
〖Hiking〗​Recall of New Year Hiking to Junying Villiage

AL Amoylife 2020-09-11

This is the 2nd time AmoyLife organize Hiking to Tongan Jun Ying Cun & Xiongshi Waterfall, We have total 31 Hikers this time New Year Hiking on Jan 16th, everyone are enjoyable and have a great time there although it is a foggy day without rain and also we give up to hike to Xiongshi waterfall valley finally to avoid any risks since geting more foggy start from 3PM after we hike in the village & visit Qicai lake, it is like that you can just only see clearly within 3~5 meters on top of the mountain(almost 1000 meters high), we would like to appreciate all the Hikers for great Support & Cooperation & Trustiness to make this trip happen. Here bring you some recalls of our Hiking on this Saturday, Stay follow us to get your life enrished with more outdoor activities in Xiamen.

我们在1月16号组织了新年的第一次Hiking去同安军营村&雄狮瀑布,这是AmoyLife第二次组织去军营村的活动,这次大家都玩得很开心,唯一一个遗憾的是我们这次最后没有徒步到雄狮瀑布,由于当天下午3点后上山的雾气非常的大,能见度只有3~5米,为了安全起见,放弃了最后徒步至雄狮瀑布的环节,不过我们应该感到庆幸的是军营村当天并没有下雨,我们见到了短暂的10-15分钟的蓝天白云仙境,这次要非常感谢所有Hiker的支持 & 配合 &信任,才能使得活动最终成行,谢谢大家。 AomyLife会不定期的组织国际化氛围的户外活动,请关注我们的公众账号以获取更多的活动咨询,以下是本次1月16号活动的回顾。

Jun Ying Cun / 军营村

Jun Ying Cun is one of the Best Beautiful Villiages in Xiamen which located in Tongan Lianhua Town, within the junction of Tongan and Anxi, around 50~60KM away from Xiamen in island, and it is also one of the farest villiage in xiamen with height more than 1000KM above the sea level, it is also the nearest place to touch the blue sky in Xiamen.


Weather / 天气

This is the Rainy weather like on Jan 15th, the day before our Hiking, All wet.

This is weather forecast we looked over on 3 main forecast website, and it is said would be have thundershower there in the villliage, we don't cancel the schedule and keep moving based on above reference info, finally we all got lucky that no any rain on Jan 16th before we leaving the villiage. :-)

Meet up / 集合

We met up at SM I and left at 9:00AM by hired Bus service, it took like 120 mins to arrive at the villiage, below are the some seneries on the road when drive near the villiage, you can feel the air is pretty fresh outside definitely but geting more foggy and foggy when up to top of mountain Gradually.

Cell phone signal is bad sometimes on top of the mountain, we bring 2 walkie talkies to ensure one is in the front to lead and the other one is in the last to check everyone is following the right direction and in the queue, and also we prepared some medicines just in case someone needed.

We have Chinese and French, Germany, Aerican, Philippine, Indian and Taiwan hikers among our 31 ppls, to enable ppls from different cultures to commuciate and learn from each other is one of the outdoor atmosphere that AmoyLife want and try to achive.

我们31几个人9:00AM在SM I期的KFC门口集合出发,包大巴需要120分钟到军营村,如下是快到村子时路边的风景,能感觉到前一天下过雨后外面的空气一定很新鲜,只是越往山顶雾气越来越大,雨里雾里有点成仙的感觉,着实考验大巴司机的车技。



The weather turn out to be great in the morning. :-)

Walkie and talkies & some medicines we prepared for the hiking trip.

Loaded on the Bus and we have a short session to introuduce yourself like what is you name, where are you from, and are you single, things like that....:-)

Getting more foggy when up to top of the mountain gradually, and we bump into the No 606 Public Bus which can take you to Ju Ying Cun start from Tongan Bus station.

Our Original Planned Schedule of this time Hiking.

Arrive at Villiage / 到达村子

We arrived at Jun Ying Cun at around 10:40AM, Below are senery spots like Jun Yin Cun, Guandi Temple & Mountains, War Pillbox and Qicai Lake we visit and pictures sharing.

Our Hiking Group


Jun Ying Cun / 军营村

Some Spots and Cornors view of the Jun Ying Cun, Foggy Foggy.

Chairman XI DA DA had been to Jun Ying Cun 2 times for agriculture investigation research when he stayed and worked in Fujian Province on the year of 1986 and 1998, Mr Gao qiulai on the left who is the previous Jun Ying Cun secretary, is the one take charge of reception of XI DA DA at that time.

Jun Ying Cun is famous for its Mountain tea with pretty good quality and taste since plant on top of the high mountain with enough sunshine and big day-night temperature difference, it is only like 60 to 80 RMB for 500g.(Price just for reference)

Guan Di Temple / 关帝庙

Ancient Guandi Temple in the villiage and our Hiking Group Photo, are You Happy?

Mountain Hiking / 庙后面的大山

Part 1:

Have you ever thought and played Frisbee on top of the 1000 meters high mountain, we did. Those 3 still not figure out who is the king of the world.

Part 2:

*Grin* *Grin* *Grin* *Grin* *Grin*

War Pillbox / 战地古堡

Pillbox is built on the year of 1958, used as the defencive facility toward Kuomindang hostile planes, and was refurbished to be like this new apprearance now. and it was fully occupied by us today anyway.:-)

3 secs video by 竺, Amazing.

The sky turn out to be blue only like 10~15 mins today, and we are lucky to see this amazing views, Every clound have a silver lining, now we believe.

Qicai Lake / 七彩池

We cannot see the real color of Qicai lake since foggy and no sunshine, it is a kind of pity but we get another feeling of Qicai Lake definitely.

Xiongshi Waterfall / 雄狮瀑布

We give up to hike to Xiongshi waterfall valley finally to avoid any risks since geting more foggy start from 3PM, Safe and sound is the best important things we care, maybe next time.

Some more Beauties Sharing except Last one

Some more sharing from AmoyLife Hikers

Finally Again we would like to say thank you to all the hikers today for great Support & Cooperation & Trustiness to make this trip happen together, see you next time, thank you.

Donation / 捐赠

We have 228 RMB surplus of this time hiking, and Amoylife decide to donate the surplus money to Xiamen AFU Shelter on behalf of 31 hikers of this time trip to give some minor support for those dogs to buy some dog food or dog shampoo and things like that, you can scan below AFU Wechat Public Accound QR Code if you want to know more about AFU Shelter or be a help.



Xiamen AFU Shelter first started in November of 2004.At first, all we had was a website (www.xmdog.com) so that people could use the forum to discuss problems they have while they are raising their dogs,also how to rescue street dogs and cats.In March of 2009,we started our first shelter.

We are a non-government,non-profit organization.Currently we do not have any full time workers.Our funds mainly come from public donation and fund raising events.Our funds are used for animal rescue and cruelty prevention,spade and neutering of dogs and adoption services.

捐物及义工联系|Donation Contact:

陈小姐(中文) 8924766 微信:cjcjcj999

Lee (English) Wechat:lv80242344;

Lynette (English|中文)Wechat|微信:15980823994

AFU其它联系方式|Other Contact:

1. 电话|Tel:15980823994/13950177679 / 8924766

2. 邮箱|Email:xmdogcom@163.com /xm99dogdog@qq.com

3. 微博|Sina weibo:厦门阿福流浪狗之家 http://weibo.com/xmdog

4. 微信公众账号|Wechat official account:Afuxiamen/xmdogcom


Long Hold Below QR Code to Follow Afu:


Xiamen Hudaolu Hash和Frisbee Club二维码

Huandaolu Hash Club:


Website: http://hh3xm.com/

Xiamen Bailu Frisbee Club:


Website: http://xmultimate.com/

P.S.: 以上部分图片和信息来自本次参加活动的成员,如有任何Copyright问题,麻烦联系微信ID: Jackie034588处理,谢谢。

Some of pics above are from Hikers of this trip, Contact Weichat ID: Jackie034588 if have any copyright issues, thank you.

Today Music Episode:

Outdoor Moments

