
本周六(下半场),Sài Gòn 城市之光 Hibiya Line 沪杭首演 @loopy

Loopy噜噼 2020-10-12

越南最大城胡志明市又称西贡,被誉为东方巴黎。在结束了19世纪长达80多年的法国殖民统治和二战后的混乱后,这座拥有混杂氛围的城市,正在散发它独特的魅力与活力。而 Hibiya Line 和他的 The Observatory正是当中的缩影,在很多人眼里,他代表着新西贡的光芒。

about Hibiya Line and the observatory:

HIBIYA LINE是东京的一条地铁线,也就是日比谷線,但DJ HIBIYA LINE aka Dan不是日本人。瑞士越南混血的Dan从2006年,在他的家乡瑞士Lausanne开始尝试现场house和techno音乐的混音表演。

Hibiya Line is not Japanese. Behind that name hides Dan, a Swiss-Vietnamese guy who in 2006 began playing live acts mixing house and techno in his hometown of Lausanne, Switzerland.

2013年,Hibiya Line在越南胡志明市成立了一家叫做Observatory的地下俱乐部,专门用来传播他所喜爱的音乐。Observatory非常自然的凭借高质量的跳舞音乐获得了绝佳的风评,并迅速传开。作为老板的Hibiya Line当然不仅仅因此而闻名,他极具天赋的DJ技巧及与选曲紧密结合的情绪感染力,也是他赢得爆炸性名气的原因。

In 2013, he founded The Observatory, an underground club in HCMC, Vietnam that is naturally dedicated to the music he likes. The Observatory has since obtained a reputation for itself in the country and broader region as a place that is dedicated to quality dance music, and Hibiya Line’s involvement both behind the scenes and in the booth has allowed him to hone his skills as a DJ that is finely-attuned to the emotions and dynamics of a crowd even further.

当你聆听Hibiya Line的现场,星际穿越这样的类似体验可以通过音乐感受到,归功于他独家的电器音乐收藏:极具深度的音乐挖掘让那些原本已被尘封或是被人忽略的DISCO钻石曲目们,或是任何同样轻易可以唤起舞客兴奋点的元素。但这些都不重要,他另类但却随时充满能量的选曲,已足够表达他对于音乐的热忱,他也因此得到了足够的尊重。

A Hibiya Line set can be anything from a cosmic journey through the exoplanets of electronic rarities, an archaeological excavation of loft-locked disco gems, and anything in between. Whatever it is, his reputation for carefully blended sounds of powerful and mesmerizing obscurity is far-reaching.

作为越南无可争议的地下跳舞音乐先驱,HIBIYA LINE的现场表演跳开了传统意义上风格的界限,但却创造了属于他极具私人属性但确实让人期待,且纯粹为跳舞而设定的路线。

Arguably one of the true pioneers of underground dance music in Vietnam, his sound escapes the confines of genres and is designed for dancing with an element of anticipation and surprise.

存在在不同维度当中的日比谷線,将你直接链接到现已不存在的 the observatory 所代表的西贡最热夜。5月25号上海Elevator,5月26号杭州LOOPY,在沪杭最热舞池里当然体会不到什么叫做遗憾。来自Ting Ting Disco的DJ Lucy和Daily Vinyl的ollo-MAM和Endy全程助阵,两大团队全力呈现再一次的东南亚顶尖DJ现场。

Take this Hibiya Line to the observatory which was no longer available. 25th May @Elevator Shanghai, 26th May @LOOPY Hangzhou, feel the heat from Sài Gòn City. Supported by DJ LUCY of Ting Ting Disco and ollo-MAM & Endy of Daily Vinyl, we are ready to give the best SE-Asian DJ live again.



Daily Vinyl, Shanghai

DJ ollo-MAM从 14 岁(2005 年)开始接触各种类型的音乐,对其产生影响的音乐类型颇为繁杂,包括Electronic/Rock/Hip-Hop/Funk/Soul/Jazz/Reggae…等。现在拥有多重身份的ollo-MAM,除了在各类活动担任DJ积累演出经验外,还拥有自己的演出品牌”Hit It”、黑胶唱片销售及相关文化活动推广品牌"Daily Vinyl",持续传播音乐、文化和态度。

DJ ollo-MAM started the music journey from 14 years old. In the year 2008, ollo-MAM was attracted to Turntablism. She bought her own equipments soon and began to collect records since then. The DJ career started in 2012. When ollo felt a strong feeling to express and share some unique tastes on sound, she went to the stage. In the past few years, she has shared the stages with many great local artists and international artists & label such as Egyptian Lover, Eric Lau, Henry Wu, Jon Kennedy, Jazzy Sport.



Daily Vinyl, Jinhua

作为本场派对唯一的本地支持,来自浙江金华的Endy会用你似曾相识但又无处可寻的亚洲银曲尝试拉近舞池中的距离。作为Daily Vinyl的主理人之一,Endy在近一年时间里以他的亚洲八十年代舞曲挖掘在日本/新加坡/香港等地以及NTS电台/红牛电台/NOISEY等平台上都大胆的奉上了极具个人特色的演出和节目。

As the only local support, Endy will play some asian b-side pop tunes try to make party people getting closer. as one of the owner of Daily Vinyl, he played gigs in Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Okinawa, Singapore, Hong Kong and also hosted radio sets at NTS, Red Bull Radio, keep sharing the left-field 80s dance tunes with his ONE ASIAN mind.



Ting Ting Disco, Taipei

DJ LUCY把主办的派对品牌 Ting Ting Disco 从台北直接火到了上海外滩。天衣无缝的混音技巧和毫不懈怠的高能舞曲挑选让他的放音时段绝对让人期待。

From Taipei to Bund, DJ Lucy, the owner of Ting Ting Disco will kill the dance floor with his tight Disco/House tunes selection and perfect mixing skill as he always done.


Date : 5月26日 Sat, 26, May. 

Time : 23:30 
Address : 杭州市上城区中山南路77号313室 
313, 77 Zhongshan South Road 

Artists : Hibiya Line / ollo-MAM / Endy Chen / DJ Lucy 

Ticket : 80RMB(现场door) 



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Presale Untill 02:00,27,May.

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