
Graduates | 游昊轩:踏雪前行,探索不停

广以君 广东以色列理工学院 2023-04-29




You Haoxuan

















2022年初,吉林滑雪场雪道上,一群少年在银装素裹中穿梭、跃起。广东以色列理工学院材料科学与工程专业的大四学生游昊轩是他们的“免费教练”,这是他练习滑雪的第7年。这位滑雪少年的故事被他的大学同学陈新予用相机记录下来,拍摄成纪录片《踏雪前行(Step on Snow)》。







广以不管是在占地面积或是人数上,并不是传统意义上的“大”学,但这正是它的优势所在。游昊轩还记得四年前开学典礼上的校长致辞:“精致的校园足够容纳我们的梦想。” 在广以,只要有想法,就能遇到机会。学校丰厚的研究资源,让他在本科阶段就能加入教授的研究组,有机会接触不同的研究,找到适合自己的研究方向,减少了试错的成本。














Time flies and the second cohort of students are going to graduate from Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) this year. We will present a series of interviews with the graduates from the Class of 2022, to show their stories at GTIIT over the last four years.

Here is the story of You Haoxuan, a student of the Class of 2022 from the Materials Science and Engineering Program.

You Haoxuan

You Haoxuan

Program: Materials Science and Engineering

High School: Guangzhou Overseas Chinese High School

Received Offers from:

EIT Raw Materials

Chalmers University of Technology

University College London

University of Manchester

Delft University of technology

Eindhoven University of Technology

Ghent University

National University of Singapore

Nanyang Technological University


Third Class Chancellor’s Scholarship(2018,2019-2020,2020-2021)

Love nature, feel the world

By the beginning of 2022, a group of young men was crossing and jumping on the snowy slopes of Jilin Ski Field. You Haoxuan, a senior majoring in MSE at GTIIT, having been skiing for 7 years, was their “free coach”. His story was recorded by his college friend Chen Xinyu in the documentary Step on Snow.

Step on Snow

directed by Chen Xinyu (Cohort 2018)

“I’d like to witness the beauty of world,” Haoxuan said, “My mother is very supportive. She knows that I will arrange my schedule well, plotting out enough time for study, and wants me to experience the wonderful world. This has given me a different life.” With his mother’s support, Haoxuan got a diving license at the age of 15, and determined to obtain further study in Europe after graduation. “I am attracted by the culture in Europe, and hope to ski at all the mountains and swim in all the oceans there.”

He gradually realizes the importance of environmental protection while exploring nature, and hopes to deepen his career in the field of sustainable materials in the future. “While doing projects at the university, I learned that we’ve spent a lot every year picking up the garbage in the sea and helping turtles untie the fishing line around their necks. These issues can actually be solved by promoting sustainable materials. Europe is doing better in this field, and I hope I can learn from them.”

Dreams come true

Not long ago, he realized his dream – EIT sends a postgraduate offer to him. Haoxuan says that GTIIT helps him realize his dream. “The reason I chose GTIIT four years ago was twofold: I am interested in Israel, and GTIIT has advantages in applying postgraduate studies.”

GTIIT is not a large university, either in terms of the land area or the number of students, but that’s also where its strength lies. You Haoxuan remembers the speech of GTIIT’s chancellor at the opening ceremony four years ago, “The exquisite campus can accommodate our dreams.” Haoxuan agrees that at GTIIT, if one has an idea, he or she can always meet opportunities. The abundant research resources here allowed him to join a research group at the undergraduate level, giving him the opportunity to be part of different researches, and find the right direction for his future.

You Haoxuan(1st from the left)

Haoxuan was interested in polymer and took part in Dr. Esmaeil Narimissa’s lab. In his fourth year, he studied dielectric materials from Prof. Daniel Tan. With extensive reading and practice in professional field, he stood out in EIT’s interview and got his dream offer.

Now Haoxuan has a new understanding of materials science. “I regarded my program as manufacturing, but now I can see it coming forehead, since those heated topics, like energy storing, photovoltaic and semiconductor, are all included in materials science. Our country also attaches great importance to its development.”

All-round development in GTIIT

You Haoxuan has many extra-curricular activities. He remembers the days preparing for the CUBA basketball match as a member of the GTIIT basketball team. “We had a tough training within two months. But it is the intense training that develops my mental quality and makes me brave enough to take on challenges. And more than anything, I made good friends! They’ve helped me a lot in study and life.”

You Haoxuan (2nd from the left) and teammates

In early 2019, he went to Linbaixin High School and taught physics as a volunteer teacher. At first, he found that most students have difficulty getting interested in boring formulas. Inspired by his partner, Haoxuan tried to combine interesting stories with knowledge, using his own experience to tell them the thing they learned is closely related to everything in the world. “I showed students a video of me diving in oceans when talking about the buoyancy formula, which helped them better understand abstract contents.”In early 2019, he went to Linbaixin High School and taught physics as a volunteer teacher. At first, he found that most students have difficulty getting interested in boring formulas. Inspired by his partner, Haoxuan tried to combine interesting stories with knowledge, using his own experience to tell them the thing they learned is closely related to everything in the world. “I showed students a video of me diving in oceans when talking about the buoyancy formula, which helped them better understand abstract contents.”

In the summer of his junior year, Haoxuan went to Tetro, whose CEO is a senior at the Technion, for the internship. He learned a lot through this experience, “Just as a good engineer should design a fast car that can also be driven by a racer, an engineer should go deep into the production line to ensure the project can be implemented.”

You Haoxuan (first from the right) in Tetro

Step-by-step accumulation is the premise to rise atop of peaks. To reach his goal, Haoxuan gives up unnecessary pastimes and focuses more on study, building up a solid foundation. “Take skiing as an example. I am not addicted to the excitement of rushing down the slope. Instead, I will carefully practice the basic skills and consolidate the movements first before skiing down the mountain.” 

Growing up is about having a border horizon, in which willpower is important. “Like in basketball. I am not the best basketball player, but am the one that keeps on training. Through a long time of hard work, I can see a significant improvement.”

You Haoxun thinks he has got what he wants in four years at GTIIT. The boy will go to Europe to chase his dream. In the future, he will carry his love and persistence, stepping on snow.

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Text: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: You Haoxuan, GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Video: Chen Xinyu


