
『Hashing』​Recall of Santa Hash on Dec 19th Saturday.

AL Amoylife 2020-09-11

Santa Hash is a yearly regular hash of Xiamen Huandaolu Hash House Harriers, and it is nearly the same as the other normal hash except every coming hasher this time will wear Christmas stuff like the Santa hat and Clothes, also any different beautiful accessories related to Christmas, and what is the most key part is playing Dirty Santa game for Christmas gift exchange when have dinner after hashing, it was held always one week ahead of Christmas day, if you still don't know what is Hash, I will introduce you more for detail in the future hash post, keep follow us and let's focus on the great santa Hash day we went through today, You should be here next year. P.S.: ensure you are in Wifi service since huge pictures coming up.

Trail Setting

〖Our Hares waked up early this morning to prepare for Hash Trail seeting and seems one of them already got way drunk in the begining, still have one helper left behind, thanks for their efforts.〗

Circle Up

〖The boy held our hash flag is the yougest hasher we have today, and he finished the whole walker trail by himself, really done a great job, we got like more than 40 hashers today to join in total, thanks for coming.〗

The Villiage

〖The game these kids are playing is the most popular video game called "三国".〗

Mountain Climbing

〖Most of hashers got lost when hit up to top of the moutain but went back to the right ttrail after like 15 mins checking.〗

The Lake

〖The wheather is pretty good today, and there are many fishmen around this lake.〗

Beer Stop

〖This is the most far Beer Stop we have never had before, Period.〗

On In

〖We start the trail at 14:20PM and finished at 16:40PM, 5KM for the walker, 10KM for the runner.

Dinner Time

〖This paif of Chopstick is the fanstastic and ridiculous one I have never had before, See any diffenences?.〗

Dirty Santa Game Preparing

Look what we got after played

〖Blah blah blah blah....〗

P.S.: I assue that all the hashers above are ok for the picture of you posting here, If you feel it is not ok or uncomfortable to be on, pls let me know, thank you.

