
本周六(下半场),Totally Rad 1 Year Anniversary Special!! @loopy

Loopy噜噼 2020-10-12

面对现实吧kids!当代生活一团糟,不如回到终结者和小魔怪热映、Knightrider是最好电影之一的年代,那时的一切看起来都...十分时髦(TOTALLY RAD)!

或者我们可以坐上DeLorean 回到未来,那里到处都是霓虹灯,人造人跟着Morodor-esque合成器里的Disco音乐跳舞,每个人的打扮都像是从The Warriors里走出来一样。

TOTALLY RAD是一个月度派对,将用synthwave, 80s,Italo以及纯粹的怀旧感觉将你带到一个完全不同的时间和空间里。

痴迷80年代的驻场DJ兼JUNKS乐队主唱Ectoplazm加入每个月不同的DJ阵容,以带给你80年代的感觉,复古未来的disco party将带你回到未来。所以,脱掉你的外套,给你的电池充满电,准备好stop,drop and roll.


https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=m0523514fwo&width=500&height=375&auto=0ECTOPLAZM - Lazer eyes(Edit)

 Junks(Live set,ModernSkyUSA) 

在中国东部都市杭州,烟雨朦胧,霓虹闪烁。Junks 将反乌托邦与合成器音色沉浸其中,让这里变得像是《银翼杀手》中的那颗星球,简直天造地设。

就算在陌生之处首次遇见,Junks 深受80年代未来主义影响的流行音乐所折射出那些被酸雨浸泡的周遭,也在会你面前展露无疑。

2017年起,乐队曾在杭州 MAO 及北京愚公移山与宠物同谋、Fujiya & Miyagi 及 AV 大久保共同演出,也参演了柏林 Yo Sissy! 在内的众多音乐节,2018年同时登陆北京和上海的草莓音乐节,逐渐受到越来越多的好评,同时得到肯定的还有在年轻先锋媒体 Noisey (VICE) 上发布的专题,介绍了乐队之外也包含了最近为《Hard》制作的首个 MV,带你回到 VHS 录像带的那个时代。

 另外,Junks 将在今年发布 ModernSkyUSA 厂牌下的首张 EP,十分值得期待。



XIAMI: http://i.xiami.com/junks?_uxid=900D79D240E51F01BAE16A2D028AFD72

SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/junks-5/tracks

 DJ Ozone(USA) 

黑胶玩家DJ Ozone来自美国三藩市,专注于发掘各种80年代的原版黑胶唱片——经典的80年代synth-pop,Italo disco,post-punk,old school hip hop和electro。他的派对是原始的,复古的,有趣的,狂野的,无忧无虑的。



 Velvet Robot(Taipei) 

Craft上海唯一的女性驻场DJ,上海最好的Italo / Disco系列派对“Discosmic Adventure”成员 ,VELVET ROBOT还在达达上海组织双月派对“Synth Crush!”。

从小学习古典钢琴的Velvet Robot少年时期年在摇滚乐队中充当键盘收,并且受到了爱好迪斯科的父母的启发。所有这些影响都可以在她的音乐集中展现出来,她展示了她音乐DNA的两面:Disco,Funk,Nu Disco,Italo,New Wave,Latin,Afro,Boogie,Swing,Old Skul,Retro Tune,Future Jazz, Electro,Dark Disco,New / Cold / Dark Wave,EBM,工业,Indie,Shoegaze,Post Punk,Synth Pop等。


SOUDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/dj_velvet_robot


前Party Horse乐队主唱,现Junks乐队制作人兼主唱,带给大家引人入胜的复古合成器音色和retrowave音乐正是他的使命。金发、funky 的装扮和永不放弃的棒球帽,让ECTOPLAZM总是一脚踩在过去,另一脚坚定地伸向未来。

作为反乌托邦合成器乐队Junks的主唱,ECTOPLAZM 对所有霓虹灯和80年代的复古元素十分着迷。他令人喜爱而欢快 DJ set 也充满着合成器琶音、震撼的鼓点和追踪你复古又未来梦想的声迹。 

居住在杭州的ECTOPLAZM是这个城市派对成长情景中的一部分,曾受邀于迷笛和草莓音乐节并进行演出。同时也在 dada 和 loopy 俱乐部主办自己的系列派对,而昆明、武汉、深圳等城市也时常出现他的身影。

2017年,ECTOPLAZM 参与了瑞典 synth-wave 艺术家 Robert Parker,Devereaux 85 和 Don Voyage的中国巡演,并作为主办方和嘉宾完成了电子音乐传奇人物 College 和 Local Suicide 在柏林的演出。随着他名为“Totally Rad” 的retrowave派对品牌不断成长,一些脍炙人口的 mixtape 和原声音乐也在不断发行。



Ectoplazm mixtape, summer 2017 :


Let's face it kids, modern life is rubbish, so let's transport ourselves back to a time when Terminators and Gremlins lit up the silver screen, Knightrider was the the best show around and things were...like...TOTALLY RAD!

Or maybe we can jump in a Delorean and travel to the future where the neon shines bright, replicants dance to Morodor-esque synthesized disco-music and everyone looks like they just stepped out of the movie The Warriors.

TOTALLY RAD is a monthly party that promises to transport you to a different time and space entirely, via the medium of synthwave, 80s, Italo and pure nostalgia. 

Resident DJ and 80s-obsessed Junks frontman ECTOPLAZM will be joined by a phallanx of different DJs each month in order to bring you an 80s-inspired, retro-futuristic disco party that will take you back to the future...and then some. So, get your leathers on, charge your batteries and get ready to stop, drop and roll.

Join us for a special one year anniversary party and celebrate in the most retro way imaginable with a blockbusting line-up, video games, freebies and more!


Emerging from the smog-strewn, neon-lit streets of eastern Chinese metropolis Hangzhou, JUNKS are a dystopian, synthpop band for a Blade Runner planet.

Outsiders in a strange land, JUNKS make 1980s-influenced, futuristic pop music that reflects their acid-rain soaked surroundings.

In 2017 the band played memorable shows in a packed Mao Livehouse and a rocking Yugong Yishan (playing alongside acts such as Pet Conspiracy, Fujiya & Miyagi and AV大久保), and have joined a number of Chinese music festivals so far during 2018 (including Strawberry Music Festival in both Shanghai and Beijing), finding themselves increasingly in demand. The band also made their first trip to Europe last year, to play Berlin's Yo Sissy! music festival, to much acclaim, and debuted their latest music video (a VHSwave clip for the song 'Hard') on China's popular Noisey (VICE) platform.

JUNKS will release their debut EP on the ModernSkyUSA label later this year.



XIAMI: http://i.xiami.com/junks?_uxid=900D79D240E51F01BAE16A2D028AFD72

SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/junks-5/tracks

 DJ Ozone(USA) 

DJ Ozone (San Francisco) plays only original, vinyl records from the 1980s. It's fun, silly, carefree party music -- 1980s synth-pop,Italo disco, post-punk, old school hip hop and electro. Ozone's approach is to the let the songs play -- not to make elaborate mixes or use too many effects. In a time of trendy computer DJs with automatic edits, it's refreshing to hear a human touch -- just great songs, nothing serious, played raw and fresh as ever.

Starting as a radio DJ in California, Ozone has been involved with the China music scene since 2003, co-founding The Antidote nights in Shanghai, then touring around China and Asia with hundreds of DJs,bands, and recording artists from China and from around the world.

He managed the bookings at Shanghai's legendary Tang Hui and 4-Live clubs (2005-2007) before opening clubs Dada Shanghai in 2009 and Dada Beijing in 2012.

 Velvet Robot(Taipei) 

The only female resident DJ at Craft Shanghai and member of the"Discosmic Adventure" crew - the best Italo/Disco party series in Shanghai, VELVET ROBOT also organizes the bi-monthly party "Synth Crush!" at Dada Shanghai. 

Learning classical piano as a child, Velvet Robot played keyboards in rock bands as a teenage, and was inspired by her disco-loving parents. All of these influences can be heard in her sets that showcase two-sides of her musical DNA: the VELVET; Disco, Funk, Nu Disco, Italo, New Wave, Latin, Afro, Boogie, Swing, Old Skul, Retro Tune, Future Jazz, etc; and the ROBOT; Electro, Dark Disco, New/Cold/Dark Wave, EBM, Industrial, Indie, Shoegaze, Post Punk, Synth Pop etc.


Ex-Party Horse and snake-hipped Junks front-man Ectoplazm is on a mission to bring retrowave and tasty synth revival cuts to the masses. Blonde-haired, funkily dressed and never without his trusty baseball cap,  Ectoplazm likes to keep one foot in the past and the other firmly in the future.

As the frontman of dystopian-synthwave band Junks,  Ectoplazm is in thrall to all things neon, 80s and retro, and his fun-loving DJ sets are full of arpeggiated synth lines, punchy drums and songs that soundtrack your retro-futuristic dreams.

Based in Hangzhou,  Ectoplazm is part of the city's growing party scene and has performed in his various musical guises at some of China's biggest music festivals (including MIDI and Strawberry Music Festival), at some of the country’s most happening clubs (DADA, Loopy), and in a number of different cities (Kunming, Wuhan, Shenzhen etc).

In 2017 Ectoplazm toured China with Swedish synth-wave artist Robert Parker, Devereaux 85 and Don Voyage, hosted and performed alongside electronic music legend College, partied with Local Suicide in Berlin, continued to grow his ‘Totally Rad’ retrowave party concept, and released a number of popular mixtape and original tracks

Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads…


Ectoplazm mixtape, summer 2017 :


TOTALLY RAD是以每月一次的频率举行的系列派对,专注于retrowave音乐和视觉 

A  monthly party dedicated to retrowave music and visuals

 Synthwave I 80s Nostalgia I Italo I Synth-Funkl Retro


Date : 06月23日 Sat, 23, June. 

Time : 23:00 
Address : 杭州市上城区中山南路77号313室 
313, 77 Zhongshan South Road 
Tickets : 40RMB(预售presale) / 50RMB(现场door)

Artists : Junks(Live) / DJ Ozone / Velvet Robot / Ectoplazm



Scan the QR Code to buy tickets


Presale Untill 12:00,23,June.

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