
〖Running〗​Recall of Amoy Running Club 4 Yr's Anniversary Running

Jackie Amoylife 2020-09-11

Jan 16th 2016 is the 4 years date of Amoy Running Club Anniversary, they organized a special running activity called "Lady Run" to celebrate this important date in the club history, the rule for Lady Run is that each participants are required to be all females, males only can join in if they are willing to dress up themself as a female, and they finally have official 50 runners joined including 47 females and 3 males who dressed up themself as a girl, but actually it should like have more than 50 runners since some male runners joined but didn't obey to the rules to dress up as a female, below are some more details info about the running schedule and also will have you a brief of recall of this interesting running below.

2016年1月16号是鹭跑团成立四周年的纪念日,鹭跑团组织了一场非常特别的跑步活动叫做"Lady Run"来纪念和庆祝跑团这个重要的日子,活动的规则是只允许女生报名参加,如果男生要报名加入的话,男生必须把自己打扮成女生装扮后才能加入,最后总共有50人报名此次活动,含47名女生,和3名男生,不过实际参加的人数应该远远超过50,因为也有很多男生没有遵守规则打扮成女装就直接参加活动,以下是活动内容的相关介绍,以及活动的回顾。


Invitation poster of Amoy Running Club 4 years anniversy Running activity.


Running trail overview, start from Ye Feng Zhai, running head to Xia Da Bai Cheng for 5KM and then run back to the start point, total 10KM, and they offer one water supply spot on turn back point.


they supply customized personal running number for each participants with their names.


they have a ceremony for blue old one club flag retired session to let everyone sign their names on the old one before the running, and also start to use the new orange club flag.


each participants female will be awarded with a special ring and one rose when they finished the running. roses decoration are DIY by volunteers of their club.


and also each one will adward a Straw hat above with beautiful decoration around which are DIY by the founder of the running club @大师, and also the turn back point guidance paperboard, great effort and amazing teamwork.



以下是本次鹭跑Lady Run活动的回顾

Below are Recall of this time Lady Run

video copyright is from @厦门跑者阿四

Below are some more pictures sharing from this wonderful and interesting running and also you can see how a great teamwork they are, expecially all the volunteers who done a great job with their passonate effort and energy.


The cake and cookies are DIY made by Amoy Running club runner @月夜 and @鸡翅, look great with love.

蛋糕和饼干都是由鹭跑团的@月夜 和 @鸡翅 两位妹纸自己分别前一天晚上DIY赶制的,超有爱吧!

Warm up before Running


They are happy to be one members of Amoy Running Club definitely.


males who dressed up as female, looks good and pretty


We love yoga yoga yoga...


Each one finished will get awards with ring and roses, you wanna? join them next time.

每个跑完的女生都会得到一枚鹭跑定制的戒指和一只玫瑰,想要吗? 明年吧!!!

You can see they have a great day with passion and love of running, AmyoLife outdoor would like to say congrats to Amoy Running Club for its 4 years birthday, and we bet Amoy Running club will keep moving to next 4 years with more great running activities organized in the future, Happy Birthday to Amoy Running Club

你能感觉到所有参与的人都度过了富有激情和美好的一天,Amoylife outdoor也想对鹭跑团说,祝贺你丫的四周年生日快乐,一起迎接下一个4年吧,也相信鹭跑团一定会持续给大家带来更多的有趣的跑步和户外活动,生日快乐!


鹭跑团是谁? 大师是谁?

What is Amoy Running Club?

Xiamen Amoy Running Club is founded on Jan 16th 2012, and it is the first biggest one public running club without any commercial sponsors, five original members who are fond of running bump into each other in one of warm up races before 2012 Xiamen Marathon, they decide to move on and establish one running club to enable more office workers like themself to join in and run together, Amoy Running Club have more than 600 club runners so far and encourage capable runners to take part in all the other Marathon races in China and also abroad ones, many of their members already finished almost most of mainland Marathon races and even some finished abroad marathon races like France Paris Marathon, American Chicago Marathon, Australia's Gold Coast Marathon, Singapore StanChart Marathon, Hongkong and Taiwan Marathon, also have some few finished ironman triathlon, and 100KM cross countryside running.


Five original members of Amoy Running club, from left to right: Wuzhihuai, Wenglujiang, Liuzhiliang, Zhangjiandong, Chenchagnqing


Zhangjiandong, Head of Amoy Running Club, 4 years of running life, already ran more than 25 marathon races domestic and overseas


Wenglujiang, Original memebers, 4 years of running life, already ran more than 13 marathon races domestic and overseas, one of  club running events planner.


Chengchangqing, Original members, 4 years of running life, already ran more than 7 marathon races domestic and overseas


Liuzhiliang, Original member, 4 years of running life, already ran more than 7 marathon races domestic and overseas


Wuzhihuai, Original members, 4 years of running life, already ran more than 6 marathon races domestic and overseas


Below are some club main volunteers and elite runners introduction


Sulan, 4 years of running life, Full marathon metris is within 3 hours, good at cross country running, get the award of HK 100 golden statuette, choosed as one of special team members of Vibram HK100 on 2015, nickname is "Rabbit".

苏澜,4年跑龄,全程马拉松最好成绩3小时内,擅长越野跑,赢得过香港100小金人,入选2015 Vibram HK100非凡之队, 人称"兔子"

Maozhibo, Head of backend Support Services of Amoy Running Club, 4 years of running life, already ran more than 6 marathon races domestic and overseas


Linweiqiang, 4 years of running life, already ran more than 5 marathon races domestic and overseas, one of club running events planner


Yangshuying, volunteer to be responsibe or club copywriting


Lubingwei, 3 years of running life, Full marathon metric is within 3.2 hours, achive No 3 places when joined Jiulonghu cross country running.


Linweiwei, 7 years of running life, runner of Marathon and triathon, the first one ironman in Xiamen




Amoy Running Club Regular Activities

Amoy Runing club have 3 main regular activities, 1. Night running separately in 3 main districts, Siming - Wuyuanwan, Huli - Huli reservoir, Hicang - Haicang dadao, date is not specific, members just communicate with each other and then go for running together after work.  2. X-plan of Park running at weekend, they scount and plan to set running trail in different park of xiamen tied with some interesting ideas to make it to be a Leisure run. 3. Yealy half marathon of Amoy Runing Club, mostly will be help at the end of the year, already held 3 times so far with joined members from 20 increase to more than 100 now, each runner finished before running close time will be awarded with Crystal trophy and certificate.

厦门鹭跑团现所组织的活动主要有两部分,一部分是固定的晚上片区约跑(思明区主要是五缘湾,湖里区主要是湖里水库,海沧区主要是海沧大道); 另一部分是周末的鹭跑公园x计划,他们将厦门各个公园点对点规划成多条跑步路线,结合一些有趣的创意,做成一个个主题休闲跑活动。鹭跑团已经将厦门岛内的公园几乎跑遍,现活动的范围逐渐外移,跑山,玩水,看风景,品尝美食,跑团成员都是快乐奔跑的小吃货~ 此外,鹭跑团还有每年一次的“鹭跑勇士”杯半程山地挑战赛,挑战成功者将获得一座印有自己跑步靓照的水晶奖杯做纪念。

Besides above 3 main regular activities, Amoy Runing club also organize many different outdoor hiking activies in or off island, many foreigners also been attracted by this awesome club and come to join their outdoor activities before, which make the club become more internationally, and Amoy Running club welcome all the foreigners in xiamen to join their activities anytime which can communicate and learn more from each other.


Bellow are some pictures sharing about Amoy Running club previous runnning and outdoor activies, thye have done a very great job in the past few years.

如下是过去四年鹭跑团组织和参加的一些跑步 &  户外活动部分掠影图片分享,看看是否有你的身影? 鹭跑团在过去四年取得了非常不错的成绩,让我们和它一起期待下一个四年,鹭跑天下,多彩人生

Media Report:


Running Activities:

Outdoor Activities



How to join Amoy Running Club 

Running or Outdoor Activities

QQ Group: 342222748
Sina weibo: @鹭跑团
Wechat Public accout ID: lupaotuan

Wechat Public account QR-Code:

You can also follow Amoylife wechat public account 

since we will update all their coming running or outdoor 

activieis here in English, thank you.

Music Episode:

Outdoor Moments

