

LPA 意大利Luce e design 2023-03-15

image credit: LPA

新加坡滨海艺术中心滨水剧院(Singtel Waterfront Theatre)于2022年10月开业,是滨海艺术中心在滨海湾的延伸。它将为学校、国际知名企业和艺术家提供广泛、优质的艺术课程。

Opening in October 2022, Esplanade Waterfront Theatre (officially named Singtel Waterfront Theatre) is the extension of the Esplanade Theater along the Marina Bay in Singapore. It will be serving a wide range of community and quality arts programmes for schools as well as world-renowned companies and artists.

 image credit: The Esplanade Co Ltd, Finbarr Fallon

建筑设计来自Architects 61 Pte.Ltd.,建筑设计理念是通过建筑立面的反光灯箱来映射滨海湾码头的形象。

Designed by Architects 61 Pte. Ltd., the architectural design concept was to mirror the image of Marina Bay using the reflective light box facade in the day.




The four-storey mid-size theatre is envisioned as a raw and casual theatre space that is functional, accessible and welcoming. Its design integrates flexible open spaces and plazas where the Esplanade community can be creative and exploratory. These open spaces also double as pedestrian-friendly connections between the main Esplanade building and other neighbouring amenities.

image credit: LPA


Flexibility is built into the auditorium and stage design and seating configurations to accommodate various types of performances and achieve different degrees of intimacy.

image credit: LPA


The facade design draws inspiration from the strong geometry of the pre-existing domes, to which intends to pay homage. The textures are influenced by the proscenium drapes and by the complexity of the stage infrastructure. 

image credit: The Esplanade Co Ltd, Finbarr Fallon

image credit: The Esplanade Co Ltd, Finbarr Fallon


The spaceframe overlooking the bay is shaped around a deconstructed chinese traditional shelving, injecting asian essence at domestic scale.

image credit: The Esplanade Co Ltd, Finbarr Fallon


Blurring the boundary between the interior and the exterior, extending the waterfront experience into and within the building, invites spontaneous interaction with the public.

image credit: The Esplanade Co Ltd, Finbarr Fallon



照明设计来自面出熏设计事务所Lighting Planners Associates (LPA) ,照明设计师通过将灯箱中的光影图案投射到建筑立面上,形成了一幅精致的夜间图像,用光的语言描述剧院的功能--作为表达自由和艺术表演的场所。

Lighting Planners Associates (LPA )designed a delicate nighttime image by projecting patterns of light and shadow from the light box onto the building facade, representing the theatre as a place for freedom of expression and performance for the artist.

facade lighting scence ©LPA

image credit: LPA


The High-ceiling entrance next to Makansutra, the famous hawker center, was uplit to create sense of arrival and welcome visitors and audiences to the main foyer. Meanwhile, the upper solid wall is uniformly lit to futureproof the surface for banners or advertisements.

image credit: LPA

image credit: LPA

image credit: LPA


Lighting mock-ups were conducted during design development and light source was meticulously specified to ensure the success of our design intention.

facade lighting mock up ©LPA

image credit: LPA


Although the light box is wrapped with the perforated panel, the facade can be seen from various different angles, lighting designers made sure that all lighting fixtures were fully integrated and concealed so that no light source is exposed to cause glare.

 image credit: The Esplanade Co Ltd, Finbarr Fallon

Image credit: LPA


At dusk, the facade and interior lighting slowly comes aglow and completes the Marina Bay nightscape with its dynamic lighting effect.

image credit: LPA


People strolling along the promanade will be surprised by gentle movement of light and soft glow at the particular times, creating delightful moments of surprise.

facade section©LPA

CLIENT: The Esplanade Co Ltd

LOCATION: Singapore

SIZE: 4,746.20 sqm

Architectural Design: Architects 61 Pte. Ltd.

Lighting Design: Lighting Planners Associates (LPA)






Fort Victoria Chica城堡|灯光讲述历史的故事


Luce e design

Luce e design源于意大利,进入中国16年。旨在打造东方融合西方的平台,将意式设计的经典与传承以及东方设计的含蓄与内敛相结合,通过分享案例、资讯、访谈,了解最传统的设计手法,和极具创新的设计尝试。连接过去和现在,永续未来。



