Graduates | 林若冲:“跑出”舒适圈,在广以“奏响”成长之曲
2024年,广东以色列理工学院迎来第四届本科毕业生。尽管入学时正值新冠疫情暴发、中外合作办学遇冷,但意志坚定的少年们用理想指引前路,以行动践行初心,他们秉承“实干圆梦”(dream it, do it)的广以校训,在科学的道路上砥砺前行,成就了一个个“低调高光”的动人故事。自本期起,广以2024届本科毕业生系列专访将与大家共同分享学子们耕耘梦想的成长故事,见证他们向阳而生的奋斗历程。
广以Vice Chancellor's List
广以Dean List
密西根大学安娜堡分校 材料科学与工程硕士
约翰霍普金斯大学 生物医学工程硕士
加州大学圣迭戈分校 材料科学与工程硕士
加州大学尔湾分校 材料科学与工程硕士
苏黎世联邦理工学院 材料科学与工程硕士
“学校给了我们100分的资源,但实际上大部分人可能只开发使用了40分。举个简单的例子,广以的office hour以及peer tutor(朋辈助教)几乎是国内其他学校所没有的。学校有这么多资源为什么不去尝试运用一下呢?”回顾大学四年时光,若冲对学校提供的支持和帮助心怀感激——教授和导师对学习和科研悉心指导,为他写推荐信去到更高的平台;学习与生涯发展中心为生涯探索和申研过程指点迷津,教会他在行业白皮书中“一叶知秋”;辅导员和行政老师在日常生活中给予支持和关怀,让他与广以大家庭联结得更加紧密。
在大一大二期间除了注重提升绩点,要尽可能多参与Career Center的职业规划讲座并多进行互动,多留意邮件日历中各种专业开设的研讨会,也可以提早选修学校提供的Design Your Career课程。尝试找到自己感兴趣的领域,并学习掌握“了解自己、了解学科、以及了解行业”的正确方法。尽早确定兴趣点,不仅能为大三大四进入实验组提前规划,从而做出更好的选择,也能在第四年择校时减少时间成本,一举多得。
This summer, the Class of 2024 will graduate from Guangdong Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT). Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic and the running difficulty of Sino-foreign university co-operation in the year they entered GTIIT, the determined students keep moving forward with the motto of "Dream it, do it". They write one and another encouraging stories upon the path of scientific dreams. Let's follow the interview series of 2024 graduates to uncover more in their pursuit of future.
Lin Ruochong
High School: Maoming No.1 Middle School
Program: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
China National Scholarship
GTIIT Vice Chancellor's list
GTIIT Dean list
GTIIT Extra-curricular Scholarship
GTIIT Excellence in Sports Education
1st place in the 5KM Running (2023), and 3rd place in the 1500M Running (2022) at Shantou University Track and Field Meet
1st place in 5KM Running (2022&2023) & 1st place in 10KM (2024) Running at GT Got Track Meet
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Master of Materials Science & Engineering
Johns Hopkins University, Master of Biomedical Engineering
University of California San Diego, Master of Materials Science and Engineering
University of California, Irvine, Master of Materials Science and Engineering
ETH Zurich, Master Materials Science and Engineering
Upon hearing the MSE program, Ruochong initially viewed it as a "niche area" that people usually were unwilling to choose to pursue. Nevertheless, after four-year study, he discovered that he had actually taken a "shortcut" to a world of vast possibilities. "I gradually came to realize that materials science is not only a fascinating program with diverse content, but also a field ripe with potential for groundbreaking scientific research. It encompasses virtually every solid state material imaginable and intersects with a wide array of applied engineering disciplines, including biology, medicine, machinery, computing, electronics, and energy, offering a multitude of pathways for future exploration." He emphasized the challenge of predicting the emergence of industries, noting that the current state of a field does not necessarily reflect its future trajectory. Therefore, he advocated for a long-term perspective when choosing a major, considering the growth potential of a particular industry. "Many obstacles in the technology sector today stem from limitations in material performance. Looking ahead, I firmly believe that materials science will emerge as a leading area for global scientific research investment."
During his early days at GTIIT, he struggled to adapt to the English teaching environment and felt hesitant about asking questions. Whenever a query arose, he would rely on translation software to craft his thoughts in English before presenting them to the teacher. "Over time, I realized that I needn't fret over vocabulary limitations. I learned to speak freely without overthinking. I began treating English as a language rather than a mere tool." Presently, he exudes confidence when delivering English public speeches. He notably gave an acceptance speech as a student representative during the university awards ceremony.
"GTIIT offered us 100 points worth of resources, yet many of us likely only utilized around 40 points. For instance, the availability of office hours and peer tutoring sets GTIIT apart from other universities in our country. Why not take advantage of these university-provided resources?" Reflecting on his four years at GTIIT, Ruochong expressed gratitude for the support and assistance he received. Professors and supervisors played a crucial role in guiding his studies and research, recommending him to prestigious platforms. The Career and Learning Center provided valuable guidance for his career exploration and postgraduate applications, offering insights into the industry. Student advisors and administrative staff provided support and care in his daily life, fostering a strong connection with the GT community.
From being "self-contained" to "keeping an eye on all directions," Ruochong likened his dual growth and transformation in both heart and mind to playing soccer. "The environment provided by GTIIT is indeed conducive to personal growth. These four years have given me a broader and clearer perspective, allowing me to discern many objective patterns and discover my own scientific learning methods. Choosing a direction and maintaining consistent effort are both indispensable. To illustrate, in soccer, if one only focuses on dribbling with their head down, even with excellent footwork, it's challenging to find the optimal breakthrough path within the overall game. Learning to overcome pressure and bravely lift your head, risking losing possession of the ball, and relying on instinct to control the ball at your feet is the most challenging skill for beginners and the most crucial to learn. Over these four years, GTIIT has molded me into a 'qualified player' who can 'keep an eye on all directions' on the field."
He attributed the transformation to the abundant freedom and top-notch resources offered by GTIIT. Unlike the structured routine of high school, GTIIT allowed him to manage his time independently. This newfound autonomy gradually honed his skills in critical thinking. Reflecting humorously on his early days at GTIIT, Ruochong recalled how he and his roommates were practically inseparable, attending classes and dealing with administrative tasks together. "As time went on, we each found our own rhythm. While we often roamed the campus solo during the day, evenings would see us convene in our dorm to share the day's adventures."
Ruochong emphasized the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone upon entering university. Embracing this challenge facilitates integration into a new environment and fosters the ability to achieve goals autonomously. By doing so, individuals may discover a pace that suits them best. "I found myself working even harder in my freshman year compared to high school. With a full schedule of classes, there's simply no room for slacking off."
During the second semester of his sophomore year, Ruochong developed a keen interest in the field of dielectric materials under the guidance of Prof. Daniel Tan from the GTIIT MSE Program. Recalling his interactions with Prof. Tan, Ruochong shared, "After discussing my preferences with Prof. Tan, he helped me narrow down a specific topic focusing on microwave dielectric ceramic materials. I was touched by the fact that his office door was always partially open, making it easy for me to seek his guidance whenever I faced challenges in the lab."
Ruochong with Prof. Daniel Tan
Navigating the intricacies of graphic software operation, mastering the art of presenting staged results using formal scientific research methods, and crafting his own projects—all these aspects of the scientific research realm presented diverse challenges. However, it was these challenges that strengthened Ruochong's resolve to pursue his dreams with unwavering determination.
Expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to take on the role of a key contributor and provide proactive feedback to his supervisor on a scientific research project, regardless of the outcomes, Ruochong remarked, "I feel that my university experience has propelled me far beyond many of my peers and high school friends. Engaging in real research work and potentially contributing to a published project has been incredibly valuable."
Looking ahead to the future, Ruochong is resolute in his commitment to excel on the academic path, pursue advanced degrees expeditiously, and ultimately contribute his expertise to the research and development departments of prominent companies.
During your freshman and sophomore years, in addition to striving to improve your GPA, it is beneficial to attend as many career planning lectures offered by the GTIIT Career & Learning Center as possible. Pay close attention to the seminars provided by various programs in your email calendar and consider enrolling in the elective course "Design Your Career" offered by the university. Explore areas of interest and focus on understanding yourself, your chosen field of study, and the industry. Identifying your passions early on will not only help you make informed decisions when selecting a research group in your junior or senior year but will also save you time for further studies.
Throughout the first three years, prioritize enhancing your English proficiency by honing both "hard skills" such as vocabulary and grammar, and "soft skills" like speaking and listening. Establish a routine of learning a set number of new words daily or weekly to prepare for language proficiency tests such as IELTS or TOEFL. Aim to pass the test before your junior year to alleviate stress and pressure during the application process.
It is essential to find ways to unwind and relax after classes. Just as a computer needs regular maintenance, engaging in a fulfilling hobby can effectively alleviate the strain of intensive learning, rejuvenating your mind in a short period. Consistent relaxation and self-care practices serve as a "reset" button for your well-being, ensuring optimal performance.
Text/Photos: Lin Ruochong, GTIIT News & Public Affairs