
Interview | 吕乐然:攻读双学位的“极致”体验

广以君 广东以色列理工学院 2023-04-29














攻读双学位能让我从不同学科背景出发思考问题。大一的时候,我从数学系系主任Eliahu Aljadeff教授那里了解到广以计划在2020年开设数学与计算机科学专业,而我自己对数学挺感兴趣的。当时觉得自己学有余力,就在大一下学期申请了双学位。










我最喜欢的是大三上学期Maxim Levit老师的“半导体器件(Semiconductor Devices for Materals Engineers)”这门课程。Maxim老师在英特尔公司工作了25年,有非常丰富的行业经历,在课堂上会引用生动的例子,将半导体这个风口产业与材料专业联系在一起,让我们切身感受行业现状。这也是我最主动提问的课程,我对这个方向很感兴趣,老师也很和蔼,乐于解答我的问题。



Faculty Features | Maxim Levit博士 :探索、抉择,拥抱新事物

令我印象深刻的老师还有“材料工程高级项目(Advanced Project in Materials Engineering)”的导师王楠。他是做理论计算的,研究方向具有交叉学科的特性,能最大限度发挥我双专业的知识。我和王楠老师交流时不仅能聊材料,也能聊计算机。他办公室大门也经常打开,随时欢迎大家来讨论。







我也在实验室担任lab tutor,教大一大二的学生做一些基本的实验,帮他们批改作业。这个过程中我认识了不同年级的学生,对整个学校有更多信息摄入,也巩固了所学的内容,积累的教学经验为以后深造和工作打下基础。







我对自己课堂上的学习能力比较自信,但在实践中能做到什么程度还需要进一步了解。我希望以后能兼顾就业和兴趣,做适配自己能力的事情,期待自己的所学能够发挥作用,为社会做贡献。就如《浴血黑帮(Peaky Blinders)》里一句台词说的:“我有无限可能 (I have no limitation)。”

In order to cultivate versatile talents, Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) offers an opportunity for undergraduates with excellent academic performance and adequate time to study for a dual degree of the Technion, which provides students a channel to broaden their academic horizons and engage in interdisciplinary academic research.

What is it like to study for a dual degree at GTIIT under heavy academic pressure? How to deal with course conflicts? How to allocate study time for each program? In response to these concerns, we will launch a series of interviews for students pursuing dual degrees to introduce this group of "GTIIT's busiest people".

Here is the story of Lv Leran, a student who will get a dual degree.

Lv Leran

Cohort 2018

High School:

Heshan No.1 High School


Materials Science and Engineering

Mathematics with Computer Science


Vice Chancellor's list (2019)

Dean's list (2020-2021)

First Class Chancellor's Scholarship (2018-2021)

Lv Leran is a Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) student of cohort 2018, who takes Mathematics with Computer Science (MCS) as his additional program. As a top student in Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT), he lives a hectic but fulfilling college life: he is a lab tutor, a research assistant, a fitness enthusiast, the captain of GTIIT football team, the “well-known barista on campus”…With a good balance of coursework and life, he continues to explore the unknowns.

As an MSE student, why did you decide to take MCS as your dual-degree program?

Pursuing a dual degree allows me to think from a diverse disciplinary perspective. When I was a freshman, I learned from Prof. Eliahu Aljadeff, the head of MCS, that GTIIT purposed to open a mathematics program in 2020. Intrigued with math and knowing that I have spare capacity, I applied for the dual degree by the end of my first year.

Lv Leran and Prof. Eli

Being a basic subject in STEM, mathematics has a wide field of application. It can be an aid for MSE, widening my future directions; yet I'd rather dive into it.

Lv Leran 

and his family

How does it feel to study for a dual degree?

To be honest, I struggled. I had far less spare time compared with students studying a single program. In 2019, when MCS was still in the preparation stage, my teacher would spend two to three hours per week demonstrating knowledge. And after class, I would devote more hours to reviewing. As MCS officially launched, we dual-degree students had lessons with junior MCS students. Up till now I've finished all courses in MSE and will complete MCS within the next year.

Did you have any difficulty in study? Would you share with us your learning methods?

Not many. But as I was facing double academic pressure, I need to be “extremely” efficient. For example, for the final exams, I had to compress the time for every subject. When two exams get out at the same time, I need to finish both before I could leave the exam room.

Lv Leran (first from the left in the back)

In terms of my learning method, I'd recommend students to review more, try to connect points and points, and summarize them into the knowledge system. This will help you grasp a deeper insight into your expertise.

Are there any courses and teachers that impressed you?

I like Dr. Maxim Levit's “Semiconductor Devices for Materials Engineers”. With a 25-year working experience in Intel, Dr. Maxim shares a veteran point of view in classes, combining materials with semiconductors, the tuyere industry nowadays. This is also the course where I asked the most questions since I was interested in this direction, and the instructor was kind and happy to answer.

Click to read the interview with Dr. Maxim:

Faculty Features | Maxim Levit博士 :探索、抉择,拥抱新事物

Prof. Wang Nan, my advisor on the Advance Project in Materials Engineering, also impresses me. His research focuses on understanding defects and interfaces related to materials behavior using theories and computational methods, which have interdisciplinary features and can make the most of my dual-program knowledge. Besides, his office door is always open, and welcomes curious students to discuss with him.


Do you have time to participate in extracurricular activities? How to balance work and life?

I make good use of my time by being efficient and concentrating on both work and life. Apart from studying, I am the second leader of GTIIT's football team, responsible for coaching games and training. Last year, I led the team to get the university's first medal in sports in the game with Shantou University.

Football game between Senior students and faculty

Lv Leran (left)

I am also a lab tutor, guiding undergraduate students with basic MSE experiments including Tension tests and Phase diagram studies, through which I knew more about GTIIT and laid a solid foundation for my future career.

Lv Leran (left)

During vacations, I went to Singapore and studied in enterprises and universities; I also visited environment protection and fire protection engineering companies as an intern, studying regulations, detecting on the spot, and learning relative engineering projects.

Do you recommend junior students to pursue a dual degree?

I'd advise them to take careful thought. A dual degree means more possibilities; while it is hard to maintain. Apart from its high elimination rate, your grades in all courses in the additional program will be counted in your GPA, which requires you more effort to earn a higher rank. Besides, it usually takes two extra semesters for dual degree students to graduate. So, take serious consideration before determination. If it's already clear that you want to focus on a particular field in the future, then concentrating your efforts may be a better choice.

Lv Leran (right) and Chancellor Gong

What's your future plan?

I am confident in my learning ability in university, but I need to explore more about how far I can go in practice. It is most desirable that I could balance my career and interests, doing something that fits me. I look forward to making a difference and contributing to society with what I've learned. As a line from Peaky Blinders says, “I have no limitation.”





Text: GTIIT News & Public Affairs

Photos: Lv Leran, GTIIT News & Public Affairs


