
〖Hiking〗​Recall of Junying Villiage & XiongShi Waterfall Hiking

Jackie Amoylife 2020-09-11

We went hiking with more than 20 ppls on Nov 26th 2015 to Tongan Junying Villiage and Xiongshi Waterfall, which are definite 2 great awesome places you have to visit future in Xiamen, Here bring you some recalls of our last trip, and Amoy Life will organize another one day tour to these 2 places again on Jan as the first Hiking tour in 2016, please stay follow with us and share with your friends about our coming events to enrish their outdoor lifes in Xiamen and make our outdoor Community better together, we will keep you post and update with more detail schedule about coming Hiking to this place, stay tuned. thank you.

我们在去年的11月26号组织了20几个人一起去了同安的军营村和雄狮瀑布,以下是活动的回顾,Amoy Life会在今年1月份的某个周末再组织一次去这两个地方的活动,具体的时间和地点会在确定后在公众号更新给大家。

JunYing Villiage

Jun Ying Cun is one of the Best Beautiful Villiages in Xiamen which located in Tongan Lianhua Town, within the junction of Tongan and Anxi, around 50~60KM away from Xiamen in island, and it is also one of the farest villiage in xiamen with height more than 1000KM above the sea level, it is also the nearest place to touch the blue sky in Xiamen.


Meet Up

We met up at SM I and left at 9:00AM by hired Bus service, it took like 90~120 mins to arrive at the villiage depends on the traffic situation in island, below are the villiage location and some seneries on the road when drive near the villiage.

我们20几个人9:00AM在SM I期的KFC门口集合,包大巴大概需要90到120分钟到军营村,取决于出岛岛内交通的情况以及上山时开盘绕山路的快慢,如下是军营村在地图上的位置,以及快到村子时路边的风景。

This is the real road trail tracking show on the Navigation App, Drive Slowly and be safe, Don't freak out if you wanna go there by driving your own car, you need to have some guts if not a experienced driver.


Arrive at Villiage

There are like at least 4 scenic spots that you can check and visit when you there including the Jun Yin Cun, Guandi Temple, War Pillbox and Qicai Lake, still have at least 3 scenic spots wait for us to explore and visit next time, Here you go those 4 spots picture view berifing...


Jun Ying Cun

Some Spots and Cornors view of the Jun Ying Cun

Jun Ying Bridge, Mei Gong and Mei Ting Ci

Jin Shan Cultural Square

Some interesting and beautiful paintings on Jin Shan Cultural Square

There is one Public Bus pass the villiage 4 times per day, No 606.

Jun Ying Cun is famous for its Mountain tea with pretty good quality and taste since plant on top of the high mountain with enough sunshine and big day-night temperature difference, it is only like 60 to 80 RMB for 500g.(Price just for reference)

Chairman XI DA DA had been to Jun Ying Cun 2 times for agriculture investigation research when he stayed and worked in Fujian Province on the year of 1986 and 1998, Mr Gao qiulai on the left who is the previous Jun Ying Cun secretary, is the one take charge of reception of XI DA DA at that time.

Look what we encounter in the villiage and lunch with delicious Minnan mustard fried rice(芥菜饭), plus Chinese Potato(高山地瓜) which is very sweet since plant on high top of the sand land on the mountain with enough and more sunshie bath.

Guan Di Miao

Ancient Guandi Temple in the villiage and our Hiking Group Photo

The Middle one is the GuanDi, and some beautiful ancient paintings found on the wall inside the temple

War Pillbox

Pillbox is built on the year of 1958, used as the defencive facility toward Kuomindang hostile planes, and was refurbished to be like this now apprearance now.

Qi Cai Lake

Qicai Lake is the best beautiful moutain lake I have never seen before, I can't describe its beauty with any words, you have to go there to check it out by yourself, it is called Xiamen "Jiuzhaigou".

XiongShi Waterfall

XiongShi Waterfall is located on the junction of Tongan and Anxi Daping, it is more than 100 meters high and 52 meters wide, will have much more water flow when in Summer.


it is not easy to find the right trail to down to the valley if no one lead you and the road down to the valley is pretty tough and kinda of steep.

We hit down to the valley finally like in 40 mins with all safe and sound, but still have someone fall down and get some minor scratches since way sleepy when down.

Here comes the Xiongshi Waterfall finally, and it looks great.


By the Way, Cunpao also had held one Cross Country Runnnng activity in Junying and Baijiaoci Villiage on Nov 10th 2015, with more than 200 runners, there is also a very good place for running at the weekend, below are some pictures sharing from Cunpao in Junying villiage.


This Poster is the one I found in the resturant we have lunch when go Jun Ying Cun for Hiking on Nov 26th 2015, it is left by Cunpao after they finished the Cross Country Running activity there.

Some of my Friends above Join the Cross Cuntry Running in Jun Ying Cun on Nov 10th.

Source: Amoy Life Team

P.S.: 以上有部分图片来自村跑(公众号ID:Cunpao100)和网络,如果有任何Copyright的问题麻烦联系微信ID: Jackie034588 处理,非常感谢。

Some of above Pictures are from Cunpao(weichat ID: Cunpao100) and Internet, Contact Jackie034588(weichat ID) if have any copyright issues, sorry for any troubles caused and thanks for support.

Coming Hiking Tour

Target Date: Jan 16th or 23th, 2016

Place to Hike: Jun Yin Cun and Xiongshi Waterfall

One Day Trip, we will update more detail arrangement and settled date soon depends on the weather situation, keep follow and share with you friends if thery are interesting on our above last trip sharing, thank you.

Amoy Life计划会在1月16号或者23号再组织一次去同安军营村和雄狮瀑布的活动,当天来回,具体的时间要看天气的情况,确定的活动安排会提前用公众号推送给各位,谢谢。

Today Music Episode:

Outdoor Moments

