
Finding the G-spot of the soul-my journey of art 找到灵魂G点——我的艺术旅程

Crystal野纳 万物爱人 Juicy Medicine

( I wrote this article originally to share with a small group of people who are passionate about art and personal growth. Now I'd like to also share with you. I'm not talking about the professional art but the art for everyone. 最初写这篇文章,是为了和一个对艺术与成长感兴趣的小团体分享。现在,我也想与你分享。我谈论的不是专业艺术,而是人人都可以实践的艺术。)


I’m Crystal, another manifestation of yourself, a character in your dream, and your loyal reminder of love, power and miracles.

According to 13 Moon Calendar, I’m Yellow Galactic Star, signifying embodiment of beauty, art and elegance. I actually used to think my life had nothing to do with art-I grew up in an environment in which people believe that only students who are bad at serious subjects such as maths would ever pursue art.






I’m a born dancer--like everybody actually is. When I was a kid, I always moved to the music when I heard some. I started some dance classes at the age of 5, had lots of fun practicing and performing on the stage. During middle school, I was too occupied by maths to dance. Fortunately, a dance class in high school revealed who I am to my classmates.




And I never really stopped since then. I explored comtemporary, contact improv and many other kinds of conscious dance (e.x. Biodanza, Medicine Dance, 5-rythmn, Ecstatic Dance).

I started to facilitate improvised dance too, sometimes combined with spontaneous singing. My participants told me they felt in flow and in love. Apart from people who are already interested in arts and personal growht, I’ve also worked with timid teenage girls in rural area as well as conservative Chinese buddhists.





Last summer, I was one of the core dancers of Planetary Dance in Shanghai. Planetary dance is a group dance open to everyone of all abilities. It’s about dancing with a purpose. We dedicate the dance to someone we love as well as all the people with the same need. 

The theme was “bridging generation gaps” and I did see miraculous changes on the loved one I dedicated to, the loved one I brought to the dance and myself.  

Dance can be a healing as well as a powerful magic.







I always feel comfortable dancing, while singing seems much more challenging. My mom once told me “you don’t have a good singing voice” and I belived it. Though the singing teacher of my primary school actually wanted me to join the chorus. 

I kept hiding my singing voice though I had such a longing to sing, until one day I clearly heard “your voice has healing power” in a shamanic journey, and I started to sing in front of people. They loved it. Ever since then, more and more people told me “I loved your singing”.





I went to shamanic spontaenous singing circles in Paris, honoring my voice in the Fontaine Bleau Forest, under the sun as well as in the rain.


I prefer spontaneous singing with a shamanic taste to song singing. I believe everybody can express themselves through voice-not just pretty voice, but also beast-like voice, funny voice, sad voice and so on.


Participants of my spontaneous singing events told me they felt deeply relaxed, and some also said the voice vibration cleared the blockages and realigned the body.      








I always love to express myself by doodling and a desk mate told me “you must haven’t made any progress ever since kindergarten”. I attended some basic drawing classes before went to France, in which I visited lots of museums and galleries and started to see images when I closed my eyes. 

When I went back to China, I discovered Mandala Drawing (the Jung one, not the religious one, using a circle to protect and center) and started to draw almost on a daily basis. It became my metitation and my journal. I even had some of my drawings displayed at an art festival in Beijing. I also facilitaed Mandala Drawing workshops.





Above are some forms commonly considered as art and art actually goes beyond that.


Love making is art. The body can be an instrument and the touch can be a dance. The full potential of sexuality is so much more than a short release. I started to teach and write about the physical and relational aspects of sexuality in 2015 and tapped into holistic sexuality teaching in 2016-more energetic and spiritual aspects got integrated.


I share about ways of releasing tension and trauma stored in genitals, the healing power of squirting, conscious self-pleasuring beyond fantasy and orgasms, energy genitals and energy love-making etc., as well as the possibility of making love with the whole life/the universe-for example, making love with emotional pain.   









Your home can be a piece of art. I gave a class on “optimizing living space”, covering light, scent, energy and more aspects.


Your style can be a piece of art. Forget about consctructed standards and “covering your weaknesses”. instead, think about how you would like to express your unique self.  


Any detail in life can be filled with art and creativity-I once put the money I wanted to give in a balloon together with a loving note and drew a smiley on the balloon.


For me, art is about expressing life force in various forms that make the hearts of yourself and others sing.


If I have to use a even shorter definition, I would say art is about finding the G-spot of the soul.











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Crystal's Miracle Valley, sharing with you mental maturity, spiritual growth, conscious sexuality, love and miracles

Facilitate you to be the 100% creator of your life


You are welcome to republish my articles as long as the source is indicated. All pictures are from the Internet and the copyright belongs to the original producer)

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万物爱人 Juicy Medicine

