
Podcast: Build Your Internal Compass

Crystal Dai 万物爱人 Juicy Medicine 2023-10-25

A while ago, I did my first podcast with my beloved friend Tbird Luv. 

I used to be quite uncomfortable with showing up in podcast and videos. I've got several invitations before and always ended up declining, but when Tbird invited me, I said yes without hesitation. 

Because I deeply trust her, our connection, and our shared vision. 

Ever since then, I just went ahead to accept podcast/video opportunities that I feel called for with confidence, ease and grace. 

I can say I lost my podcast virginity to the right person for the right reason. 

About Queen Bee Real Talk

Hosted by Tbird Luv, our curated content celebrates our voices as women in a global context and always carries the theme that tells you that You Matter, Be Your Best Self & Define happiness on your terms by what makes you come most alive.

About this podcast

When I listened to it, I just felt so much heart-melting love. We shared our personal stories and insights that inspire you to love yourself and the whole universe even more.

We talked about many juicy things, for example:

How to make love with "negative emotions"-What if you just let them penetrate you? What if your core strengths are actually hidden in your deepest fears? 

The difference of masculine and feminine approaches of meditation-Are we really transcending or actually dissociating? 

How to make love with yourself in a profound way-The power of not using fantasies and really connecting with your body.

Click here to Listen

Click here to check out my upcoming webminar about masculinity and femininity (in Chinese): 5.17微课:深入理解阴阳能量,让两性互动全面升级

Related article:

Sexual turn-ons, your compass for soul expansion

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Crystal's Miracle Valley

Mental maturity, spiritual growth, conscious sexuality and fierce loving

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