



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying “Wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.”  You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

There is a widespread saying that wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.

Simple as the saying is, it informs us that spiritual richness should be attached great importance to.

With the development of economy, people in increasing numbers become better off. However, money doesn’t necessarily ensure happiness or well-being. Therefore, in order to gain wealth of the mind, we should lay great emphasis on meaningful things. For instance, lifelong learning, by occupying people’s time so constructively, make people contented, with no time for boredom.  Little by little, enriching oneself has become the source of happiness and contentment and that’s when one gains true wealth of the mind.

Therefore, by some means or other we must come to know how to enrich our mind. It is necessary for us students to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style by improving ourselves constantly. Only in this way can we obtain true wealth in life.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying “What is worth doing is worth doing well.”   You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

What Is Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Well

The saying “What is worth doing is worth doing well” tells us that if you decide to do something, then you have to to it well and to the best of your ability, which means paying attention to every little detail of the thing that you are doing to make sure it is done properly.

Some people are against the idea, saying that when it comes to implementing an idea, things that are worth doing are worth doing poorly, because many things don’t get done at all for the reason that the concern for perfection trumps the practice of “just do it”. As for me, there are many reasons for doing things well. Firstly, taking the time to learn how to do things well, even though it may be slower at first, will allow you to be more proficient in the future. Secondly, doing things well is an attitude which is important for your life development. Right attitude matters most, but not the result.

So, if you think something is worth doing, just try to do it well. You’ll finally get a sense of accomplishment for a job well done, and make further improvement.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying “Beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Beauty of the soul is the essential beauty

There is a famous saying that beauty of the soul is the essential beauty. It tells us that man’s spiritual beauty is much more important than his outer beauty.

Spiritual beauty is something to which a person needs to pay attention, because, as he gets on with his life, all deeds and actions are drawn from that inner beauty. Spiritual beauty is the reflection of one's cultivation, self-restraint and bearing. Appearance is just some external representation, such as people's clothing, family background, education. Having a good degree, you may find a decent job, but without the fortitude, the good job will eventually leave you. Therefore, only the spiritual beauty is worth pursuing and cherishing.

All in all, everyone should have a pair of eyes to find beauty and love beauty. Beauty is not in your appearance, not in your identity, but in your soul.


1.A)She can devote all her life to pursing her passion.

2.D)Science education and scientific research.

3.A)A better understanding of a subject.

4.B)By making full use of the existing data.

5. B) They have no special meanings.

6. C) She dreamed of a plane crash.

7. D) They can have an impact as great as rational thinking

8. C) They reflect their complicated emotions.

9. A) Radio waves.

10. B) It may have micro-organisms living in it.

11. D) Shed light on possible life in outer space.

12. A) He found there had been little research on their language.

13. D) He acted as an intermediary between Copeland and the villagers.

14. C) Laborious

15. B) Their sense of sharing and caring.

16 .A) They tend to be silenced into submission.

17. D) One who rebels against the existing social orser.

18. C) They served as a driving force for progress.

19. B) It is impossible for us to be immune from outside influence.

20. D) Recognize the negative impact of his coworkers.

21. A) They are quite susceptible to suicide.

22. B) Few people can describe it precisely.

23. C) It is a well-protected government secret.

24. A) People had little faith in paper money.

25. C) A gold standard for American currency




Overall, men are more likely than women to make excuses. 


26. L) realms

27. C) heavily

28. H) mastering

29. B) fatigue

30. E) hospitalized

31. J) obsessed

32. F) labeled

33. N) ruin

34. K) potential

35. A) contrary


Six Potential Brain Benefits of Bilingual Education


36. A study found that there are similar changes in brain structure between those who are bilingual from birth and those who start learning a second language later.

H  But Gigi Luk at Harvard cites at least one brain-imagine study on adolescents that shows similar changes in brain structure structure when compared with those who are bilingual from birth,

Do these same advantages benefit a child who begins learning a second language in kindergarten in-stead of as a baby?

37. Unlike traditional monolingual programs, bilingual classrooms aim at developing students' ability to use two languages by middle school.

C  Traditional programs for English-language learners,… Dual-language classrooms

38. A study showed that dual-language students did significantly better than their peers in reading English texts.

J  About 10 percent of students in the Port-land,

39. About twenty years ago, bilingual practice was strongly discouraged, especially in California.

D  The trend flies in the face of some of the culture wars of two decades ago,

40. Ethnically and economically balanced bilingual classrooms are found to be helpful for kids to get used to social and cultural diversity.

M  American public school classrooms as a whole are becoming more segregated by race and class Du-al-language programs can be an exception.

41. Researchers now claim that earlier research on bilingual education was seriously flawed.

E  Some of the insistence on English-first was founded on research produced decades ago,

42. According to a researcher, dual-language experiences exert a lifelong influence on one's brain.

B  Again and again, researchers have found," bilingualism is an experience that shapes our brain for life,”

43. Advocates of bilingual education argued that it produces positive effects though they may be limited.

P  A review of studies published last year found that cognitive advantages failed to appear in 83 per-cent of published studies,

44. Bilingual speakers often do better than monolinguals in completing certain tasks because they can concentrate better on what they are doing.

G  People who speak two languages often outperform monolinguals on general measures of executive function.

45. When their native language is used, parents can become more involved in their children's education.

N  Several of the researchers also pointed out that


Passage One

开头It is not controversial to say that an unhealthy diet causes bad health.

46-50 BABDC

46. Why is the obesity problem in Britain so difficult to solve?

B) People disagree as to who should do what.

47. What can we learn from the past experience in tackling public health emergencies?

A) Governments have a role to play.

48. What does the author imply about some critics of bans and taxes concerning unhealthy drinks?

B) They have not come up with anything more constructive.

49. Why does the author stresses the relationship between poor health and inequality?

D) To justify government intervention on solving the obesity problem.

50. When will government action be effective?

C) When individuals have the incentive to act accordingly.

Passage Two

开头Home to virgin reefs, rare sharks and vast members of exotic fish, the Coral sea is a unique haven of biodiversity off the northeastern coast of Australia.


51. What do we learn from the passage about the Coral Sea?

A)  It is exceptionally rich in marine life.

52.  What does the Australian government plan to do according to Tony Burke?

D)  Complete the series of marine reserves around its coast. 

53. What is scientists’ argument about the Coral Sea proposal?

A)  The government has not done enough for marine protection.

54. What does marine geologist Robin Beaman say about the Coral Sea plan?

D) It is a tremendous joint effort to protect the range of marine habitats.

55. What do critics think of the Coral Sea plan?

C) It will protect regions that actually require little protection.



开头 It was perhaps when my parents 


26. C) dawned

27. H) logistical

28. E) insight

29. M) saturated

30. L) rarely

31. O) undoubtedly

32. J) outcomes

33. A) bond

34. I) magically

35. K) patterns


开头How Telemedicine Is Transforming Healthcare


36. An overwhelming majority of family physicians are willing to use telemedicine if they are duly paid.

D) None of this is to say that telemedicine

37. Many employers are eager to provide telemedicine service as a benefit to their employees because of its convenience.

H) Many health plans and employers have

38. Different states have markedly different regulations for telemedicine.

E) What’s more, for all the rapid growth

39. With telemedicine. patients in regions short of professional medical service are able to receive better medical care.

B) Doctors are linking up with patients by phone

40. Unlike employers and health plans, insurers have been rather reluctant to pay for some telemedicine services.

K) Who pays for the services?

41. Some supporters of telemedicine hope states will accept each other's medical practice licenses as valid.

O) To date, 17 states have joined a compact that will allow

42. The fastest growing area for telemedicine services is for lesser health problems.

G) Do patients trade quality for convenience?

43. As telemedicine spreads quickly, some of its opponents doubt whether its service quality can be guaranteed.

F) Some critics also question whether

44. The results obtained by researchers who pretended to be patients seeking help from telemedicine providers are disturbing.

I) But critics worry that such services may be sacrificing

45. Some people argue that the fact that different states have different regulations concerning medical services hinders the development of telemedicine.

N) Is the state-by-state regulatory system outdated?


Passage One

开头Danielle Steel


46. C) They are deeply impressed by Danielle Steel’s daily work schedule.

47. A) She could serve as an example of industriousness.

48. A) They are questionable.

49. C) It may symbolize one’s importance and success.

50. B) The general public should not be encouraged to follow it.

Passage Two

开头Organic agriculture


51. B) Organic farming may be exploited to solve the global food problem.

52. D) It is not that productive.

53. C) Inequality in food distribution.

54. B) It is not conducive to sustainable development.

55. D) Organic farming does long-term good to the ecosystem.



《西游记》( Journey to the West)也许是中国文学四大经典小说中最具影响力的一部,当然也是在国外最广为人知的一部小说。这部小说描绘了著名僧侣玄奘在三个随从的陪同下穿越中国西部地区前往印度取经( Buddhist scripture)的艰难历程。虽然故事的主题基于佛教,但这部小说采用了大量中国民间故事和神话的素材,创造了各种栩栩如生的人物和动物形象。其中最著名的是孙悟空,他与各种各样妖魔作斗争的故事几乎为每个中国孩子所熟知。

Journey to the West is perhaps the most influential of the four classic novels in Chinese literature, and of course it is also the most widely known novel in foreign countries. The novel describes that Xuanzang, a famous monk accompanied by three followers, travelled arduously through western China to India for the Buddhist scripture. Although the main story is based on Buddhism, the novel uses a large number of Chinese folk stories and myths of material, creating a variety of vivid  figures and animal images. The most famous of them is Sun Wukong, whose story of fighting against all kinds of demons is familiar to almost every Chinese child.


《红楼梦》( Dream of the Red Chamber)是18世纪曹雪芹创作的一部小说。曹雪芹基于自己痛苦的个人经历,讲述了贾宝玉和林黛玉之间的悲剧性爱情故事。书中有大约30个主要人物和400多个次要人物,每个人物都刻画得栩栩如生,具有鲜明的个性。小说详尽地描述了四个贵族世家兴衰的历程,反映了封建社会隐藏的种种危机和错综复杂的社会冲突。

Dream of Red Chamber is a novel written by Cao Xueqin in the 18th century. Based on her own painful experience, Cao Xueqin narrates the tragic love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu. There are about 30 major characters and 400 minor ones in this book, each of whom have been portrayed vividly and personalized distinctly. The novel elaborates on the rise and fall of four noble families, mirroring various crises and complex social conflicts concealed in the feudal society.

A Dream of the Red Mansion integrates realism and romanticism, filled with strong artistic appeal. It is universally reckoned the greatest novel in China and one of the most epic literary creations worldwide.


《水浒传》(Water margin)是中国文学四大经典小说之一。这部小说基于历史人物宋江及其伙伴反抗封建帝王的故事,数百年来一直深受中国读者的喜爱。


Water Margin is one of the four classical novels in Chinese literature. The novel, based on the story of the historical character Song Jiang and his companions' rebellion against the feudal emperor, has been deeply loved by Chinese readers for centuries.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost every Chinese is familiar with some of the main characters in the novel. The wonderful stories in this novel have been told and retold in teahouses, on stage, on television, on film and in countless homes. In fact, the novel's impact has gone far beyond its borders. More and more foreign readers also find the stories in this novel vivid, moving and interesting.





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