
【U•作品】反重力生长的有机体——洪湖·新滩展示中心 An Organism With Anti-gravity Growth

UA UA尤安设计 2023-09-13

How to make the space alive?

Beings in nature grow upwards as an organic life

Growth is resistance to gravity

Organic architecture is animated architecture

With integrated flowing space

buildings and the environment interact with each other

to make the city an exhibit in front of the building

Buildings can be floatable

The anti-gravity state of space

and details resemble the anti-gravity growth



(Photos of Honghu·Xintan Exhibition Center)


Honghu·Xintan Exhibition Center is located in Xintan Town, Honghu.We hope to break through the limit in design of traditional exhibition centers and make the space alive through organic architecture and anti-gravity design.

区位分析图(Location Analysis)↑


In order to form integrated buildings, we designed the flowing space: We make the building a pentagon according to the polygonal characteristic of the plot. Through overlapping, cutting, chamfering and other operations, we gradually generated a screwy flowing space.

平面母题生长(Plane basis growing)↑

空间生成(Space generate)↑

一层平面图(Plan of F1)↑

二层平面图(Plan of F2)↑


The integrated architectural form creates a continuous landscape. Inside the building, as visitors walk slowly along the ramp, they can see the outdoor landscape of the city and park alternatively. Outside the building, indoor light is reflected outdoor, becoming a part of the external environment. 

连续的界面(Continuous interface)↑


(Interactive relationship between the building and environment)


In order to highlight the anti-gravity characteristic, we have weakened some exposed structures. For example, we conceal the bottom structural columns with vegetation and deal with the structure in size and color. 

结构消隐(Concealment of structures)↑

通过Rhino推敲外观曲面(Curved surface designed by Rhino)↑


内部庭院实景图(Photos of internal yard)↑


Sectional plane of the cornice is in the form of a triangle diminishing from inside to outside, which gives people a visual sensation of outward extension and strengthens the sense of floating of the building. 

檐口节点图(Cornice detail)↑






