
佛罗伦萨Rifugio Digitale美术馆|光与数字艺术的相遇,赋予空间生命

阿克雅 意大利Luce e design 2023-03-15

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli

Rifugio Digitale 是位于佛罗伦萨的一个新的展览空间,致力于推广数字艺术,在这里建筑、设计、摄影、电影、文学以及其他艺术和表现形式都能通过彼此对话找到自己合适的位置。

Rifugio Digitale is a new exhibition space opened in Florence which is proposed as a place dedicated to the promotion of digital art, where architecture, design, photography, cinema, literature and all the many artistic and expressive forms also find their own dimension by dialoguing with each other.

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli

新美术馆改造于一条古老的防空隧道的基础上,据史料记载,该隧道于 1943 年作为防空洞。曾被称为 “熔炉的避难所”( “Refuge of the Furnace”),是人们躲避残酷战争的避风港。

The new gallery was born from the foundations of an ancient anti-aircraft tunnel readjusted in 1943 from an old ditch, as documented by the maps of the time. The “Refuge of the Furnace”, once a refuge from a tragic reality.

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli

如今这里被重新命名为“Rifugio Digitale”—意为一个重生的地方,在这里技术与艺术相遇,赋予当代空间生命,人们通过现代的技术语言探索无限的创造力。

It  is now “Rifugio Digitale”, a place of rebirth, where technology meets art, giving life to a contemporary space in which it is possible to explore creativity through the current language of technology.

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli

项目改造由 Archea Associati 设计事务所完成,面积 165 平方米,是一个小而美的空间。其中 23 平方米是隧道通道,11 平方米技术室,位于地下室,可通过隐藏的活板门进入。

The redevelopment project, curated by the Archea Associati studio, offers a space of 165 square meters, of which 23 are occupied by the tunnel access court and 11 by the technical room, located in the basement and accessible through a hidden trap door.

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli

美术馆直径为 3.50 米,延伸长度为 42 米,在其末端,光与镜面墙合作充当了戏剧性的翅膀,将服务设施和螺旋楼隐藏,螺旋楼梯高达14米可以直通建筑后面的山上。

The gallery, with a diameter of 3.50 meters, extends over a length of 42, at the end of which the mirrored walls act as the atrical wings that hide the two services and the spiral staircase, which leads with a jump in height of 14 meters to the hill above.

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli


The intervention involved an important structural consolidation work through the creation of an additional reinforced concrete cap, as well as a significant waterproofing work that used techniques specifically designed for motorway tunnels in order to protect the structure from the drainage of rainwater.

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli


Inside the gallery – entirely covered with blue-green glazed ceramic tiles in different shades that recall the colors of water – sixteen screens arranged in length reproduce digital works, generating a space in constant change and always dynamic, equipped with a new and thrilling speed that sets it apart from a traditional art gallery. It is a space designed for constant change, always dynamic, with a new and exciting speed that distinguishes it from a traditional art gallery.

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli

为庆祝美术馆的开幕,首展作品来自意大利视觉动画艺术Videoarte的先驱之一Fabrizio Plessi的ORO。

Fabrizio Plessi, considered one of the precursors of Videoarte in Italy, will inaugurate the space, in collaboration with the publisher Forma Edizione. 

Fabrizio Plessi的艺术研究始终围绕着通过视频装置、视频雕塑和视频影像制作的水和火的主题。20世纪70年代,他是第一个将显示器作为项目的主要材料和工具的人。他的作品在世界上最重要的博物馆展出,保持了与古典主义的对话,在过去与未来之间建立了联系。

His artistic research has always revolved around the themes of fire and water, expressed in his video-installations, video-sculptures and videotapes. In the Seventies, he was one of the first to use the TV monitoras the main material and tool for his products. His works, exhibited in the most important museums in the world, maintain close ties with classical art, providing a link between past and future. 

Plessi, L'Età dell'Oro. Museo Correr, Venezia


The site-specific work ORO (GOLD), which appears on the translucent walls that cover this space, forming a gigantic gold mosaic that dissolves and moves and breathes “in its subterranean liquidity, splendid and sumptuous”. The artist has imagined a single great work that, almost organically, appears to flourish in this unusual, sensorial, circular architecture. The luminous nocturnal reverberations of their golden surfaces change, surge, stretch, swell and expand like the waves of an evocative, abstract sea, with its perpetual motion.

Fabrizio Plessi, Oro, 2022, site-specific digital work

在Plessi看来:“Rifugio Digitale是一个创新的文化十字路口,在佛罗伦萨这样的城市里,它成了一种刺激因素,推动与现有文化的对抗和重叠。

"Rifugio Digitale is nothing more than an innovative cultural crossroads that, in a city like Florence, finds stimulus to confront and overlap with the pre-existing", says Fabrizio Plessi.

CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli

对Plessi 来说,沟通的实质是这个地方真正表达出的深刻的哲学:语言的交叉和过去与未来不同的经历。因此,ORO这个作品提供给我们都需要的集体想象力。

For Plessi, the spirit of communication is the true and profound philosophy of this place: the crossing of languages and different past and future experiences. The golden flow can therefore give that collective imagination that we all need.

TypeArchitecture, Interiors



Design: Archea Associati studio

Total Area165 mq

InstallationsGhiori Sas


CreditsPhoto | Pietro Savorelli








Luce e design

Luce e design源于意大利,进入中国16年。旨在打造东方融合西方的平台,将意式设计的经典与传承以及东方设计的含蓄与内敛相结合,通过分享案例、资讯、访谈,了解最传统的设计手法,和极具创新的设计尝试。连接过去和现在,永续未来。



