
Jamaican Rum —— Phil Lynott

2017-02-21 呜呜 龙猫同学一辈子太久只陪你青春

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The woman she like to rumba

The woman she like calypso

The steel drums drive her crazy

And she can't seem to say no

She just can't seem to resist them, no

She's been drinking jamaican rum

Dancing to the steel drums from the caribbean

Drinking jamaican rum

It's that west indian rhythm

It was wild, it was wild

The night she came home drunk

She kicked in the door

And said lover you know what i want

Lover, give me what i want

She's been drinking jamaican rum

And she's living with a black man

He's from the caribbean

Drinking jamaican rum

She's been drinking jamaican rum

Dancing to the steel drums from the caribbean

Drinking jamaican rum

Rum and cola

It's very popular and it's twice as nice with ice


Phil Lynott(1949年8月20日- 1986年1月4日)爱尔兰歌手,乐手和作曲家,Thin Lizzy乐队主唱/贝斯

1960年中期,Lynott加入第一支乐队The Black Eagles,1969年在都柏林的贫民窟加里摩尔度过了一段时间后,与Brian Downey成立了Thin Lizzy乐队,担任作曲、主唱与贝斯手。Lynott有一半黑人血统,深受Jimi Hendrix影响。

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 少年 · 极客 · 白日梦 

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