
『Hiking』​Tianzhushan Mountain Cross Country Hiking on Dec 26th

AL Amoylife 2020-09-11
Event Date

Dec 26th 9:00AM, Saturday

Event Location

Tianzhushan Mountain, Tianzhushan Road

Hiking Trail

15KM Amateur Group:

天竺山路(起点)➜ 天竺山东门 ➜ 揽月路 ➜ 盘龙路 ➜ 天竺驿 ➜ 厦门市党校 ➜天竺山路(终点)

Tianzhushan Road(Start Point) ➜ Tianzhushan East Gate ➜ Lanyue Road

➜ Panlong Road ➜ Tianzhuyi ➜ Xiamen Party School ➜ Tianzhushan Road(Finish Point)

30KM Challenging Group:

天竺山路(起点)➜ 天竺山东门 ➜ 揽月路 ➜ 登云路 ➜ 乘风路 ➜ 皓月湖

➜ 天竺驿 ➜ 厦门市党校 ➜ 天竺山路(终点)

Tianzhushan Road(Start Point) ➜ Tianzhushan East Gate ➜ Lanyue Road

➜ Dengyun Road ➜ Chengfeng Road ➜ Haoyue Lake
➜ Tianzhuyi ➜ Xiamen Party School ➜ Tianzhushan Road(Finish Point)

Public Bus Transportation

No 805 and 835 to Last stop.

Close Game Time

15KM Amateur Group: 14:00pm

30KM Challenging Group: 16:00pm

Query Hotline

Official: 0592-6806995(Only Chinese)

Non-official: 15880699006(Jackie,English and Chinese)

Important Tips

▷ Official registration service already closed on Dec 22th, which need 30 kuai for 15KM group and 60 kuai for 30km group, including like goody bag and medal provided when you finished before close time, but you can still join if you wanna go now (no need to pay but without goody bag and finished medal).

▷ Arrive at start point before 8:45am if you would like to go and wanna join, and would be bettter to be more early since traffic jam would be bad on the morning of Sat there.

▷ You can only hike(walk) and can't run on the trail since this is the basic rule of this activity.

▷ Highly Recommend to buy youself one day insurerance on Dec 26th.

Scan below QR code for group joinning to get more info sharing of this Saturday Tianzhushan hiking, this is not a official weichat group, it is a private group created for this activity info sharing, add weichat ID: Jackie034588 if you have any problems to join this group.

Hiking view of Tianzhushan

Activity Source: 我爱户外

Today's Music Episode

Outdoor Moments

