
『Running』Recall of Changtai MaYangXi Cross-Country Running Race

AL Amoylife 2020-09-11

Race Briefing


Date: Nov 22th

时间: 11月22号

Place: Changtai MaYangXi

地点: 漳州市长泰马洋溪生态旅游区

Distance: 30KM

距离: 30公里

Trail Overview:

▷ 80% is gravel and mountain Road, 20% is hard Cement Road, Total Climb up 1700 meters.

▷ Trail Pass by: LongRenGuQin Villiage→MaQiYaDuo Sea Flowers→AnTai Temple→XianLingQi Mountain→DongFang Hut→LongRenGuQin Villiage

路况: 80%为砂石小路及山道,20%为硬化路,累积爬升1700米。

线路经过: 龙人古琴文化村→玛琪雅朵花海→安泰宫→仙灵旗山→东坊庵→龙人古琴文化村

Climb Sketch Map:


Where is MaYangXi


Supply and Sign in Point:


Match of place and Bonuses:


Race Recall


Nov 21th Night

We have 6 ppls go for the race all together, and we meet up in the front of TESCO and take a small bus which was arranged from the Racing committee at 15:00PM on the afternoon of Nov 21th, arrived at the LianShi hotel at about 17:30PM.

This is one of the best hotel I have ever had before, everything is good.

After checked in, we hanged out around and found there is a lake and wooden bridge just in front of the hotel, also found one place nearby can BBQ and even have heart shape Bonfire.

Nov 22th Morning

We all waked up early the next day morning and these are the lake and bridge we found the day before, and you can even see that Changtai Drift is just on the opposite side of hotel, our runners Paddy and Miriam are ready to run.

The Villiage

We need to take committee shuttle bus to arrive at the racing start point, which takes about 30 mins to get there, and below are the wonderful villiage near the racing start point.

Warm Up

Here we go, we follow the music and do some warms up before hitting on the road, we got 4 hashers in 6 ppls, that is the Xiamen Huandaolu Hash house harriers flag, is that cool? ^_^

Start Run

Bump into some long distance runner from Huian County which is my hometown, all runners are hitting on the road after 10 mins warm up.

Finish Point

Below second and third pictures are the first one men and women runners to arrive at the finish point, the guy finished whole trial use about 115 mins, and the girl

like use 240 mins(maybe both are not that exact correct time but both around).

Thanks to

We have 6 ppls go for this racing together but actually only 5 ppls join to run finally, 3 finished the race and get the medals(one in these 3 get awards 1000 RMB),one quit at CP4 since got injurey with his leg, and the other one insist on to complete the racing even though his leg is badly injured and cannot run any more, this deserved higly respects from us, and all our 5 runners done a great job and also deserve my respects.

Here are we 6 participators: Jan, Paddy, Miriam, Bart, Renatto, Jackie.

and we are invited and given free tickets by Mr QiBing who is the general manager of Strait Travel Company(福建海峡旅游有限公司), not given by any others. we would like to express our great thanks to him and his company for the invitation and awesome arrangement for us, thank you.



Racing trail of this time is way tough since with climbing up 1700 meters high not total flat road.

Many professional runners even feel very tired after finished and also some runners got injury and quit, more cross country running training must be needed.

Just quit if you get any bad injury during running in the trail, don't keep running unless will lead to much bad situation.

Today's Music Episode:

Outdoor Moments

