
Interview | Eli Aljadeff教授:成功源自热爱、坚持和努力

广以君 广东以色列理工学院 2022-06-21

● 找不到学习的热情?

●  在克服学习挑战上遇到困难?

●  还在为自己的未来职业生涯迷茫?

●  对自己的选择有些不满?


近日,广以生涯发展中心以职业之路为切入点,对数学与计算机科学系主任Eli Aljadeff教授进行了深入采访。Eli教授倾情分享了自己的求学经历和人生感悟,告诉大家自己是如何在科研道路上克服困难、应对挑战,一步步走得更远的。

Part 1 | 经历


Part 2 | 经验


Part 3 | 建议



Eli Aljadeff教授现任广东以色列理工学院数学与计算机科学系主任、以色列理工学院数学院讲席教授。他曾任美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校、法国斯特拉斯堡大学高等数学研究所、西班牙穆尔西亚大学和阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学的访问教授。

Eli Aljadeff教授于1988年在以色列特拉维夫大学荣获博士学位,自1990年开始任职于以色列理工学院,2015-2018年间出任以色列理工学院数学学院院长。

作为一名代数学家,Eli Aljadeff教授的研究方向涵盖了代数多项式恒等式、代数组并列出、布劳韦尔群、群上同调和可除代数等。

 Maybe you are confused about your future career?

 Perhaps you can't find passion in learning?

 Maybe you are encountering troubles overcoming academic challenges?

 Maybe you are not happy with your choices?

Hopefully, you will find an answer in this article.

Student assistants from Career Competencies Center conducted an in-depth interview with Prof. Aljadeff, Head of GTIIT Mathematics with Computer Science Program by taking the career as a fulcrum. Prof. Aljadeff shared his journey from undergraduate to the present, and also how he has made further progress in science and engineering.

Part 1 | Journey

In this section, Prof. Aljadeff shared his journey and career experience. In particular, he mentioned that when he entered the university, he had been confused about the choice of subject and how he finally chose it. On the way to career, he hesitated about the career direction and made decisions after trying. And he also shared his unique insights on the meaning of the jobs.

Part 2 | Experience

Difficulties are common to see in researches. What matters is the attitude towards them. In this part, Prof. Aljadeff answered the solution of overcoming academic challenges and the right to choose and explained his passion for science and engineering choices and future job choices.

Part 3 | Suggestions

Decided to stick to it, persistence and efforts are indispensable. You may not be happy with your previous choices now. However, if you do your best, the options will eventually return to you, says Prof. Aljadeff.  From the perspective of learning and daily life, he gave the students a lot of suggestions and encouragement.


Eli Aljadeff is a chair-holder professor in the Technion's Mathematics department and is employed as a teacher and researcher at GTIIT. Pro. Aljadeff is the dean of the mathematics program at GTIIT.  He was a visiting professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in USA, Institute for advanced mathematical research in Strasbourg, France, University of Murcia in Spain and University of Buenos Aires in Argentina.

Prof. Aljadeff received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Tel Aviv University in Israel in 1988. He arrived to the Technion in 1990. Between 2015 and 2018 he was the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics at the Technion.

Eli is an algebraist, working on topics as polynomial identities and group gradings on algebras, Brauer groups, group cohomology and division algebras.



Text/Videos: GTIIT Career Competencies Center

Edit: GTIIT News and Public Affairs

