公共事务部


Text: Constance Van Horne, Yang Yifan, GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: Yang Yifan

