
Publication | 广以学生真奇妙,敢教废料变肥料






广以学生团队在老师指导下完成的论文《基于鱼固体废物的生物土壤日晒替代传统土壤熏蒸方法评估》(Assessment of using solid residues of fish for treating soil by the biosolarization technique as an alternative to soil fumigation)最近发表于知名学术期刊《清洁生产》(Journal of Cleaner Production)。《清洁生产》是一本国际性的跨学科期刊,专注于清洁生产、环境和可持续发展相关的研究与实践。该期刊在2021年的影响因子为11.072,属中科院SCI分区环境科学与生态学领域1区期刊(top)。


“我们的这一研究有几方面的创新!” 论文第一作者、广以生物专业研究生梁延翠介绍说,研究团队对本地产业进行实地考察,由此开展科学实验,开创性地使用鱼类水产残骸用作为添加剂运用到生物土壤日晒中的研究。对比传统化学熏蒸法,这种方法能有效避免化学残留物对水土和生物的污染。更重要的是,它既能将生物废料无害化,又能将其转化为肥料,实现效率、经济效益和可持续发展等方面的“多赢”。




这个年轻的团队由广以生物系教授Yigal Achmon带领。成员包括一名研究生梁延翠和七名本科生:李依璘、林煜、刘心涯、邹允凡、余珮镕、曾育颖、王修齐、王彦博。



Waste isn't Waste When It Has a Value:

An GTIIT Student Team Published an Article on the Journal of Cleaner Production

Every year, China consumes over 2 million tons of fish products. The seafood turns into unique Chaoshan Cuisine including Fish Ball, Fish Rice and Fish Sauce, which are popular among people living in Shantou, a southeastern port city in China.

Inevitably,  considerable amounts of fish waste rich in protein, fat and other organic matter,  were generated during the process, which may pollute the aquatic ecosystem. Aiming at the problem, a Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) student research team released an study on, recycling fish residues for treating soil.

The article titled "Assessment of using solid residues of fish for treating soil by the biosolarization technique as an alternative to soil fumigation",  was published on the Journal of Cleaner Production, an international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice. With an impact factor of 11.072 in 2021,  this journal belongs to Region 1 of Environmental Sciences in SCI of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Research Team in the Lab

"The study is the first known attempt to use separated fish residues as soil amendments for soil biosolarization (SBS), based on local industry," introduced by Liang Yancui, the first author of the article and GTIIT Biotechnology and Food Engineering Program (BFE)  postgraduate student.  Solarization used in the study, is an environment-friendly alternative to traditional soil fumigation, as it avoids hindering the herbicidal effect as well as causing secondary pollution.

Students Collected Fish Residue 

from GTIIT Canteen for Experiment

The young team led by Yigal Achmon, Associate Professor of GTIIT BFE Program, consists of one GTIIT postgraduate student Liang Yancui, and 7 GTIIT undergraduate students including Li Yilin, Lin Yu, Liu Xinya, Zou Yunfan, Yu Peirong, Zeng Yuying, Wang Xiuqi and Wang Yanbo. The young researchers spent hundreds of hours working on pre-experiments design, equipment operation, data collection and group discussion, with the spotlight finally on the early-career scientists when they successfully published the article.

The team is now no longer the "Flower in the Greenhouse" (a Chinese Idiom means that people can't grow up without setbacks). They stepped out of the greenhouse, walking into the field study confidently. "We look forward to help with the local farmer!" said Liang.



Interview | 源于课堂的想法,在省赛生根发芽

Good News | 硬核!广东以色列理工学院陈林泓同学


Faculty Features | 带队导师Yigal Achmon教授专访

Graduates | 团队成员李依璘专访:会学会玩的 “元气少女”

Graduates | 团队成员邹允凡专访:让学习和科研成为习惯



Text: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: Provided by the Interviewee


