
第二届“可持续发展目标挑战赛”成功举办 | EMF

FISF EMF 复旦泛海国际金融学院 2022-05-23

April 24th, 2022 - "Social Entrepreneurship Asia-Pacific: Landing Great SDGs in China" was the main theme of this year’s 2nd Great Sustainable Development Goals Challenge, which was successfully held by the Elite Master of Finance (EMF) program at Fanhai International School of Finance (FISF), Fudan University.

2022年4月24日,由复旦大学泛海国际金融学院精英金融专业硕士(EMF)项目主办的第二届“可持续发展目标挑战赛”成功举办。本次挑战赛以 “亚太社会优秀创业案例分析与国内落地对接报告” 为主题。来自EMF项目的100多位研一的同学参与了此次活动。

Aiming at enhancing students’ strength and professional knowledge in finance, the EMF program strives to cultivate students' social and ethical responsibility and to inspire and help aspiring youth leaders to work harder to meet future challenges. Each year, as a part of the C.A.R.E. Responsibility and Ethics module, a “SDGs” themed challenge conference is held at FISF. This year, more than 100 first year postgraduate students participated in the event.


About Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a series of new development goals, which will continue to guide the global development work for the period from 2015 to 2030 after the expiration of the Millennium Development Goals. On September 25th, 2015, the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development was held at the headquarters in New York, 193 member states of the United Nations formally accepted 17 sustainable development goals at the summit. The sustainable development goals aim to completely solve the development problems in social, economic and environmental dimensions in a comprehensive way for the period between 2015 to 2030, shifting the world to the sustainable development path.



The 2022 Great SDGs Challenge was set up to enhance the students’ understanding of the Global Goals and were invited to study how these goals have been implemented on a global scale, and to understand how existing social enterprises are implementing the goals across Asia Pacific. With these questions in mind, the students gathered for the online session and started their journey of learning about SDGs driven social enterprises overseas, after which they were expected to finish a relevant report as the final assignment.

本次挑战赛以“亚太社会优秀创业案例分析与国内落地对接报告”为主题。同学们首先学习了解可持续发展目标,研究它们在全球范围内的具体实施情况;进而通过对亚太地区现有社会公益组织或成功项目的调研,探索值得借鉴的成功经验;最后探讨在和国内企业或公益机构合作时可能面临的机遇和挑战。同学们齐聚“云端” ,共享这一天的探索之旅。

The specially designed one day event officially began with Ms. Betty Chen from the EMF Program first invited Mr. Allan Chou, Founder of RAIDiCal and Global Advisor to the Great SDGs Challenge to speak about the project objectives. Mr. Chou introduced the purpose and tasks of this year’s challenge. He encouraged students to work hard in learning and researching into the deployment of Sustainable Development Goals in the Asia-Pacific Region and connecting these social enterprises to similar initiatives in China.  It is well known that SDGs are being developed and executed in China but are often not identified as such due to localized descriptions.

To give context to the final report three special guests were invited to the groundbreaking session, Mr. Jey Chan, Youth Entrepreneurship Support Coordinator of UNDP Bangkok Regional Center, Mr. Zhou Qiguang, founder of CYOT, and Mr. Chen Manyan, Vice President of ByteDance’s Feishu division gave the students rundowns on their respective projects.

4月24日9:30活动拉开序幕。国际科技与企业创新合作基金RAIDiCal 首席执行官周立玮先生应EMF项目组陈碧云老师的邀请为活动致辞。他向同学们介绍了挑战赛的历史、宗旨和今年的任务,鼓励大家积极研究可持续发展目标,为解决全球可持续发展问题做出自己的贡献。随后,活动的三位嘉宾——联合国开发计划署曼谷区域中心青年创业支援协调员Jey Chan 先生、CYOT创始人周启光先生、和字节跳动飞书产品副总裁陈满砚先生,分别就青年共创实验室(Youth Co:Lab) ,CYOT教育公益项目和飞书平台产品开发为同学们带来了主题分享。本次挑战赛邀请到了博世(BOSCH)全球新兴市场数字加速团队主管David Chu先生作为评委。

After the lunch break, more than 100 students were divided into 14 groups to deep dive into their randomly assigned SDGs. Each group were then assigned a social enterprise supported and mentored by the UNDP Co: Labs initiative in the Asia Pacific region. Students conducted group discussions, collected and organized the necessary materials, and presented their achievements on the Feishu collaborative work platform owned by Bytedance, the famous Decacorn from China. Mr. David Chu, Head of BOSCH Global Emerging Markets Digital Acceleration team were invited to give comments on the presentations. Research on topics including “providing communication services for the deaf community” “job security” “recycling” “fresh product supply chain” “public welfare school” “organic farming” “clean water and sanitation” “affordable education” “mental healthcare and wellbeing” “environmental friendly products and packaging” were presented by the teams. Problems, experiences and practices in implementing SDGS in different regions were shared in detail, and possible cooperation plans or policy suggestions were put forward based on to what extent the goals match when the organization are attaining them.


Mentors were very impressed by the commitment of everyone in producing such high-quality work together in just one day and thought the achievement was really inspiring.


Finally, a group photo marked the successful conclusion of this year’s challenge. By launching this challenge every year, the EMF program hopes to support the teaching of United Nations SDGs by connecting social forces through global cooperation and tangible deliverables. The EMF program also hopes that the annual challenge will provides international opportunities for students to study, research and implement these goals, and continue to publicize the value of sustainable development to building a more resilient planet.



Comments From Mentors 


“The objective of the annual Great SDGs Challenge with the EMF student is to ensure that they see the actionable nature of the Global Goals. The learning exercise shouldn’t just be the basic learnings about the SDGs, turning the time spent into real actions is also important.  So, this year we designed the course to give a relevant report about social enterprises from the Asia-Pacific as part of the UNDP Co: Labs startups mentorship and incubation initiative. The students were able to connect the dots to look at potential cross-border cooperation between organizations with the same SDGs.  It’s this type of action driven objectives that will help us to advance and fulfill the SDGs on more tangible basis. We need to come together as key stakeholders and reach agreement on the learnings of SDGs so that we can work together to reach the 2030 timeline. “

 “EMF一年一度可持续发展目标挑战活动的目标是为了让同学们看到这些全球目标的可操作性。不仅学习可持续发展目标的理论,更让学生深入研究将理论转化为实际行动。今年我们设计的内容作为UNDP Co:Labs初创企业指导和孵化计划的一部分,让学生们调查研究具有相同可持续发展目标重点的组织之间潜在的跨境合作。这将有助于推动和连接全球可持续发展目标的发展。我们需要就可持续发展目标的部署达成共识,为了同一个目标奋斗。”

Allan Chou,Founder of RAIDiCalGlobal Advisor to the FISF EMF Great SDGs Challenge


“When Mr. Allan Chou invited me to speak as a guest for this event, I was elated. The theme of the program, Social Entrepreneurship in Asia-Pacific and SDG Solutions, is also one of the key focus of Youth Co: Lab, an initiative co-led by the UNDP and Citi Foundation. Over the last few years, we have supported thousands of social enterprises across Asia-Pacific and most of them have something in common. They are run by young people who want to make a positive impact on their community and the planet, young people like you.

We can only achieve the SDGs through the concerted efforts of the individuals, civil society, private sectors and the government. As you are elite students of Fudan University, I hope that you will feel inspired by the program and the white paper to bring these ideas into your own community or better yet, set you on the path to creating your very own SDG solutions in China.”



Wei Jie Chan (Jey)

Youth Startup Support Coordinator

Governance and Peacebuilding Team

UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub


“The best way to predict future is to make it. The youth are China’s tomorrow and China’s future will be created by the youth of today. Go out and make your impact FISF EMF class! Reduce China’s inequality and improve our education quality. These two SDGs may have profound impact on China’s future!”


Zhou Qiguang (Hardy)Founder of China Youth of Tomorrow (CYOT)


“It is my pleasure to be invited as a guest speaker for this year. I am glad to see the vibrant ecosystem of social entrepreneurship in Asia Pacific and I am impressed by the remarkable enthusiasm and professionalism shown by the students in their presentations.

It is exciting to see how SDGs are being pursued in both private and public sectors and how entrepreneurs are tackling a wide range of pressing societal challenges including environmental sustainability, gender equality, health & well-being, and responsible consumption.

Last but not least, I am very delighted to have contributed to empowering our next-generation young leaders who are responsible to ideate, collaborate and share their ideas on the Feishu platform. I look forward to seeing more social projects come to fruition from this program. Congratulations on the success of the event!”




Chen ManyanVice President, ProductsFeishu, Bytedance


“It is refreshing and encouraging to see the commitment of the project teams in proposing the concept of matching unique social enterprises across the region to mutually shared sustainable development goals. The proposals to achieve potential synergies across different organizations are a great initiative to encourage partnerships across the global community and continue the mission to uplift us socially, economically, and sustainably.”


David ChuDelivery Lead for the Digital Acceleration Teamat Bosch Global Emerging Markets
·Many thanks to all the mentors for your guidance, and inspiring professional knowledge and suggestions.·Special thanks to Feishu Platform and the team for providing technical support throughout the event.·感谢各位业界导师们给予本次活动的支持,在活动中高屋建瓴的分享以及对同学们给出专业的知识, 指导与建议。·特别鸣谢字节跳动旗下飞书平台以及其团队提供本次活动的技术支持。
"Change our world"

Let's make contributions to promoting global sustainable development together!

See you next year!




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