2020 Zhongshan International Forum on
Resilience of Agriculture under Novel Coronavirus
—— Experience from China and Other Countries
November 8-10, 2020, Nanjing, China
Organized by
Nanjing Agricultural University
International Food Policy Research Institute
University of Gottingen
中国农村经济 | 农业经济问题 |
南京农业大学学报(社科版) | China Agricultural Economic Review |
China & World Economy | Journal of Integrative Agriculture |
The outbreak of novel coronavirus has significantly impacted worldwide agricultural production, transportation, marketing,and international trade. Achievements in agriculture of which we were so proud of remain vulnerable to such a pandemic. Different countries have implemented effective measures to deal with the shocks of the pandemic on food systems and rural communities to stabilize their food supply and relevant industries.
The public crisis calls for more research on how to deal with such shocks in the future. For example:
1) how the incorporation of a reliable internet of information and things could improve food supply chain resilience;
2) how the international communities can guard against trade policies that add vulnerability to world food markets;
3) how to identify vulnerable groups in remote areas by reforming social security;
4) how online lessons could be used to promote equality in education;
5) how rural finance institutions can identify farmers in need of funds.
The experience and lessons from around the world that will be shared at this conference will effectively raise global awareness and mitigate the adverse impact of the shocks to the whole economic system which can occur under similar extreme situations in the future.
Aims and Scope
Issues expected to be addressed in the symposium include (but are not limited to):Resilient Food Supply
Agriculture Ecommerce
Rural Microfinance
Poverty Alleviation
Labor Migration
Agricultural Trade and Supply Chains
Agricultural Risk Management
Rural Development
Agri-Environmental Regulations for Sustainable Development
Organized Session
Organized sessions will highlight ideas or works-in-progress on topics involving cooperative efforts by three and more panelists, and may offer discussions of policy issues, research methods, and emerging research results.
Proposals should include:
session title, session rationale, names and contact information for the organizer and other participants, and a description of the session format that includes specific plans for discussion
Contributed Paper Session
Contributed paper sessions will highlight works relevant to the above suggested topics.
Presentations will be selected based on a submitted two-page abstract.
The abstract should include:
the research question, method, contribution and major conclusions. Preference will be given to English written papers, but some session will be given to Chinese written studies.
Deadline for submissions for both organized sessions and contributed papers is August 31, 2020.
Please submit your organized session proposal or the abstract of your contributed paper to cem@njau.edu.cn (cc: yuezhiying@njau.edu.cn), and indicate “2020 Zhongshan International Forum” as the email subject.04
Important Dates
Deadline for organized session proposal or abstract: August 31, 2020
Author Notification: September 15, 2020
Conference: November 8-10, 2020
China Agricultural Economics Review、China & World Economy、Journal of Integrative Agriculture
1. Organized Session
Organized session需要由三个及以上专家合作对某一论题的研究进展、相关关联政策、研究方法和研究成果展开讨论。申请书应当包括:标题、依据、组织形式、专家的姓名和联系方式。
2. Contributed Paper Session
Contributed paper sessions的参与者需要提交与以上建议话题相关的研究工作。征文作者需要提交两页篇幅的摘要,包括研究问题、方法、贡献和主要结论。