

致力于助学助研的 大民说英语 2022-12-22












网络视频分享的普及The popularization of online video sharing Following the rapid development of social media apps, people no longer need to meet friends face to face and share their feelings and experience to each other. Instead, we use our cellphone apps to make, edit and release videos online, which are recordings of some valuable memories of our lives. A number of factors might contribute to this prevalent phenomenon. One of the most common is that online video sharing makes it more convenient to communicate and interact with friends, especially those who live quite far away from each other. By watching vivid videos, we can know better about our friends' lives, feel closer with them, as if we are having fun together. Besides that, sharing video online is a good way to make new friends. As for me, I like watching videos posed by different people because it enables me to get to know people from various background without any limits imposed by space or time. Therefore, sharing videos is a way to bring people closer together, and an irresistible trend that almost no one can reject.

翻译的重要性Translation is a cross-language and cross-culture communicative activity. In translation practice, translators should be faithful to the original text, and deal with target language with flexibility, instead of sticking to the original structure. As Eugene Nida said, “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.” Translation plays a key role in a increasingly interdependent world.With the globalization of the economic, there are more and more global companies, who need the translator when they communicate with their business partner, run a business in a foreign country, and so on. The translator enhance communication by conveying information accurately from one language to another in different countries across the world.To sum up, translation is not just about academic skills. It is about providing the vital linguistic and cultural link between persons and communities of different races, cultures and languages. So that we can communicate better and understand one another more effectively.

线上医疗好还是线下医疗好?Online medical service or offline medical service, which is better?Nowadays, with the development of Internet and medical technology, it has become a reality that we can stay at home to be medically served online without going to the physical hospital. Personally, I think the online medical service is better that the traditional one for the following three main points.Firstly, as is known to us, the traditional medical service required that we should not only make an appointment in advance, but also go to the physical hospital to line up for a long time to see the doctor. What’s worse, it takes a few hours for us to get there if we are far from the hospital. Thus, the online one can be said to be better and convenient for us. We can make use of the waiting time to do a lot of meaningful things or get more sleep. Second, as the pandemic of CIVID-19 this year, some measures should be taken to reduce the probability of exposing to the infectious disease. However, if we all go to the physical hospital when we feel a little sick, we can’t guarantee the occurrence of infection since some diseases is contagious itself. Lastly, I suggest that common ailments, such as catching a cold, should be encouraged to be treated online at home, while the unusual cases should be treated in the hospital because sometimes we need to be inspected by the professional medical devices to know our physical condition.


应该鼓励在线视频分享吗?A: Hi, Joe, how is everything going?B: Not good, actually.A: What's wrong?B: This morning, I was bombard with many massages of short online videos shared by my friend s when checking my We Chat. You know, it's annoying because I'm not really interested in these videos.A: Well, sharing online videos using apps like Tic Tok is becoming a trend among people, including the elders. In fact, sometimes, people are just to share the joy they felt from the videos they think funny.B: I don't agree, everyone has the choice to refuse the spreading of disturbing messages, hasn't they? Online videos should not be shared freely by smart phones.A: Of course. I agree on this point. But Let's talk from another angle. Nowadays since the paper news is gradually replaced by the electric one, online video sharing becomes one of the instant way that can help us learn the major events happened in many countries.B: Sure, it does help. Every coin has two sides. What we need to do is to master the degree when using it. Don't be too indulged in it.A: Yes, you are right. We should encourage the sharing of online video on the condition of considering and respecting others' will.

机器翻译能否替代人工翻译Candidate A: With the development of science and technology, machine translation plays a more and more important role in the field of translation. As a result, some translators are wondering whether translators will lose their jobs in the near future with the rapid development of machine translation. What do you think about that?Candidate B: Well, the rapid development of machine translation indicates that there is soil for its survival in the field of translation. What's more, it has a bigger advantage than human translation in some aspects.Candidate A: Does machine translation seem so powerful that it is applicable to all fields? In my opinion, machine translation also has its obvious disadvantages.Candidate B: Yes, some kinds of texts are not suitable for machine translation. For example, as for foreign film, the translators should not only be in line with the original text, but also take into account the characteristics of the film. But machine translation does not guarantee this.Candidate A: I agree with your idea. While machine translation is convenient, there are some disadvantages in it. For example, in literary works, authors often use writing techniques such as rhyme, pun, and voice-over to enhance their works. For machine translation, there is no way to restore it completely.Candidate B: Yeah, therefore, machine translation cannot completely replace human translation, so the existence of translators is very necessary.Candidate A: So, translators should strive to improve their own qualities in order to ensure the quality of translation.Candidate B: Yeah. With machine translation developing so well, translators should improve their competitiveness.

线上医疗好还是线下医疗好?A: Hi, Tiffany, What’s wrong with you? You looks so tired.B: Oh, yesterday I caught a cold suddenly and went to the Renmin Hospital. However, I failed to make an appointment with Dr. Smith after lining up for a long time. I waited for a long time, you know, just to be told the attendance is full. It’s too annoying.A: Really? It’s too bad. But why do you try to make an appointment online?B: I never tried. Does this approach have a greater chance of success?A: Sure, I have used it for a few times. It is convenient and can save a lot of time, especially when we are far from the hospital.B: It sounds great. But I think there is one shortcoming with the online form. Online medical service is just limited to common ailments, such as catching a cold, which can be treated online at home, while the unusual cases need to be treated in the hospital because sometimes we still need to be inspected by the professional medical devices to know our physical condition.A: Yes, it is not perfect until now. Although it has some limitations and can’t replace the offline one totally, it still shows its great advantage when we confronted with the pandemic of COVID-19, isn’t it? If you go to the physical hospital, you can’t guarantee the occurrence of exposing to the viruses and other contagious diseases. Seeing a doctor online at home can help reduce the likelihood of outbreak of epidemic.B: Well, from this perspective, online medical service is indeed better than the offline one.


Candidate A: Due to the epidemic this year, many paper tests have been converted to computer-based ones. Do you have any ideas about it?Candidate B: Yeah. I have just taken a computer-based test last month. I think it is very convenient and efficient. I just need to open my computer and do the test.Candidate A: Well, of course computer-based test can reduce many processes, but does it guarantee fairness and equality of the test?Candidate B: As far as I am concerned, computer-based test can’t fully guarantee the fairness of the examination. For example, the rural network is worse than the urban network, which is very unfair to the rural candidates.Candidate A: Yeah, I agree with your idea. In addition, it’s not very safe. If the computer crashes or the Internet is disconnected, the exam will not go smoothly.Candidate B: What’s more, popularizing the computer-based test is not simple. It requires sufficient funding and technical support.Candidate A: So, In the future of artificial intelligence, computer-based tests may replace paper-based tests, but they will never replace the reliability paper test brought.Candidate B: Well, I hoped that the computer-based test can not only provide convenience for exams, but also improve its security and stability.

保护网上个人信息的重要性People now are living in an era of technology. With the rapid development of the Internet, we can get information in a much faster way than ever before. The Internet allows for an unbelievably large amount of downloads and uploads of information for individual users. However, it also brings about the hazard of personal information leakage, and it is vital to raise people’s awareness of this serious problem. Firstly, if the personal information gets revealed, it might be obtained and utilized by some people who intend to engage in illegal activities, such as fraud, forgery, even kidnapping. It will cause immeasurable losses to the victims, and everyone’s safety cannot be guaranteed under this circumstance. Besides, if some business giants possess a considerable amount of personal information, they might become dominant in a industry to an extent that monopoly might be formed, which obviously has a negative impact on the whole market, even the economy. Thus, personal information protection is an alarmingly significant issue that cannot be ignored.

怎样保护网上个人信息?A: Hi, Lucy, Have you heard the news that Lisa, one of Jack’s best friends, was defrauded of ¥30,000?B: Wow, What happened?A: It is said that her money was gone with a few seconds just after she clicked on an unfamiliar web link at the guidance of a sales call.B: Oh, that’s too bad. It’s totally a wire fraud, isn’t it?A: Yes, indeed. Being in a digital era, you know, every time we click on a web link, we are always asked to enter some personal information, which is closely tied to our banking or paying accounts. That is to say, it’s easy to disclose our personal information to some so-called hackers who possibly do some criminal things.B: You’re right. But how to prevent the occurrence of such bad event?A: Well, I have concluded a few methods to to protect our personal information from being stolen online.B: Really, I’m ready to know.A: First, develop a good habit of surfing the Internet, don’t click the unknown website or web link freely. Second, encrypt some financial apps in our smartphone or computers. Third, kill viruses of our digital devices regularly and update virus reservoir instantly.B: Good idea, I will do as you suggest.

人工智能会不会让很多人失业Candidate A: In recent years, artificial intelligence(AI) has made rapid advances, which has raised some concerns. One of them is whether AI will lead to mass unemployment. Then what do you think of it?Candidate B: Of course, artificial intelligence will put some people out of work. For example, the telegraph operator lost his job when the telephone appeared.Candidate A: Many people are afraid of losing their jobs because they only work hard and don’t think.Candidate B: Yes, you are right. Though AI makes some people lose their job, it also gives opportunities to other people who are good at thinking.Candidate A: Well, I agree with your idea. Sedan chairs and carriages disappeared with the advent of car, as did the carter, but the demand for car drivers increased significantly.Candidate B: Yeah. Compared with carters, car drivers are better at thinking.Candidate A: The development of AI technology not only brings about unemployment, it also brings about more job opportunities.Candidate B: So this reminds us to strive to improve our own quality, and warns us to be a person who is good at thinking.
孤独的害处Despite the convenience that science and technology has brought into life, people nowadays tend to feel more lonely than in the past. And loneliness can cause a number of damages to both physical and mental health. According to a medical research, people who often feel lonely tend to have a weaker immune system, thus they have a much higher level of blood pressure than average, and are more likely to get chronic diseases like brain damage, heart disease, even cancer. Researchers believe that loneliness can cause changes in hormone levels, which is responsible for these physical illnesses that lonely people suffer. Not only that, loneliness can result in many significant damages to people’s mental health as well. For example, people who often feel lonely might find themselves difficult to concentrate and think deeply. Without self-adjusting, they might lose interests toward their job, friends and things which they used to love, and are in danger of falling into depression eventually. Considering the damaging effects loneliness can bring about to people’s lives, it is necessary for us to avoid this harmful emotion, and help whoever is experiencing it.
要不要向校园里停的车收费Candidate A: Nowadays, there are a lot of such phenomena on campus: a lot of private cars parked on the roads, which brings great inconvenience to students and teachers. Then what do you think of it? Do you think they should be charged?
Candidate B: Well, when I walked out of the dorm today, there was a car parked in front of the door, which made it difficult for students to get in and out.Candidate A: Oh, the owner of the car is so incompetent, how can he park his car there?Candidate B: So I don’t think people can leave their cars random on campus, instead, they should park them in a fixed parking space.Candidate A: Yeah, I agree with you. So it is necessary to charge car owners for disorderly parking.Candidate B: You mean that if the owner parks his car in a fixed parking space, and it will not affect the traffic, so there will be no charge?Candidate A: Yes. This would encourage owners to put their cars in the right places and penalize those who leave them in the wrong places.Candidate B: Well, it sounds great! I believe that if our university does this, both students and teachers will get great convenience, thus reducing a lot of unnecessary troubles.
医疗服务的变化Changes in medical serviceIn the past few years, with the development of Internet and digital technology, many industries have greatly facilitated people’s daily life by setting up online stores or WeChat mini-programs. Medical service is no exception. Nowadays, it is gradually becoming a reality that we can stay at home to be medically served online without going to the physical hospital. Specifically, I think the changes in medical service are reflected in the following three points.Firstly, the perfection of medical system as well as its combination with the smart devices allows people to make an appointment in advance by using a portable phone or a mini-program inserted in the WeChat app anywhere. And it is also easy to cancel or change the time. Secondly, the pandemic of COVID-19 at the beginning of this year further promote the popularization of using online medical service instead of the offline one, because the former is an effective way to reduce the probability of exposing to the infectious disease. Lastly, medicine is a matter of people’s livelihood, to speed up the implementation of the online medical service is encouraged by the government, whose aims is to help people solve the problem of difficulty in medical treatment. In addition, the cost of adopting the online medical service is certainly fewer than the traditional offline one.All in all, in the next few years, the forms of medical service will continue to be changed and diversified and the combination form of online and offline is ideally predictable.
校园停放车辆A: Do you ever feel lonely? I do feel lonely sometimes. It’s not a good feeling.B: Yes, I know the feeling. Sometimes, even if not alone, I will often feel lonely, but I project my appearance was all okay. Perhaps, because of in the face of unknown future, a sense of helplessness and confusion always come to me.A: In today’s busy world, many people suffer from loneliness. I’m hoping that I can share some positive advises that has helped me, and may just help you too. My proposal is to participate in various interest groups, such as dancing, writing, singing, sports etc. Through talking and communicating to other members, we all gain by the interchange of ideas, the swapping of experiences and the discussion of future hopes and aspirations.B: I agree. We also need to give a vent to our feeling. Speak as much as possible to people who are empathetic. You may surprisingly find that there are indeed different situations that we all have to deal with, however, we all share a common human experience. We all feel the emotions of love, loneliness, fear, loss, and joy.A: Yes that’s definitely true.B: When you start to understand that other people have the same feeling with you, you can start to feel a lot closer to the outside. This is the way to begin to mend feelings of isolation and loneliness.A: Yes, in this way we can regain more confidence and it could be easier for us to overcome any difficulties.B: Anyway, to keep a positive attitude is the most important way.A: I suddenly think of it, may be having a pet to care for is helpful to overcome lonely too. There are many benefits to owning a very loyal and loving pet such as a puppy or a cat.B: Good idea.
克服孤单A: Do you ever feel lonely? I do feel lonely sometimes. It’s not a good feeling.B: Yes, I know the feeling. Sometimes, even if not alone, I will often feel lonely, but I project my appearance was all okay. Perhaps, because of in the face of unknown future, a sense of helplessness and confusion always come to me.A: In today’s busy world, many people suffer from loneliness. I’m hoping that I can share some positive advises that has helped me, and may just help you too. My proposal is to participate in various interest groups, such as dancing, writing, singing, sports etc. Through talking and communicating to other members, we all gain by the interchange of ideas, the swapping of experiences and the discussion of future hopes and aspirations.B: I agree. We also need to give a vent to our feeling. Speak as much as possible to people who are empathetic. You may surprisingly find that there are indeed different situations that we all have to deal with, however, we all share a common human experience. We all feel the emotions of love, loneliness, fear, loss, and joy.A: Yes that’s definitely true.B: When you start to understand that other people have the same feeling with you, you can start to feel a lot closer to the outside. This is the way to begin to mend feelings of isolation and loneliness.A: Yes, in this way we can regain more confidence and it could be easier for us to overcome any difficulties.B: Anyway, to keep a positive attitude is the most important way.A: I suddenly think of it, may be having a pet to care for is helpful to overcome lonely too. There are many benefits to owning a very loyal and loving pet such as a puppy or a cat.B: Good idea.

第一场Ways to Be Trusted by Others

第二场How to Manage Stress?

第三场Smart Phones

第四场The Importance of Cooperation

第五场The Most Difficult Course at College

第六场The Roles of the Library in the University

第七场How to Improve Environmental Quality?

第八场Public Transportation

第九场Will You Do Some Manual Works at Home?

第十场International Exchange Programme

第十一场How to Make Your College Life More Colorful?

My Favorite Course 我最喜欢的课程
What do you think of second-hand books? 你对二手书怎么看?




第三场Robots in the job market


第五场changing job markets & AI
第六场the importance of living within one's means

Do you think most elderly people are happy today?

How can we take better care about elderly people?

The impact of social media in interpersonal communication.

Is social media the best way to communicate?

Should cell phones be banned in class?

Do not use your cell phone for a whole day. Can you do that?

The importance of the two-child policy.

Do you like children?

About Chinese cooking.

Do you like the food at the school canteen? / changes in people's eating habit / Do you like fast food?

What do you think of keeping pets in cities?

Different people like different kinds of pets. What's your opinion?

小组讨论第七场陈述讨论:outdoor exercise, gym exercise

What's your favorite sports? Why? / Can exercise in gym prolong life?


通过素食主义来减肥,你是否赞同? / 如何看待素食主义?



poor mental  health / the best way to stay mental health

What do you think of your collage life? / If your classmate has poor mental health, what will you do?

The importance of handwriting.

Some people think handwriting is of no use. What's your opinion? / How about your handwrting? Why do you say that?





























