英国利物浦Everton滑板公园里的"Evertro" (白天/夜晚). 图片致谢: 利物浦双年展及伦敦PilarCorrias画廊南韩艺术家Koo Jeong A / 具贞娥 (b.1967) 为“夜间”滑板者想出了这样一个奇妙而精彩的方案:建造一个自己发光的滑板场。滑板公园当然可以请市政厅为他们安上几盏路灯来照明,但路灯照射下的人影依然会使滑板这项极限运动在夜晚充满潜在危险。相比,“夜光滑板场”则会消减人影甚至使其完全消失,滑手们在“客体自光源”(词汇来源及论证:XH.Wang, XB.Qin, L.Xin, 2010)和微弱外来光源的双光源滑板场中将会获得“非真实的”沉浸式体验,使“夜间滑板游戏”更加精彩刺激。
英国利物浦双年展和利物浦城市议会委托艺术家具贞娥和Wheelscape Skateparks建造公司设计并建成了英国第一个夜光滑板场——Evertro。夜光滑板场 “Evertro” 于2015年10月开始建造,多年后得以竣工,并亦将亮相于即将到来的利物浦双年展(本届双年展主题:“胃与港口”,2020年7月11日-10月25日,敬请关注“艺术外食研究所”专题报道)。UK's first glow-in-the-dark wheels park, Evertro, designed by South Korea artist Koo Jeong A will be on show in the 2020 Liverpool Biennial (The Stomach and the Port, 11 July-25 October 2020). Commissioned by Liverpool Biennial and Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson, Koo Jeong A together with Wheelscape Skateparks launched the project in October 2015 but it has been years in the making.
"Otro",2008-2012,混凝土, 金属, 磷光涂料 (白天/夜晚),400m2如今,当代艺术家通过了解科学家对双/多重光源和夜间发光体的研究和试验,正在尝试着用自己的方式解决实际生活中的问题。具贞娥的夜光滑板场系列,最早于2008年开始设计并投入施工。2012年,法国瓦西维尔岛的夜滑者们拥有了世界上第一个能够实现在夜晚滑行的专业场地,Otro。The first product of this “skateable sculpture” series, called Otro, was completed in 2012, Vassivière Island, France. Made from green phosphorescent concrete, it gives off a radioactive glare, which enables skaters to pull some rad tricks without bumping into one another.
夜晚,人们在法国瓦西维尔岛上的夜光“Otro” 中。
“Otro”是具贞娥滑板场系列的第一件作品,她将荧绿磷光涂料涂在混凝土基础结构(最佳滑板场材料 - Skatepark Materials by publicskateparkguide.org)的表面,使它在光线昏暗时能够发出夜光。这样即使在夜晚,滑板爱好者们也能在尽情滑行时避免撞到同伴。除了实现夜间滑行体验,这个滑板场本身就可以被看作是一件当代艺术作品——一个赋予体验感的、将周围环境也融入光影游戏中的地形装置。
"OooOoO",室内滑板场装置,2019-2020米兰三年展. Photo: FTfoto.it
具贞娥的另一个同样也已向公众开放的滑板场——大型室内场景装置作品“OooOoO”,是她为最近的米兰艺术三年展(Triennale Milano,Nov.27, 2019 - Feb.16, 2020)地面层展区打造的定制作品。
“OooOoO” 邀请参与者体验并探索物理环境和概念环境间的关系、尝试通过改变主客体间、个体和社群间的动力来进行相关探寻。其实早自上世纪九十年代起,具贞娥就开始研究如何通过实验和特殊场景参与型装置来重塑展览空间。
The latest piece of this skatepark series, OooOoO, was showed in the 2019 Triennale Milano. During the show, Koo Jeong A invited audiences to explore the space both physically and perceptually, while challenging the relational dynamics between subject and object, individual and community.Koo Jeong A has been working on the reinvention of the gallery spaces through experiential and participatory site-specific installations since the 1990s.
该场馆由Lorenza Baroncelli策展,滑板文化得以在更广阔的公众视野中呈现,并且米兰三年展也实现了将这项运动与摄影、时尚、影像、设计、建筑和城市化、独立出版和音乐等不同主题交叉融合 (来源:www.triennale.org/en/)。
The Skatepark at the Triennale Milano will be animated with the music of Koreless, an electronic music producer based in Glasgow. A short passage of his music will repeatedly alternate with the lighting of the Skatepark, which is coated in glow-in-the-dark fluorescent paint. The sound will interact with the installation, involving the public in an immersive and multi-sensory experience.
By following the skaters while they are skateboarding, Milano Tribe maps the city making a portrait of the skating community celebrating urban space as a playground and as a place of encounter.
Arrogation [Arrogação],2016,混凝土, 磷光涂料,半径17m,巴西圣保罗双年展
Arrogation是具贞娥在继法国的Otro和英国的Evertro后,紧接着在巴西圣保罗双年展上建造的“单碗池”夜光滑板场(上图),在延续场地设计的极简线条与社区功能性相结合的基础上,Arrogation像一块发光的热带宝石,充满着活力和吸引力。具贞娥的滑板场系列作为大型特定装置作品集,在经历了2012年Otro、2015年Evertro、2016年Arrogation和2019年OooOoO嵌入人们日常生活场所和探索更沉浸体验可能的尝试后,相信也会有机会回到亚洲和进入中国,让艺术使人们生活得更好。Arrogation is the third commission work by Koo Jeong A at the Sao Paulo Biennial in Brazil, as it is a glow-in-the-dark single bowl skatepark has been built after the former Otro (France, 2012), Evertro (England, 2015) and OooOoO (Italy, 2019). The minimalist lines of the site design are combined with the functionality of the community. As the image above, Arrogation is like a glowing tropical gem, full of vitality and attractiveness.Colour Test (颜色测试), 2013, Pigment plaster on wood / 木板上涂料, 73x85x12cm
Koo Jeong A/具贞娥 (b. 1967),韩国当代女性艺术家。
近期展览:Koo Jeong A个展项目, Eva Presenhuber, New York, 1月26-2月22日(复制至网页以打开展讯传送门:https://www.galleriesnow.net/shows/koo-jeong-a-3/)
近期AR代表作(下图):2019年伦敦弗里兹艺术博览会(Frieze London)户外雕塑版块也有具贞娥的虚拟作品 “Ice Cube”,一件需要用AI技术在电子设备端扫描二维码才能“看见”的作品。(更多关于作品的传送门:https://acuteart.com/density-at-skate-somerset-house/)
Koo Jeong A is well known for her minimalist art installations. Since the early 1990s, she has worked in various media, incorporating objects, still and moving images, audio elements, as well as scents within site-specific environments.