
CSIG-广东省CVPR 2022论文分享会


国际计算机视觉与模式识别会议(IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,CVPR)是IEEE一年一度的学术权威会议,是世界顶级计算机视觉会议之一。CVPR会议的主要内容涵盖计算机视觉、模式识别、图像处理、人工智能等各方面前沿理论与技术。在中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议名单中,CVPR为人工智能领域的A类会议。在Google学术指标(Google Scholar Metrics)榜单中, CVPR排名全球学术出版物第4(仅次于Nature、Science、The New England Journal of Medicine),在计算机科学及工程、计算机视觉及模式识别子学科类别出版物中,CVPR排名第一。

为了给本领域研究者、技术开发人员和研究生介绍计算机视觉部分前沿理论方法和最新进展,我们邀请了18位广东省在此领域部分优秀团队的青年学子,介绍他们今年被CVPR 2022录用论文的研究成果。广东省CVPR 2022论文分享学术报告会定于2022年5月7日(星期六)在线举办。


中山大学计算机学院三、直播支持:极市平台、蔻享学术四、会议时间与观看方式:时间:2022年5月7日 星期六








报告1. Modeling 3D Layout for Group Re-Identification报告人:张权摘要:Group re-identification (GReID) attempts to correctly associate groups with the same members under different cameras. The main challenge is how to resist the membership and layout variations. Existing works attempt to incorporate layout modeling on the basis of appearance features to achieve robust group representations. However, layout ambiguity is introduced because these methods only consider the 2D layout on the imaging plane. In this paper, we overcome the above limitations by 3D layout modeling. Specifically, we propose a novel 3D transformer (3DT) which reconstructs the relative 3D layout relationship among members, then applies sampling and quantification to preset a series of layout tokens along three dimensions, and selects the corresponding tokens as layout features for each member. Furthermore, we build a synthetic GReID dataset, City1M, including 1.84M images, 45K persons and 11.5K groups with 3D annotations to alleviate data shortages and poor annotations. To the best of our knowledge, 3DT is the first work to address GReID with 3D perspective, and the City1M is the currently largest dataset. Experiments shows that 3DT exceeds the existing methods by 29.7%, 25.6% and 6.9% on Rank1 on CSG, DukeGroup and RoadGroup, and 3DT pretrained on City1M will further improve 2.2%, 7.9% and 2.4% on Rank1, which demonstrates the superiority of our 3DT and City1M. Code and dataset will be released. 报告2. SwinTextSpotter: Scene Text Spotting via Better Synergy between Text Detection and Text Recognition报告人:黄明鑫摘要:End-to-end scene text spotting has attracted great attention in recent years due to the success of excavating the intrinsic synergy of the scene text detection and
recognition. However, recent state-of-the-art methods usually incorporate detection and recognition simply by sharing the backbone, which does not directly take advantage of the feature interaction between the two tasks. In this paper, we propose a new end-to-end scene text spotting framework termed SwinTextSpotter. Using a transformer encoder with dynamic head as the detector, we unify the two tasks with a novel Recognition Conversion mechanism to explicitly guide text localization through recognition loss. The straightforward design results in a concise framework that requires neither additional rectification module nor character-level annotation for the arbitrarily-shaped text. Qualitative and quantitative experiments on multi-oriented datasets RoIC13 and ICDAR 2015, arbitrarily-shaped datasets Total-Text and CTW1500, and multi-lingual datasets ReCTS (Chinese) and VinText(Vietnamese) demonstrate SwinTextSpotter significantly outperforms existing methods. Code is available at https://github.com/mxin262/SwinTextSpotter.
 报告3. Continual Object Detection via Prototypical Task Correlation Guided Gating Mechanism报告人杨斌斌摘要:Continual learning is a challenging real-world problem for constructing a mature AI system when data are provided in a streaming fashion. Despite recent progress in continual classification, the researches of continual object detection are impeded by the diverse sizes and numbers of objects in each image. Different from previous works that tune the whole network for all tasks, in this work, we present a simple and flexible framework for continual object detection via pRotOtypical taSk corrElaTion guided gaTing mechAnism (ROSETTA). Concretely, a unified framework is shared by all tasks while task-aware gates are introduced to automatically select sub-models for specific tasks. In this way, various knowledge can be successively memorized by storing their corresponding sub-model weights in this system. To make ROSETTA automatically determine which experience is available and useful, a prototypical task correlation guided Gating Diversity Controller (GDC) is introduced to adaptively adjust the diversity of gates for the new task based on class-specific prototypes. GDC module computes class-to-class correlation matrix to depict the cross-task correlation, and hereby activates more exclusive gates for the new task if a significant domain gap is observed. Comprehensive experiments on COCO-VOC, KITTI-Kitchen, class-incremental detection on VOC and sequential learning of four tasks show that ROSETTA yields state-of-the-art performance on both task-based and class-based continual object detection. 
报告4. RU-Net: Regularized Unrolling Network for Scene Graph Generation报告人:林鑫摘要:Scene graph generation (SGG) aims to detect objects and predict the relationships between each pair of objects. Existing SGG methods usually suffer from several issues, including 1) ambiguous object representations, as graph neural network-based message passing (GMP) modules are typically sensitive to spurious inter-node correlations, and 2) low diversity in relationship predictions due to severe class imbalance and a large number of missing annotations. To address both problems, in this paper, we propose a regularized unrolling network (RU-Net). We first study the relation between GMP and graph Laplacian denoising (GLD) from the perspective of the unrolling technique, determining that GMP can be formulated as a solver for GLD. Based on this observation, we propose an unrolled message passing module and introduce an $\ell_p$-based graph regularization to suppress spurious connections between nodes. Second, we propose a group diversity enhancement module that promotes the prediction diversity of relationships via rank maximization.  Systematic experiments demonstrate that RU-Net is effective under a variety of settings and metrics. Furthermore, RU-Net achieves new state-of-the-arts on three popular databases: VG, VRD, and OI. 报告5. Scene Consistency Representation Learning for Video Scene Segmentation报告人:吴昊谦摘要:A long-term video, such as a movie or TV show, is composed of various scenes, each of which represents a series of shots sharing the same semantic story. Spotting the correct scene boundary among the shots from the long-term video is a challenging task, since a model must understand the storyline of the video to figure out where a scene starts and where it ends. To this end, we propose an effective self-supervised learning (SSL) framework to learn better shot representations from unlabeled long-term videos. Instead of explicitly learning the scene boundary features that is proposed in the state-of-the-art algorithms, we introduce a vanilla temporal model with less inductive bias to verify the quality of the extracted features. More specifically, we present a self-supervised representation learning scheme to achieve scene consistency, while exploring considerable data augmentation and shuffling methods to boost the model generalizability. Our proposed method achieves state-of-the- art performance on the current benchmark for Video Scene Segmentation tasks. Additionally, we suggest a more fair and reasonable benchmark in the hope of bringing better insights to evaluate the performance of Video Scene Segmentation methods. The code will be made publicly available. 报告6. Exploring Dual-task Correlation for Pose Guided Person Image Generation报告人:张鹏泽摘要:Pose Guided Person Image Generation (PGPIG) is the task of transforming a person image from the source pose to a given target pose. Most of the existing methods only focus on the ill-posed source-to-target task and fail to capture reasonable texture mapping. To address this problem, we propose a novel Dual-task Pose Transformer Network (DPTN), which introduces an auxiliary task (i.e., source-tosource task) and exploits the dual-task correlation to promote the performance of PGPIG. The DPTN is of a Siamese structure, containing a source-to-source self-reconstruction branch, and a transformation branch for source-to-target generation. By sharing partial weights between them, the knowledge learned by the source-to-source task can effectively assist the source-to-target learning. Furthermore, we bridge the two branches with a proposed Pose Transformer Module (PTM) to adaptively explore the correlation between features from dual tasks. Such correlation can establish the fine-grained mapping of all the pixels between the sources and the targets, and promote the source texture transmission to enhance the details of the generated target images. Extensive experiments show that our DPTN outperforms state-of-the-arts in terms of both PSNR and LPIPS. In addition, our DPTN only contains 9.79 million parameters, which is significantly smaller than other approaches. 报告7. VISTA: Boosting 3D Object Detection via Dual Cross-VIew SpaTial Attention报告人:邓圣衡摘要:Detecting objects from LiDAR point clouds is of tremendous significance in autonomous driving. In spite of good progress, accurate and reliable 3D detection is yet to be achieved due to the sparsity and irregularity of LiDAR point clouds. Among existing strategies, multi-view methods have shown great promise by leveraging the more comprehensive information from both bird's eye view (BEV) and range view (RV). These multi-view methods either refine the proposals predicted from single view via fused features, or fuse the features without considering the global spatial context; their performance is limited consequently. In this paper, we propose to adaptively fuse multi-view features in a global spatial context via Dual Cross-VIew SpaTial Attention (VISTA). The proposed VISTA is a novel plug-and-play fusion module, wherein the multi-layer perceptron widely adopted in standard attention modules is replaced with a convolutional one. Thanks to the learned attention mechanism, VISTA can produce fused features of high quality for prediction of proposals. We decouple the classification and regression tasks in VISTA, and an additional constraint of attention variance is applied that enables the attention module to focus on specific targets instead of generic points. We conduct thorough experiments on the benchmarks of nuScenes and Waymo; results confirm the efficacy of our designs. At the time of submission, our method achieves 63.0% in overall mAP and 69.8% in NDS on the nuScenes benchmark, outperforming all published methods by up to 24% in safety-crucial categories such as cyclist.
报告8. C2AM: Contrastive learning of Class-agnostic Activation Map for Weakly Supervised Object Localization and Semantic Segmentation报告人:谢金衡摘要:While class activation map (CAM) generated by image classification network has been widely used for weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) and semantic segmentation (WSSS), such classifiers usually focus on discriminative object regions. In this paper, we propose Contrastive learning for Class-agnostic Activation Map (C$^2$AM) generation only using unlabeled image data, without the involvement of image-level supervision. The core idea comes from the observation that i) semantic information of foreground objects usually differs from their backgrounds; ii) foreground objects with similar appearance or background with similar color/texture have similar representations in the feature space. We form the positive and negative pairs based on the above relations and force the network to disentangle foreground and background with a class-agnostic activation map using a novel contrastive loss. As the network is guided to discriminate cross-image foreground-background, the class-agnostic activation maps learned by our approach generate more complete object regions. We successfully extracted from C$^2$AM class-agnostic object bounding boxes for object localization and background cues to refine CAM generated by classification network for semantic segmentation. Extensive experiments on CUB-200-2011, ImageNet-1K, and PASCAL VOC2012 datasets show that both WSOL and WSSS can benefit from the proposed C$^2$AM. Code will be available. 报告9. Learning to Imagine: Diversify Memory for Incremental Learning using Unlabeled Data报告人:汤裕明摘要:Deep neural network (DNN) suffers from catastrophic forgetting when learning incrementally, which greatly limits its applications. Although maintaining a handful of samples (called “exemplars”) of each task could alleviate forgetting to some extent, existing methods are still limited by the small number of exemplars since these exemplars are too few to carry enough task-specific knowledge, and therefore the forgetting remains. To overcome this problem, we propose to “imagine” diverse counterparts of given exemplars referring to the abundant semantic-irrelevant information from unlabeled data. Specifically, we develop a learnable feature generator to diversify exemplars by adaptively generating diverse counterparts of exemplars based on semantic information from exemplars and semantically-irrelevant information from unlabeled data. We introduce semantic contrastive learning to enforce the generated samples to be semantic consistent with exemplars and perform semantic-decoupling contrastive learning to encourage diversity of generated samples. The diverse generated samples could effectively prevent DNN from forgetting when learning new tasks. Our method does not bring any extra inference cost and outperforms state-of-the-art methods on two benchmarks CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-Subset by a clear margin. 报告10. Look Closer to Supervise Better: One-Shot Font Generation via Component-Based Discriminator报告人:孔宇昕摘要:Automatic font generation remains a challenging research issue due to the large amounts of characters with complicated structures. Typically, only a few samples can serve as the style/content reference (termed few-shot learning), which further increases the difficulty to preserve local style patterns or detailed glyph structures. We investigate the drawbacks of previous studies and find that a coarse-grained discriminator is insufficient for supervising a font generator. To this end, we propose a novel Component-Aware Module (CAM), which supervises the generator to decouple content and style at a more fine-grained level, i.e., the component level. Different from previous studies struggling to increase the complexity of generators, we aim to perform more effective supervision for a relatively simple generator to achieve its full potential, which is a brand new perspective for font generation. The whole framework achieves remarkable results by coupling component-level supervision with adversarial learning, hence we call it Component-Guided GAN, shortly CG-GAN. Extensive experiments show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art one-shot font generation methods. Furthermore, it can be applied to handwritten word synthesis and scene text image editing, suggesting the generalization of our approach. 报告11. Dual-AI: Dual-path Actor Interaction Learning for Group Activity Recognition报告人:韩鸣飞摘要:Learning spatial-temporal relation among multiple actors is crucial for group activity recognition. Different group activities often show the diversified interactions between actors in the video. Hence, it is often difficult to model complex group activities from a single view of spatial-temporal actor evolution. To tackle this problem, we propose a distinct Dual-path Actor Interaction (Dual-AI) framework, which flexibly arranges spatial and temporal transformers in two complementary orders, enhancing actor relations by integrating merits from different spatio-temporal paths. Moreover, we introduce a novel Multi-scale Actor Contrastive Loss (MAC-Loss) between two interactive paths of Dual-AI. Via self-supervised actor consistency in both frame and video levels, MAC-Loss can effectively distinguish individual actor representations to reduce action confusion among different actors. Consequently, our Dual-AI can boost group activity recognition by fusing such discriminative features of different actors. To evaluate the proposed approach, we conduct extensive experiments on the widely used benchmarks, including Volleyball, Collective Activity, and NBA datasets. The proposed Dual-AI achieves state-of-the-art performance on all these datasets. It is worth noting the proposed Dual-AI with 50% training data outperforms a number of recent approaches with 100% training data. This confirms the generalization power of Dual-AI for group activity recognition, even under the challenging scenarios of limited supervision. 报告12. M5Product: Self-harmonized Contrastive Learning for E-commercial Multi-modal Pretraining报告人:董晓摘要:Despite the potential of multi-modal pre-training to learn highly discriminative feature representations from complementary data modalities, current progress is being slowed by the lack of large-scale modality-diverse datasets. By leveraging the natural suitability of E-commerce, where different modalities capture complementary semantic information, we contribute a large-scale multi-modal pre-training dataset M5Product. The dataset comprises 5 modalities (image, text, table, video, and audio), covers over 6,000 categories and 5,000 attributes, and is 500 times larger than the largest publicly available dataset with a similar number of modalities. Furthermore, M5Product contains incomplete modality pairs and noise while also having a long-tailed distribution, resembling most real-world problems. We further propose Self-harmonized ContrAstive LEarning (SCALE), a novel pretraining framework that integrates the different modalities into a unified model through an adaptive feature fusion mechanism, where the importance of each modality is learned directly from the modality embeddings and impacts the inter-modality contrastive learning and masked tasks within a multi-modal transformer model. We evaluate the current multi-modal pre-training state-of-the-art approaches and benchmark their ability to learn from unlabeled data when faced with the large number of modalities in the M5Product dataset. We conduct extensive experiments on four downstream tasks and demonstrate the superiority of our SCALE model, providing insights into the importance of dataset scale and diversity. 报告13. CLIMS: Cross Language Image Matching for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation报告人:谢金衡摘要:It has been widely known that CAM (Class Activation Map) usually only activates discriminative object regions and falsely includes lots of object-related backgrounds. As only a fixed set of image-level object labels are available to the WSSS (weakly supervised semantic segmentation) model, it could be very difficult to suppress those diverse background regions consisting of open set objects. In this paper, we propose a novel Cross Language Image Matching (CLIMS) framework, based on the recently introduced Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model, for WSSS. The core idea of our framework is to introduce natural language supervision to activate more complete object regions and suppress closely-related open background regions. In particular, we design object, background region and text label matching losses to guide the model to excite more reasonable object regions for CAM of each category. In addition, we design a co-occurring background suppression loss to prevent the model from activating closely-related background regions, with a predefined set of class-related background text descriptions. These designs enable the proposed CLIMS to generate a more complete and compact activation map for the target objects. Extensive experiments on PASCAL VOC2012 dataset show that our CLIMS significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods. 报告14. HL-Net: Heterophily Learning Network for Scene Graph Generation报告人:林鑫摘要:Scene graph generation (SGG) aims to detect objects and predict their pairwise relationships within an image. Current SGG methods typically utilize graph neural networks (GNNs) to acquire context information between objects/relationships. Despite their effectiveness, however, current SGG methods only assume scene graph homophily while ignoring heterophily. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a novel Heterophily Learning Network (HL-Net) to comprehensively explore the homophily and heterophily between objects/relationships in scene graphs. More specifically, HL-Net comprises the following 1) an adaptive reweighting transformer module, which adaptively integrates the information from different layers to exploit both the heterophily and homophily in objects; 2) a relationship feature propagation module that efficiently explores the connections between relationships by considering heterophily in order to refine the relationship representation; 3) a heterophily-aware message-passing scheme to further distinguish the heterophily and homophily between objects/relationships, thereby facilitating improved message passing in graphs. We conducted extensive experiments on two public datasets: Visual Genome (VG) and Open Images (OI). The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed HL-Net over existing state-of-the-art approaches. In more detail, HL-Net outperforms the second-best competitors by 2.1$\%$ on the VG dataset for scene graph classification and 1.2$\%$ on the IO dataset for the final score. 报告15. Deep Generalized Unfolding Networks for Image Restoration报告人:牟冲摘要:Deep neural networks (DNN) have achieved great success in image restoration. However, most DNN methods are designed as a black box, lacking transparency and interpretability. Although some methods are proposed to combine traditional optimization algorithms with DNN, they usually demand pre-defined degradation processes or handcrafted assumptions, making it difficult to deal with complex and real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a Deep Generalized Unfolding Network (DGUNet) for image restoration. Concretely, without loss of interpretability, we integrate a gradient estimation strategy into the gradient descent step of the Proximal Gradient Descent (PGD) algorithm, driving it to deal with complex and real-world image degradation. In addition, we design inter-stage information pathways across proximal mapping in different PGD iterations to rectify the intrinsic information loss in most deep unfolding networks (DUN) through a multi-scale and spatial-adaptive way. By integrating the flexible gradient descent and informative proximal mapping, we unfold the iterative PGD algorithm into a trainable DNN. Extensive experiments on various image restoration tasks demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of state-of-the-art performance, interpretability, and generalizability. 报告16. Distillation Using Oracle Queries for Transformer-based Human-Object Interaction Detection报告人:屈贤摘要:Transformer-based methods have achieved great success in the field of human-object interaction (HOI) detection. However, these models tend to adopt semantically ambiguous
queries, which lowers the transformer’s representation learning power. Moreover, there are a very limited number of labeled human-object pairs for most images in existing datasets, which constrains the transformer’s set prediction power. To handle the first problem, we propose an efficient knowledge distillation model, named Distillation using Oracle Queries (DOQ), which shares parameters between teacher and student networks. The teacher network adopts oracle queries that are semantically clear and generates high-quality decoder embeddings. By mimicking both the attention maps and decoder embeddings of the teacher network, the representation learning power of the student network is significantly promoted. To address the second problem, we introduce an efficient data augmentation method, named Context-Consistent Stitching (CCS), which generates complicated images online. Each new image is obtained by stitching labeled human-object pairs cropped from multiple training images. By selecting source images with similar context, the new synthesized image is made visually realistic. Our methods significantly promote both the accuracy and training efficiency of transformer-based HOI detection models. Experimental results show that our proposed approach consistently outperforms state-of-theart methods on three benchmarks: HICO-DET, HOI-A, and V-COCO. Code is available at https://github.com/SherlockHolmes221/DOQ.
 报告17. Shunted Self-Attention via Multi-Scale Token Aggregation报告人:任苏成摘要:Recent Vision Transformer~(ViT) models have demonstrated encouraging results across various computer vision tasks, thanks to its competence in modeling long-range dependencies of image patches or tokens via self-attention. These models, however, usually designate the similar receptive fields of each token feature within each layer. Such a constraint inevitably limits  the ability of each self-attention layer in capturing multi-scale features, thereby leading to performance degradation in handling images with multiple objects of different scales. To address this issue, we propose a novel and generic strategy, termed shunted self-attention~(SSA), that allows ViTs to model the attentions at hybrid scales per attention layer. The key idea of SSA is to inject heterogeneous receptive field sizes into tokens: before computing the self-attention matrix, it selectively merges tokens to represent larger object features while  keeping certain tokens to preserve fine-grained features. This novel merging scheme enables the self-attention   to learn relationships between objects with different sizes, and simultaneously reduces the token numbers and the computational cost. Extensive experiments across various tasks demonstrate the superiority of SSA. Specifically, the SSA-based transformer achieve 84.0\% Top-1 accuracy and outperforms the state-of-the-art Focal Transformer on ImageNet with only half of the model size and computation cost, and surpasses  Focal Transformer by 1.3 mAP on COCO and 2.9 mIOU on ADE20K under similar parameter and computation cost. Code has been released at https://github.com/OliverRensu/Shunted-Transformer. 报告18. Faithful Extreme Rescaling via Generative Prior Reciprocated Invertible Representations报告人:钟智炫摘要:This paper presents a Generative prior ReciprocAted Invertible rescaling Network (GRAIN) for generating faithful high-resolution (HR) images from low-resolution (LR) invertible images with an extreme upscaling factor (64×). Previous researches have leveraged the prior knowledge of a pretrained GAN model to generate high-quality upscaling results. However, they fail to produce pixel-accurate results due to the highly ambiguous extreme mapping process. We remedy this problem by introducing a reciprocated invertible image rescaling process, in which high-resolution information can be delicately embedded into an invertible low-resolution image and generative prior for a faithful HR reconstruction. In particular, the invertible LR features not only carry significant HR semantics, but also are trained to predict scale-specific latent codes, yielding a preferable utilization of generative features. On the other hand, the enhanced generative prior is re-injected to the rescaling process, compensating the lost details of the invertible rescaling. Our reciprocal mechanism perfectly integrates the advantages of invertible encoding and generative prior, leading to the first feasible extreme rescaling solution. Extensive experiments demonstrate superior performance against state-of-the-art upscaling methods.
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联系人:张老师, Email: eexinzhang@scut.edu.cn 



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