New Program | 重磅!广东以色列理工学院新增化学专业
广东以色列理工学院围绕建成高水平理工科研究型大学的办学定位与目标,引进以色列理工学院的优势学科与学术传统,坚持开办理工类本科专业,渐趋成熟的专业教学条件与世界顶尖的实验室配备为化学专业的建设与发展奠定了坚实的基础。以色列理工学院的化学学科实力雄厚,近二十年来有三名在职教授分获诺贝尔化学奖,分别是Aaron Ciechanover(2004)、Avram Hershko(2004)与Dan Shechtman(2011)。
化学专业的师资队伍完备,其中包括以色列理工学院直接派遣的多位教学科研骨干,以及由以色列理工学院按其学术标准从全球招聘而来的专业教师。专业系主任Israel Schechter教授在专业领域卓有建树,曾在以色列理工学院化学学院担任教学、科研与管理职务,经验丰富。他还曾经担任以色列分析化学协会主席和以色列实验室认证机构主任。
Approved by the Ministry of Education, GTIIT opens Chemistry program, which will enroll students from 2022.
About the Program
GTIIT focuses on the orientation and goal of building a high-level scientific and technological research university, introduces the excellent discipline advantages and academic traditions of the Technion, and adheres to the establishment of engineering and science undergraduate programs. The mature professional teaching conditions and excellent equipment have laid a solid foundation for the construction and development of Chemistry program. The chemistry discipline of the Technion is strong. In the past two decades, three in-service professors have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, namely Aaron Ciechanover (2004), Avram Hershko (2004) and Dan Shechtman (2011).
Professor Aaron Ciechanover, 2004 Nobel Laureate
GTIIT Founding Vice Chancellor, Special Envoy of the Technion President to GTIIT
The Schulich Faculty of Chemistry also has a number of interdisciplinary projects, including materials engineering, chemical engineering, physics, food engineering, etc., and undertakes more than 100 research projects supported by the chemical industry, national, and international funds, which may provide sufficient teaching and scientific research strength and resources. GTIIT will also offers a variety of joint programs, based on curricula combining course-work in chemistry with courses in other subjects. Students will also pursue a dual degree program, leading to a joint degree from the Chemistry program and another program, such as Chemical Engineering or Materials Science and Engineering or Biotechnology. Other possible combinations include joint programs of Chemistry and Physics.
Teaching Features
English-Medium Teaching
The school's courses all use the officially published original textbooks in foreign languages, supplemented by teaching reference materials compiled or recommended by the teachers. Cultivate students' English thinking and logic ability through English-only teaching mode and English textbooks, so that students can have the same language proficiency required for studying in universities in English-speaking countries.
Academic Team
The faculty team of the program is complete, including several teaching and research experienced teachers directly dispatched by the Technion, as well as professional teachers recruited by the Technion according to its academic standards. Prof. Israel Schechter, the Program Head, has made outstanding achievements in the professional field. He has rich experience in teaching, scientific research and management in the Faculty of Chemistry at the Technion. He served as the President of the Israel Analytical Chemistry Society and the head of the Israel Laboratory Accreditation Authority.
Advanced Labs
The value of teaching and scientific research equipment is about 200,000 yuan per student. The North Campus has built 17 large-scale teaching laboratories including Organic Chemistry laboratory, analytical chemistry laboratory, water chemistry laboratory, etc.,as well as 55 scientific research laboratories such as green catalytic chemistry laboratory and environmental sustainability laboratory, which provide the practical teaching and the development of high-level scientific research a strong guarantee.
Career Prospects
Areas of employment for a chemist include academic research institutes, chemical enterprises (for the production of plastics, synthetic fibers and fabrics, fertilizers, etc.), educational institutions (schools, technical schools, institutes, universities), medical institutions (hospitals, pharmaceutical industry), central factory laboratories and control stations; food industry enterprises, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, polymer, perfumery and others industries. In addition, chemists are employed in environmental protection agencies, and in numerous start-up companies that require chemical input to the development of their product. Chemistry graduates can also continue studying to make a career in chemistry as scientists.
With the development of the chemistry discipline and the integration of other disciplines, the extensive use of chemistry in all walks of life has created more jobs and employment opportunities for chemists. The characteristics of students trained in this program, such as wide industry adaptability, broad international vision, and strong sense of innovation, will greatly enhance their employment competitiveness and market adaptability.
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Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs