










At Harrow Shanghai we see it as a vital part of our educational mission to make the very most Chinese genetics, as much as those that come about through our inextricable link to our British heritage. This is the reason why we put such an emphasis on our students mastering the intricacies of Mandarin. We are also committed to encourage students to developing a better understanding of, and a greater interest in, Chinese culture both in and out of the classroom. With the Spring Festival fast approaching, we are delighted to be holding our annual Harrow Shanghai Chinese New Year’s Fair on Friday, 17th Jan 2020. It is a day when we gather together all the traditional customs to provide you with the ultimate one-stop New Year experience: martial arts, sugar painting, paper-cutting, play dough, calligraphy, Chinese knot making... All of your precious childhood memories brought alive once again in one place!

<<  滑动查看往年精彩瞬间  >>


<< 游园式的过年体验! >>

We warmly welcome all parents, whether you’ve yet joined Harrow or not, to be a part of our exciting Chinese New Year Fair.  Aside from this wonderful experience, you also have the opportunity to tour our state-of-the-art campus including the latest infrastructural improvements, guided by our well-informed student ambassadors who will provide you with a deep insight into the immensely exciting educational journey from age 18 months to 18 that all of our pupils undergo.  All of your enquiries will be answered as well.

<<  滑动查看丰富多彩的学生活动>>


Time: 9:30am-11:30am, Friday,17th Jan 2020


Location: 588 Gaoxi Road, Pudong, Shanghai


Contact Number: 021 6881 8282 - 210/212

联系电话:021 6881 8282 - 210/212

How to Apply:Simply scan the QR Code below and register our Open Day



Before visiting our campus many parents might be curious to know what a Mandarin lesson at Harrow Shanghai is like? Let’s take reading as an example and have a deeper insight:


<<  走近中文课堂 >>

There is no substitute for books in the life of a child. —Mary Ellen Chase


Reading, has the power to slow us down, to help us find inner peace as we get through our busy lives. Reading also brings fulfillment as we learn to appreciate the power of words in the books we read. Reading helps our young Harrovians grow and developing a passion for reading is one of the most important elements in our Mandarin curriculum experience. 

<<  沉浸于书本世界  >>


In the texts we choose to teach, our Mandarin teachers depict literary works which suit our students in an international school setting.  We analyse texts and teach important reading comprehension skills in some works, but focus on general appreciation of Chinese literary texts to build an intrinsic motivation to read too. We do not specifically teach grammar and language, but teach these essential foundational skills through the model texts. At the same time, we teach comparative reading and wider reading skills to allow students to build their own understanding of text types; students also come to know different styles of writing and various methods to present opinion. Our goal for our students, who are native speakers, is to have the ability to present their own thinking through Chinese language independently. 

<<  走近中文课堂  >>


Our weekly Reading lesson in Mandarin has become many students’ favourite lesson of the week. When they walk into our Mandarin library, located conveniently next to their Mandarin class, they get to pick a book to read, find a comfortable spot, share the book with a friend or read the pick of the week in a quite spot in the sun. Ten, twenty, forty years from now, we hope they will come to appreciate these reading lessons and the way they have learned to use fragments of time to read, as these little blocks of reading will undoubtedly serve them well in meaningful ways in their lives.

<< 沉浸于书本世界 >>


To be a native speaker of Mandarin means a great deal. It means they can communicate with their parents, are able to recite nursery rhymes, and are able to identify with the sounds of their home town and their ethnicity. In the international school setting, our vision is to help our students fully maintain their mother tongue language, and this is why reading must remain a core focus of our curriculum. 


<<  走近中文课堂  >>

At the end of the Autumn Term, our native Mandarin students already have acculmulated a thick notebook of book reviews written up. The books they have read has expanded their horizons and their understanding of Chinese language.  History, heritage and culture has been taught through everything they read too. We hope to see our Harrovians progress even more in the years to come, thanks to the ever-adapting and expanding Mandarin reading programme. 

<<  中文课外活动,感受中华传统魅力  >>



 All prospective parents,

are welcome to register for our 

Open Day

Friday 17th Jan 2020 

9:30am - 11:30pm 

at Harrow Shanghai





上午9:30 - 11:30 


