
CCH Eps#1 Mahdi Gilbert - Dream & Magic

Susanna M. 喻美与共

Welcome to the Creative Chamber of Happiness! ❤️

My guest for this episode is Mahdi Gilbert, he is a Canadian professional sleight of hand card magician who was born without hands and feet. Mahdi and I we just finished a magic show project called Ocean of Dreams two days ago where he performed and communicated to over 10,000+ audience in the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai. 

I feel so fortunate that I got to know Mahdi and the story how his dream turns into the show we did in reality.

Mahdi had a dream (literally a dream at night) in 2013 that he's playing a piano, he wrote down the music notes he had in that dream and drew that scene into a picture the second day. 

Mahdi Gilbert

In October 9th, 2018, he said this to the whole audience in the show, "most of my dreams, actually all of my dreams, I've been able to accomplish through magic, every single dream except for one, and that dream is playing the piano, tonight, is the night we make the dream come true for real", then he played the piano with his friend into the music he dreamt five years ago.


In this podcast, Mahdi talked about finding our own values, self consciousness, and the reason why you would never leave the mirror (really? ). 

The first half of the podcast I laughed so much which made me wonder whether I should delete that part or not, because it makes me sound less professional and very much like a fool, that's not what I want. I shared my concern with Mahdi, what he said to me was another inspiration, "if we delete the part who we are, then we almost lose the purpose of this podcast".

What Mahdi believes we all have to do is the true answer for everyone of us, who lost in this busy world fighting so hard to win something others believe which is the right things for us to do, but not from our own heart. Find out what it means to him from the second half of this podcast. I truly admire the authenticity Mahdi shared with me, and the encouragement he gave to all of us.    

The reason I choose to release this podcast today is because today is Mahdi's birthday (October 11th, Toronto time). Since sending a birthday cake to Toronto is not economical or realistic, I want to send him this WeChat post with this podcast as a birthday gift.

  Click to Listen  ▾

Dear Mahdi, 

Thank you so much for sharing your story with me, thank you for walking into my life and being my friend. It never came to my mind that magic could be inspiring until I saw your magic and the magic you created in your life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to change my point of view about what magic could mean to me and other people. 

You generously shared with me your personal information that you are 137cm tall, but I want you to know that you are like 173cm to me because of your big heart, open mind, clever magic tricks, plus a sense of humor. 

Happy birthday, Mahdi!

In this podcast, Mahdi also talked about we are the treasure to our parents, I believe this is a good reminder for all of us to call our parents, thank them for seeing that treasure in us and keeping the faith in us. Tell them now! 📲

Share with your friends if you think this is fun to listen or helpful to you and to others, and please reach out if you want to share your story with us. 

Please click "Read More" below if you want to learn more about "The Creative Chamber of Happiness" and how we got here. See you soon! 👋


