
2022年全国大学生英语竞赛 IQ TEST 题型解析













91. D。西方谚语“沉默是金,雄辩为银”,故选D。
92. I understand。图片中单词“I”在“STAND”下面,故为I understand。
93. Because it's full of hot air。hot air 意为“谎言,大话”,气球中充满了“hot air”,一语双关,因此不要“向气球
94. pepper。胡椒/辣椒放在冰箱中仍然是辣的,hot既意为“热”,也意为“辣”。
95. A。三行图形中,每行都有三格,每个方格中有一条线将格一分为二,每格中亦有一个小图案在颜色上有变化,或全黑,或全白,或带斜线。若要第二行符合此规律,需在所缺图中含有一条中分线,所含小图形应为白色小方块,且该中分线平分该小方块。只有A符合此条件。


1. Although he didn't enter the bank, he drove the get away car, which makes him an accessory before the fact.
   One word has been removed from the passage above. Select that word from the choice below and reinstate it into its correct place in the passage.
A. possibly
B. down
C. prime
D. unfortunately
E. legally
F. sometimes

2. Which logically is the odd one out?
   dosage, before, volume, simple, curate

3. Identify two words (one from each set of brackets) that form a connection (analogy), thereby relating to the words in capitals in the same way.
AMASS (gather, salvage, sustain, keep)
CONSERVE (retrieve, stockpile, protect, reclaim )

What comes next in the above sequence?

5. In the two numerical sequences below, one number that appears in the top sequence should appear in the bottom sequence and vice versa. Which two numbers should be changed around?
10, 20, 60, 180, 360, 720
10, 30, 60, 120, 360, 1080



1. Although he didn't enter the bank, he drove the get away car, which makes him an accessory before the fact.
   One word has been removed from the passage above. Select that word from the choice below and reinstate it into its correct place in the passage.
A. possibly
B. down
C. prime
D. unfortunately
E. legally
F. sometimes

2. Which logically is the odd one out?
   dosage, before, volume, simple, curate

3. Identify two words (one from each set of brackets) that form a connection (analogy), thereby relating to the words in capitals in the same way.
AMASS (gather, salvage, sustain, keep)
CONSERVE (retrieve, stockpile, protect, reclaim )

What comes next in the above sequence?

5. In the two numerical sequences below, one number that appears in the top sequence should appear in the bottom sequence and vice versa. Which two numbers should be changed around?
10, 20, 60, 180, 360, 720
10, 30, 60, 120, 360, 1080



