
【逐梦·爱与未来】EMF国际学生的职业生涯探索之旅 | 职场

FISF PDC 复旦泛海国际金融学院 2023-10-23









Looking back, two people played a decisive role in my enrolment at FISF. Rewinding the clock by two years, I sat in my room in Beijing researching postgraduate programmes. After over a decade of studying in the UK, I had decided to pursue a master’s degree in China; however, finding the right programme was not a straightforward task. Days of browsing still left me feeling very far away from an answer. The decision was difficult due to my international background, very few schools both offer the best-in-class standards I demanded and provided a culture I identified with. None of the programmes “clicked” with me.

I wanted to speak to someone who has gone through the application process for some concrete advice. Unfortunately, I did not know any suitable persons; therefore, I turn to the solution that makes all introverts (myself included) cringe at the mention of – cold mailing on LinkedIn! Of the three messages I sent, one of them was received and responded to by Bo Yuan – a Peking University undergraduate student who will be starting his master’s in Fudan University. Bo introduced FISF International School of Finance (FISF) to me, and the school’s mission of becoming a world-class, truly international business school with a special focus on the Chinese economy instantaneously spoke to me. For me, the international nature of FISF is threefold – for starters, the course is taught completely in English; secondly, around 25% of my classmates were international students – a very high percentage for Chinese universities; and finally, it has rich exposure to pioneering professors and professionals from all around the world. Currently, it is rare to find such a cosmopolitan school environment in China and this is something I valued. Looking back, I am very grateful for sending that unnerving InMail to Bo, we joke that he should receive a commission from FISF for all his help with admissions. Bo and I actually ended up being in the same class!

The second person shaping my decision is Justin Hou – programme administrator at FISF. Justin was the FISF first faculty member I met. Other than exemplifying excellent professionalism regarding academic work, he truly took the time and effort to get to know each student. The master programme at FISF is called Elite Master of Finance; for me, the “Elite” stands for a personalised VIP experience each student experiences in their two/three years here. The limited number of students in the programme allows the school to build a personal connection with each student. I remember when first settling down in Shanghai, as an international student I needed to sort out paperwork regarding visas. This can be a daunting and stressful process, however fortunately I was able to rely upon FISF staff such as Justin to provide plenty of support. Perhaps this is also somewhat of a Chinese culture specialty, but many faculty staff felt like our parents away from home here in FISF, which was very comforting.

Shortly after starting the programme, I decided on management consulting as a career choice. Highs and lows were experienced during my two years at FISF, from being rejected for all summer internship applications to finally receiving my graduate job offers.
The Professional Development Centre (PDC) at FISF were able to support us with a network of professionals. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting top consultants at events organised by the PDC, where they generously shared with us their experience with consulting, intriguing stories encountered during work and invaluable interview tips. Another useful element of these events is that it brings together fellow peers interested in the same profession. A few of us were then able to create a consulting preparation group, where we shared resources, completed mock interviews, and eventually went through the application process together. As you also had similar schedules in school, it was often more efficient and motivating than finding case buddies online.
PDC also offers career mentors to each student at FISF. Mentors come from a range of top firms spanning various industries, so you are able to select someone that is the closest aligned to your area of interest. I was fortunate to have Mike Wang – previously a Greater China head recruiter at McKinsey, as my career mentor. Mike was incredibly generous to check my CV, conduct a mock interview, and answer any questions I had; however, I am most thankful to Mike for pointing me in the right direction at a time when I was lost and disheartened. After being rejected for all my summer internship applications under his recommendation, I decided to apply for a part-time-assistance (PTA) position. I was initially hesitant as I heard that candidates do not learn a lot of PTA positions as it’s mainly just “grunt work” and it also doesn’t lead to return offers. However, I am so glad that I took a leap as my personal experience with PTA could not have been more different. It turned out to be a rewarding and indispensable experience for my final job offers. Thus, I am grateful to PDC and Mike for signposting me along the route when I needed some directions.


Finally, what I am the fondest about regarding FISF are my classmates and friends. Even as a British-Chinese, I worried about struggling to fit in with my classmates when studying in China. To my surprise, FISF has a large proportion of international students, and the culture barrier with the Chinese students is a lot less than I anticipated. One of our classmates is Thai and speaks no Chinese at all, but with Fanhai’s welcoming culture and his friendly smile, he soon made many good friends (myself included)!

The intensity of the curriculum quickly builds a strong bond between the group as you’re spending the majority of your awake hours together. When you’re running late for the morning class and ask your friend to grab you some breakfast from “BaBiManTou”, or going to our favourite lunch place “A Mao” before rushing back to afternoon classes, or celebrating the end of a deadline with a hotpot at Haidilao. For me, the time spent in Shanghai is spoilt with many cherished memories. During breaks from school, we would utilise this time to explore other cities and parts of China. For example, one weekend we explored the ancient town of Suzhou!

Of course, there were also late nights we had to pull in order to meet deadlines for projects, but the company of friends and takeaways made even these times bitter-sweet. Even when teaching moved online due to Covid-19, we found ways to make group projects fun and engaging.

FISF was able to offer me everything I looked for in my masters: an understanding of finance, exposure to China’s top companies and professionals, a group of like-minded peers, and in addition, it surprised me with a strong sense of belonging. Thank you for a great two years!







在加拿大生活八年后,因为有些厌倦了“好山好水好无聊”的生活,我毅然选择回国发展,而加入复旦泛海国金是我最正确的选择之一。我认为攻读金融类专业硕士时,除了巩固相关专业知识,明确未来的就业方向也是极其重要的一环。除了经济、公司金融、财报、固收、衍生品等必修课程,复旦泛海国金安排了丰富的实践类课程和活动,包括LIVE Projects、Overseas Module、以及形式多样的职业发展类活动。其中LIVE 课程让我受益匪浅,导师们都是金融各领域的行业精英,不但在带领我们做课题时非常专业负责,课后也愿意常常与我们探讨各细分领域的热点议题和趣闻。和导师们的交流逐渐激发了我更加努力提高自己的动力,向往着日后能和优秀的导师们在同一行业内并肩作战。

在明确自己职业发展的道路上,职业发展中心的范英老师可谓是我的“明灯”。在第一次走进职业发展中心咨询室时,我是一个不折不扣的“金融小白”。经过几次交谈后,结合范英老师对我的个人特质剖析和行业发展方面的建议,我很快便确定了自己的求职目标——“股票销售交易部”。现在看来,坚定且具体的求职目标,一定是拿到理想Offer的关键一步。另外,学院学术副院长张纯信教授的一句鼓励“You can handle any job”,也让我更加勇于释放自己的闪光点,追逐自己的目标。



在复旦泛海国金的两年里,我深刻体会到了“Diligence, Responsibility, Open-mindedness”的EMF项目目标。能够最后交出一份满意的答卷,背后离不开整个项目团队的支持。2019年夏天,感恩遇见。未来的路,我们戮力同心,砥砺前行!








要说我在EMF的体验,大概可以用我的一个心境来描述。每每在聊天的过程中,总有人会问起 “Hey,你们EMF是几年的项目呀,感觉如何?你是什么时候入学,什么时候毕业的呢?” 面对这些问题的我总会愣住几秒钟。复旦泛海国金EMF在我的脑海中好像从未被定义为一个时间界限清晰、循规蹈矩的常规硕士项目,而是一张张生动的面孔、与个性鲜明的良师和益友共度的记忆片段、一个由共荣感和连接感构建起来的温暖整体。




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