
Ranking | 广东以色列理工学院9名学者入选顶级科学家排名

广以君 广东以色列理工学院


Best scientists

近日,国际学术网站Research.com发布多个学科领域顶级科学家排名(Best Scientists Ranking),广东以色列理工学院共有9名学者入选榜单。其中,Aaron Ciechanover教授获选为生物与生物化学领域世界前500名顶级科学家。




Aaron Ciechanover


Aaron Ciechanover教授于2017年加入广东以色列理工学院。1947年出生于以色列海法市,是以色列理工学院杰出教授。曾获得众多奖项和荣誉,包括2000年度Albert Lasker奖、2003年度以色列奖章,并与Hershko博士和Rose博士共同获得2004年度诺贝尔化学奖。同时,他在众多学术机构中均有任职,目前是以色列国家科学人文学院的成员,并在美国艺术与科学院、美国哲学协会、美国国家科学院、医学研究所任外籍研究员,也是梵蒂冈宗座科学院、中国科学院和俄罗斯科学院的外籍院士。

Harold Corke


Harold Corke教授于2020年加入广东以色列理工学院。他在以色列魏兹曼科学研究院获得植物遗传学博士学位。Corke教授一直活跃于谷物加工、谷物品质遗传学和植物生物活性物质化学的基础研究和应用研究中。他发表了260余篇国际期刊论文,指导了24名博士研究生,这些学生目前在世界各地从事学术研究和食品行业工作。Corke教授还曾担任《Elsevier Encyclopedia of Food Grains 》(2016)的编辑,目前是《Cereal Science》杂志、《LWT-Food Science and Technology》的编辑。他在广以开设多门本科课程,包括生物技术创业、营养和感官科学等。



顾继东教授于2020年到广东以色列理工学院任教职。他在黑龙江八一农垦大学获得理学学士学位, 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获得理学硕士学位, 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学获得博士学位。他从1993年至1998年在哈佛大学微生物生态实验室工作,随后加入香港大学,1999年开始任助理教授,2004年晋升为副教授。他同时担任国际学术期刊《国际生物退化与生物降解》的主编,《生态毒理学》和《聚合物与环境杂志》的副主编。




钟子宜教授于2018年加入广东以色列理工学院。他毕业于武汉大学和南京大学,分别获学士、硕士以及博士学位。之后在以色列巴伊兰大学、位于西雅图的华盛顿大学以及新加坡国立大学从事博士后研究。2002年,他获得加拿大政府(NSERC)访问学者奖学金并在蒙特利尔的国立生物技术研究所工作(BRI)。2003-2018年期间,他在新加坡科技局 (A*star) 下的化学和工程科学研究院从事研究工作。他曾主持和参与了多个与多相催化、材料科学、废水处理、制药等相关的工业研究项目,其中一些工业项目得到了康宁、霍尼韦尔、三菱化学、MicroMil CarbonTech、葛兰素史克等公司的资助。他已经发表/合著国际期刊论文约225篇(被引约15228次),书6章,获专利5项(其中美国专利2项),h指数65(谷歌scholar) 和60(Scopus)。此外,他还撰写和贡献了约30份工业项目报告。

Moris S. Eisen


Moris S. Eisen教授于2018年加入广东以色列理工学院。他是以色列理工学院催化科技研究所所长,也是以色列化学学会、美国化学学会成员。曾任以色列理工学院化学学院副院长(分管本科生及研究生教学事务)、以色列教育部化学委员会成员、以色列理工学院Samuel Neeman高等研究所顾问委员会成员、以色列理工学院水研究所成员以及《The Chemist in Israel》期刊、《Main Group Metal Chemistry》期刊和《Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry》期刊的顾问委员会成员。Moris S. Eisen教授的研究领域包括有机金属化学(锕系元素、第四族金属及其在催化过程中的应用)、亲水-疏水薄膜在处理污水中的应用、利用聚合物清洁佩戴式人工肾的透析液等。他曾发表著作逾400篇,包括期刊、专利、研讨会论文及书籍章节,指导了超过50名学生(硕士、博士和博士后)。

Dganit Danino



Danino教授于2019年加入广东以色列理工学院。她在以色列理工学院取得化学工程硕博士学位。2002年,在美国国家糖尿病与消化和肾脏疾病研究所完成了为期2年的博士后研究之后,她加入以色列理工学院生物技术和食品工程学院以及Russell Berrie纳米技术研究所,负责软物质冷冻电镜实验室工作。2012-2013年,Danino教授在哈佛大学物理系、麻省理工学院Koch研究所化学与生物工程系任访问学者,2016年冬在加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校KAVIL理论物理研究所任访问学者。她曾担任以色列显微镜学会(ISM)主席4年,目前是欧洲胶体和界面学会(ECIS)主席。她自2004年起担任《胶体与界面科学最新观点》(COCIS)的分部编辑,自2013年起担任《胶体与表面B:生物界面》编辑。Danino教授已经使用、开发并利用冷冻电镜进行教学20多年,其中包括冷冻透射电镜、冷冻扫描电镜、冰冻断裂以及目前的冷冻断层扫描等。她合作撰写了135余篇研究文章、评议论文和书籍章节。

Moshe Sheintuch


Moshe Sheintuch于2017年加入广东以色列理工学院。他曾是以色列理工学院化学工程系讲席教授,并兼任土木与环境工程系副教授。他本科毕业于以色列理工学院,1977年在伊利诺伊大学获得博士学位。他发表了250多篇以化学和催化反应工程为主题的论文,主要涉及催化反应器稳定性与动态性(catalytic reactor stability and dynamics)、反应器设计、催化动力学(catalyst kinetics)、基于第一性原理的率预测(rate predictions from first principles)、膜反应器及制氢等领域。Sheintuch曾担任以色列理工学院高级副校长(Deputy Senior Vice President)及系主任。他是化学反应工程研讨会欧洲工作组和亚太工作组成员,曾在休斯顿大学、普林斯顿大学和罗马大学担任访问教授。


Moshe Eizenberg



Moshe Eizenberg教授于2018年加入广东以色列理工学院。他是以色列理工学院固态研究所和Russell Berrie纳米技术研究所的成员。他在以色列理工学院获得物理学学士学位和物理学博士学位,广泛参与学术及行政事务,曾任材料工程学院院长(主席),以及以色列理工学院负责科研事务的执行副校长。在任期间,他担任以色列理工学院创业孵化器公司和Dimotech有限公司(即以色列理工学院的初创产业控股公司)的董事局主席,同时担任以色列理工学院研究与发展基金有限公司总经理。此外,他还曾在以色列理工学院国际理事会及委员会任职。Moshe Eizenberg教授的主要研究方向是电子材料、薄膜和半导体领域,目的是开发新材料和制造方法,以制造更先进的微型和纳米电子器件。


Varenyam Achal


Varenyam Achal于2018年加入广东以色列理工学院。他在印度塔帕大学获得博士学位,曾获“中国科学院国际青年科学家奖学金”,对环境生物技术和基于生物的建筑材料很感兴趣,曾在国内外知名期刊上发表了SCI论文50余篇。他是国际期刊《社会-生态实践研究》编辑委员会的成员,并担任国际期刊《微生物学前沿》的客座编辑。他对微生物诱导的方解石(CaCO3)沉淀的原创研究具有国际影响力。





Best scientists


Research.com recently published a new list of the best scientists. Nine GTIIT scholars from four fields were selected. Among them, Prof. Aaron Ciechanover was selected in the top 500 scientists internationally in Biology and Biochemistry.

Research.com is one of the major websites for global research offering credible data on scientific contributions since 2014. The inclusion criteria for scholars to be considered into the ranking are based on their Discipline H-index (D-index), proportion of their contributions made within a given discipline as well as the awards and achievements of a scientist in specific areas. 

GTIIT Scholars on list

Biology and biochemistry:

Aaron Ciechanover

Special Envoy of the Technion President to GTIIT

Prof. Aaron Ciechanover joined GTIIT in 2017. He was born in Haifa, Israel in 1947. He is a distinguished research professor in the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. Among the numerous prizes Ciechanover has received are the 2000 Albert Lasker Award, the 2003 Israel Prize, and the 2004 Nobel Prize (Chemistry; shared with Drs. Hershko and Rose). Among many academies, Ciechanover is member of the Israeli National Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Foreign Fellow), the American Philosophical Society, the National Academy of Sciences of the USA and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of the USA (Foreign Associate), the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS; Foreign Member), and the Russian Academy of Sciences (Foreign Member).  

Harold Corke

Professor, Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Prof. Harold Corke joined GTIIT in 2020. He completed his PhD in Plant Genetics at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. He is active in both basic and applied research in grain processing, genetics of grain quality, and chemistry of plant bioactives. He has published more than 260 international journal papers. Prof. Corke has supervised 24 PhD graduates – who have gone on to successful academic and industry careers around the world. He was editor of the Elsevier Encyclopedia of Food Grains (2016) and is currently editor of Journal of Cereal Science, and editor of LWT-Food Science and TechnologyProf. Corke has taught a wide range of undergraduate courses – at GTIIT these will first be Biotechnology Entrepreneurship, Nutrition, and Sensory Science.

Gu Ji-Dong

Environmental Science and Engineering

Prof. Gu takes the current position with GTIIT in 2020. He received his BSc degree from Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University (P.R. China), MSc degree from University of Alberta (Canada), and PhD degree from Virginia Tech (USA). He worked in the Microbial Ecology Laboratory of Harvard University between 1993 and 1998 and then joined The University of Hong Kong in 1999 as an assistant professor and then in 2004 promoted to associate professor. He is the Editor-in-Chief for International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, and an Associate Editor for Ecotoxicology, and Journal of Polymers and the Environment.


Zhong Ziyi

Deputy Head of Chemical Engineering Program

Prof. Ziyi Zhong joined GTIIT in 2018. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Wuhan University and Ph. D. from Nanjing University in China (1995). He spent five years carrying out postdoctoral research at Bar-Ilan University, the University of Washington at Seattle, and finally at the National University of Singapore. Before joining GTIIT, he worked on many projects related to heterogeneous catalysis, material science, wastewater treatment, and pharmaceuticals, and some of the industrial projects were supported by companies such as Corning Inc (USA), Honeywell (U.S.), Mitsubishi Chemical Corp (Japan), MicroMil CarbonTech (Singapore) and Glaxo SmithKline plc (GSK), etc. He has authored/co-authored ca. 225 international journal papers, 6 book chapters, and 5 granted patents (including 2 U.S. patents). Also, he contributed ca. 30 technical project reports for the industry.

Moris S. Eisen

Pro-Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Prof. Eisen joined GTIIT in 2018. He is the Head of the Institute of Catalysis Science and Technology at the Technion – Israel Institute of technology. He is member of the Israel Chemical Society and the American Chemical Society. He is a member of the Water Institute at the Technion. His research interests include the organometallic chemistry of the actinide and group-4 metals and their use in catalytic processes, the use of hydrophobic-hydrophilic membranes for the treatment of polluted waters (a start-up company is based on his patent – Memtech), and the design of trapping polymers to clean the dialysis solution from a Weareable Artifitial Kidney (WAK).  He has authored over 400 publications, including journal, patents, conference papers, and book chapters. Prof. Eisen has mentored over 50 students (Masters, Doctorate and Post-Doctorate).

Dganit Danino

Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Head of Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Prof. Danino joined GTIIT in 2019. She completed her Engineering, MSc and PhD studies in Chemical Engineering at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She is a Section Editor in Current Opinion in Colloids and Interface Science (COCIS) from 2004 and Editor in Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces since 2013. For more than 20 years Prof. Danino is using, developing and educating cryoEM methodologies, including Cryo-TEM, Cryo-SEM, Freeze-fracture and now also Cryo-Tomography. Her research is focused on uncovering mechanisms of self-assembly of soft materials and 1D structures, the development of drug-delivery vehicles, and analyzing the structure of milk and milk proteins, and large GTPases. Dganit co authored more than 135 research articles, review papers and book chapters.

Moshe Sheintuch

Head of Chemical Engineering Program

Prof. Moshe Sheintuch joined GTIIT in 2017. He received his B.Sc. from the Technion and his PhD from the University of Illinois (1977). He published more than 250 papers on topics of Chemical and Catalytic Reaction Engineering, mainly on catalytic reactor stability and dynamics, reactor design, catalytic kinetics, rate predictions from first principles, membrane reactors and hydrogen production. He is a member of the European Working Party on Chemical Reaction Engineering and of the Asia-Pacific Working Party on CRE. He was a Visiting Prof in University of Houston, Princeton University and University di Roma.

Engineering and Technology:

Moshe Eizenberg

Dean of Graduate Studies
Head of Materials Science and Engineering

Prof. Moshe Eizenberg joined GTIIT in 2018. He is a member of Technion's Solid State Institute and Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute. He received his BSc and PhD degrees in physics from the Technion, where he has participated extensively in academic and administrative life. Among his many activities and positions, Prof. Eizenberg served as Dean (Chairman) of the Department of Materials Engineering, and most notably as the Technion's Executive Vice President for Research. In that capacity, he was Chairman of the Board of both the Technion Entrepreneurial Incubator Company and Dimotech Ltd. (a holding company for the Technion's start-up industries), and served as Managing Director of the Technion Research & Development Foundation Ltd. In addition, Prof. Eizenberg served on the Technion International Board of Governors and the Technion Council. Prof. Eizenberg conducts research is in the areas of electronic materials, thin films and semiconductors with the aim of developing new materials and fabrication methods to create more advanced micro- and nano-electronic devices.

Environmental Sciences:

Varenyam Achal

Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies

Prof. Varenyam Achal joined GTIIT in 2018. He was awarded a PhD from Thapar University, India and obtained International Young Scientist fellowship from CAS. He has a very board interest in environmental biotechnology and biological based building materials. He has authored more than 50 SCI papers in journals of repute along with several book chapters and one book. He is member of the Editorial Board of Socio-Ecological Practice Research and has been Guest Editor for Frontiers in Microbiology. Some of his original research has had a global impact on microbially induced calcite precipitation and attracted worldwide attention. 

More about GTIIT Academic Staff:


Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) is an academic institution that upholds the same exceptional academic standards as the Technion. Our diverse faculty is comprised of over 80% international teachers from more than 20 countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and more. Many of the faculty members not only hold PhDs from leading international universities or research institutions, but also boast vast experience in academia, research and industry, with a wealth of academic accomplishments and expertise.

For the detailed result of the ranking, please visit https://research.com/.


Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs, Research.com



