
The Atomic Bomb of Love, Your Highest Achievement

Crystal野纳 万物爱人 Juicy Medicine 2023-10-25

Author: Crystal Dai

A mirror of yourself, a personal growth facilitator who empowers people to be 100% creator of their lives, with tools of mental maturity, emotional intelligence, conscious sexuality and more. 

I always know I have a mission. When I was a kid, I thought I would be a hero that changes the world.


I was naturally a master of manifestation before I ever heard of things like "law of attraction". I was always role-playing the person I wanted to be-sometimes a stunningly beautiful woman, sometimes an incredibly powerful hero.


I was totally in the role, feeling into it, letting the vibration taking over me.


I succeeded in changing my appearance-not only look beautiful, but also feel beautiful, comfortable in my skin, no longer enslaved by body image anxiety.


So, what about the hero thing? Have I succeeded?


At the moment, my direct influence is limited to a small group of people of vibrational match. I feel sad about always avoiding those opportunities offered to me that can make things bigger. I have fears of being seen, and I feel so trapped by my fears.


I feel ordinary, and anxious about being ordinary.


However, one day it just came to me that the highest achievement we can ever have on this planet is not an invention, not a company, not a prize, but the chain reaction of love.


I guess you’ve experienced it: you feel so loved by someone that you can’t help spreading it to more people, and more people spread it to more people...


Once I offered some empathetic listening to a loved one. She felt seen, heard and loved, and on that day, she couldn’t help offering deep empathy to everyone she interacted with, even in situations she usually finds challenging to stay loving. She felt she had an amazing day.


Imagine the empathy those people passed on to others.


This is the atomic bomb of love.




Your biggest influence is often not so tangible. You never know how far a simple act of love can go. Co-creation is way more powerful than what your ego can do, no matter how outstanding that ego is. 


You can be a totally ordinary person doing things that seem trivial for a living, and as long as you are embodying love, you are changing the world.


I often dedicate my sexual pleasure to all being in the universe. I can’t help. When I feel so good, I just want each and every molecule of this universe to feel good. What can be more fulfilling than making love with the whole universe?   


There is no effort when love is so full that it spills out.


I was once at the edge of life and death and I had to make a decision about coming back or not. I chose to come back without hesitating for a second, because I knew I need to be here to love and to remind people of love.



Love is serious business. It’s easy to call everybody “love” and offer lots of hugs when there is no interest conflict. When there is seemingly interest conflict or when you get terribly triggered, do you still stay on board of love?


Are you committed to fierce loving?


For example, there are times that you feel intimidated by powerful people, you might feel pale by comparison, fear they would steal resources from you therefore just want to exclude them.


Feeling intimidated means you acknowledge and appreciate the light they shine. There is always an option of asking “So how can I learn from them? How can I allow myself to be inspired? How can we co-create? ”


Jealousy is also an amazing opportunity to get clarity of what you want and get the push to go for it. 

Sometimes I’m jealous of people who express their desires directly without hesitation, or people who dare to expose themselves to a wider audience and the potential harsh judgement.


I actually just admire people I feel “jealous” of. I appreciate them. I love them.


And it’s safe to openly love them.



In intimate relationships, we can encounter so many challenges. We can get so triggered that we just want to run away, hoping the next relationship will be easier. Or we can choose to love fiercely, dive into the discomfort and grow from it.


A loved one once told me “I’m willing to heal my own traumas so that they will no longer limit your freedom.”


This is one thousand times more romantic than “I’m willing to die for you”.


Love is not always fluffy and bubbly. It can be stormy. It can peel off your old skin.  


It takes deep commitment.



I have a beloved friend Tbird. When people ask what she does in life, she often says “I help people to love more”.


I feel deeply touched by someone who chooses love as a career path.


She radiates love. She dares to make her love accessible. She’s always encouraging people to follow their inspirations and supports them in action. She builds communities in which people hold and support each other.  


Every time I meet her, I feel so inspired, stimulated and loved that I just want to take one step further into loving the world, for example, transcend my fear and launch an event I’ve been hesitating for ages.


She’s my role model of fierce loving, and the love I feel for her is an example of how I can love the whole world.


Love is about taking someone as part of myself. I do feel her as part of myself and I can’t help contributing what I can to her blossoming. I do want to see her dreams come true.

And I do want to see YOUR dreams come true.



Sometimes I wonder where all her energy to love comes from. I guess it’s closely linked to the fact that she’s a self-love expert.


We hear “love yourself” all the time, especially in the personal growth community, but what is self-love exactly? Is it just salt bath and chocolate cake? 


When I first heard Tbird saying “be accountable for your greatness” as an important path of self-love, I felt so refreshed.


Often times when we feel chronically tired or drained, we are actually chronically spending our energy on resistance-resisting our desires, our feelings, and our greatness.


We fear to be ordinary, but we often fear to be great even more. 

We fear to be out of our comfort zone, to be seen, to be exposed to higher expectation and more judgement, and to shed off our old selves that hold onto low self-worth so much.


Fear is not a bad thing. It’s precious. Our greatest strengths often lie in our deepest fears.


If you want to connect with Tbird and learn more about self-love from her, check out her upcoming 6-week Self Love Rehab program that starts on May 15th: Be Accountable to Your GREATNESS!


The above two paragraphs are dedicated to my friend Tbird, also to you. 

Sometimes we tend to believe "This person is awesome, I envy them but I can never be as awesome as them." 

I choose to see that everyone we encounter in our perception is a mirror of ourselves. People reflect our light back to us, as well as our shadows. 

They embody different flavors of awesomeness to remind us of the possibilities we have in ourselves. 

This is LOVE.

I'm excited to hear how you embody fierce loving in the comment section below. How do you love yourself fiercely? How to you love the world fiercely? Which moment do you feel most empowered by love? 

-Thank you-

Currently looking for volunteers to upgrade my public account: translate my past and future articles (mostly Chinese to English and some English to Chinese), proofread English content, edit past class notes into easy-to-read articles, design the layout, take care of marketing, spread articles and classes to different platforms etc. 

If you are interested in one or several tasks mentioned, please leave a comment together with your wechat id or add me by Crystal7Amor. (If you read Chinese, please check the second article published today for more details.) 

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Crystal's Miracle Valley

Mental maturity, spiritual growth, conscious sexuality and fierce loving

Be the 100% creator of your life

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