
07/13 周五 | LINEOUT presents: Delta Funktionen @loopy

Loopy噜噼 2020-10-11

Delta Funktionen是一个偏向于故事性和思想性的艺术家。他用娴熟的技巧和丰富的音乐知识(—部分得益于他在Leeuwarden唱片店的工作)用Techno、Electro、House、Wave和Ghetto带你去往某个地方。也正因为此,Delta Funktionen是欧洲、美国、远东和澳大利亚的俱乐部里的常客,同时也在Concrete、Tresor和Fabric等俱乐部驻场。

“荷兰人在电影中的音乐总是会让你处于一种一触即发的状态,而不是停留在一个地方,并拥有许多不同的风格元素和情绪。但重要的是,他们也保留着一种重要的乐趣感。” Delta Funktionen在一个节目中说道,而谈到自己的表演时则说: “我的Set也可以引领你穿越到一个未来的城市,从光鲜亮丽的高档社区一直走到布满砂砾的贫民窟,在那里,你的邻居们已经准备好开始派对了!”

Black Endlessness

这种粗糙而前卫的方式被带到了录音室,Delta Funktionen制作了三张专辑和多张EP,这些作品专注于硬件且将科幻意象、政治暗示和概念性的故事结合音乐表达出来。Delta Funktionen喜欢在每一个新发布的作品中加入不同与上一张作品的想法及风格,这使得他的粉丝们甚至是他自己都在猜测接下来会发生什么。每个发行都有不同概念和设计使它们具有各自的特性,成为独立的命题。

Junior High School Excursion To The Parallel World - 2017

Wasteland - 2016 

Traces - 2012

Delta Funktionen音乐早期在Delsin厂牌发行,现在这些作品会在自己的厂牌Radio Matrix发行,厂牌也为鲜为人知但有才华的艺术家发行音乐让大家可以表达自己的想法。这是一个更看重音乐交流和勇于表达的厂牌,它鼓励艺术家们走出自己的舒适区,就像老板本人在他传奇的职业生涯中一直在做的那样。

VC-118A - B76 Over Land

Mor Elian - Fairplex Drive

Delta Funktionen is an artist driven by stories and concepts. Using technical skill and a well informed background—in part thanks to his time working in a Leeuwarden record shop—he calls on techno, electro, house, wave and ghetto sounds to conjure up musical mind movies that really take you somewhere. For that reason, he is a regular all over Europe, the States, the Far East and Australia at esteemed clubs like Concrete, Tresor and Fabric. After formerly being a resident at Trouw and Shelter, he now has his residency at Tresor.


The Dutchman’s always cinematic DJ sets keep you on your toes rather than stuck in one place, and do so by calling on a number of different colours and emotions. Importantly, though, they also retain an important sense of fun. “My sets guide you through a city of the future, from the sleek and upmarket neighbourhoods straight into the gritty slums where the hood rats are ready to get their fix,” he says of his performances, which are as much for the body as they are for the soul.

This raw and edgy approach carries over into the studio, where Delta Funktionen has cooked up three full length albums and many EPs that focus on hardware set-ups and are informed by sci-fi imagery, political overtones and conceptual back stories. Often focussing on two or three bits of gear for each project, he always evolves with each new release, which keeps both himself and his fans guessing as to what might come next. The differing concepts and artwork with each release makes them standalone propositions with their own identities. 

Early on his music came on Delsin, but now it comes on his own Radio Matrix, a place that also releases music from little known but talented artists with their own stories to tell. It’s a label that is about personal relationships and encourages artists to step out of their comfort zones, much like the boss himself has been doing throughout his storied career.







Date : 7月13日 Fri, 13, July. 

Time : 22:00 
Address : 杭州市上城区中山南路77号313室 
313, 77 Zhongshan South Road 

Artist : Delta Funktionen

Support :  Guan / Kchen

Tickets : 60RMB(预售presale) / 80RMB(现场door) 



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Presale Untill 12:00,13,July.

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