
Beauty and Love Between China & Ireland

爱尔兰科克孔院 爱尔兰科克孔院 2022-06-11


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Beauty and Love Between China & Ireland

——Photograph Exhibition & Competition

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Ireland, supported by the Chinese Embassy in Ireland , UCC Confucius Institute is planning to hold a Photograph Exhibition and Competition, to reflect the life and nature of these two countries, the changes & achievements of the cities, technology, culture and so on.

1. Candidates

1)  Students and teachers from secondary schools to universities in Ireland

2)  Chinese students in Ireland


1) Irish students and teachers should submit the photographs about China

2) The Chinese students should submit the photographs about Ireland.

3) One photographer can submit no more than 3 photographs. High image quality is required (larger than 3M and less than10M); photographs should be taken from

Jan.01.2017 to Aug.15.2019

The title of the photographs as well as a 200-word of captions should be provided in word documents (Only in English), the story about the photographs is welcomed without a limitation of words. No digitally altered images will be accepted. (No cloning, adding or removing elements). Basic enhancements are allowed, such as brightness, contrast, and sharpening.

4) For the further contact, we need the author’s basic information Please fill the attachment and send it with the photographs to us.

5) Photos must be original, close to life, revealing the spirit of the times, and highlighting friendships between each other. Plagiarism is not allowed and no violations of related laws and regulations in China and Ireland.

6) The hosts of the activity have rights of editing, publishing and releasing all the entries through outlets such as newspapers, magazines, books and the internet. You warrant that all contributions are lawful and do not infringe any rights of any third party and that you will indemnify us in respect of any breach of that warranty. No payment will be made for use of the pictures submitted to“Beauty and Love Between China &Ireland”Photograph Exhibition & Competition

 7) UCC Confucius Institute retains the right to reject or disqualify a picture from the competition.

3. Entry Form

1)Submission: Please email your photographs to qingqin.tan@ucc.ie from July 06-August 15, 2019.

Photographs are named with the format:  

Name + photograph title + shooting time

2)Email subject:

Photograph Exhibition &Competition+ Name

Please submit the photographs with the attachment together.


  • 1 outstanding winner. Certificate of honor and 200 Euro or equivalence.

  • 2 first prize. Certificate of honor and 100 Euro or equivalence.

  • 3 second prize. Certificate of honor and 50 Euro or equivalence.

  • 10 third prize. Certificate of honor and excellent presents.

5.Awards Rules

The final result=60% vote + 40% expert review

1) 50 photographs will be chosen from all of the submissions first

2) These 50 photographs will be voted in UCC Confucius Institute Official Wechat account and Facebook from August 19-24 2019.

3) The competition results will be published on Sep.2, 2019

4) Awards ceremony will be held on Sep. 23. Details will be noticed after the result.

6.Contact information of the Photography Exhibition & Competition

UCC Confucius Institute Ireland

Address:UCC O’Rahilly Building Room 3.35

Email:china@ucc.ie , copy to:jing.wang@ucc.ie

Committee:WANG Jing  TAN Qingqin


Attachment-Application form for the Photograph Exhibition& Competition

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/11swgyrSw4m7JSWlMyFv3kA Extraction code: kp33 

QR code:



撰稿 | 王净

摄影 | 王贝贝

 编辑 | 王贝贝

