5月完成读书0本,在读1本。1. 《The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life》巴老唯一指定的官方传记,刚读到59年,巴芒两位老爷子初相遇。阅读时随想:(1)「As worth more dead than alive. — Benjam Graham 」从这句话可以真切的感受到大萧条对格雷厄姆的巨大的影响。(2) 「Charlie, as a very young lawyer, was probably getting $20 an hour. He thought to himself, "Who’s my most valuable client?" And he decided it was himself. So he decided to sell himself an hour each day. He did it early in the morning, working on these construction projects and real estate deals. Everybody should do this, be the client, and then work for other people, too, and sell yourself an hour a day.」“自己才是自己最重要的客户,因此每天分出一个小时处理自己额外的房地产业务”,芒格老爷子的智慧随处可见。2. 今年还开始每周阅读一年的英文原版《Berkshire Hathaway inc. Shareholder Letters》,这几年一直忍着没看中文版,直到现在直接开看英文版。五月读了1982、1983、1984、1985四年的股东信。阅读记录:- 83年的附录经济商誉的详细解释;- 84年的回购的详细解释、1美元的存留利润在投资的收益要大于1美元的分析;- 85年的对BKR纺织业务的错误的反思、企业管理层激励机制的问题的讨论;致股东信真的是投资者的《新约》,所有的投资人都需要好好学习。