

Jackie Amoylife 2020-09-11

仙灵旗是天竺山主峰,位于厦门市与长泰县交界处,是厦门境内第一峰,与国家森林公园天柱山遥遥相望。仙灵旗山上钟灵毓秀,山明水秀,清幽宁静,空气清新,植被丰富,山间怪石嶙峋,琳琅满目。天然形成的八景: 神龟石、讲经台、一线天、仙人望海、四大金刚、灵峰云海、仙灵旗、奔马石等—映入眼帘,一个个怪石厅景让人流连忘返,美景总在人烟罕至的地方。

Amoylife outdoor co-organized a hiking activity together with Amoy Running Club to Jimei Xian Ling Qi mountain on Sunday Feb 21th, Amoylife outdoor have total 39 hikers registered and 35 loaded on the bus finally, this is a hiking activity initiated by Amoy Running Club who also have 37 hiker joined, and co-organized by Amoylife outdoor meanwhile. We spend about 6 hours to hike 18 KM in all with a vertical climb up of 916 meters above the sea level, everyone done a great job with mutual help and encorgement, we are so pround of each other to make it to the summit finally since Xian Ling Qi Mountain is not a easy one to conquer which is said to be the second highest mountain in Jimei, let's go for the first highest on next time? *Grin*, thanks guys for coming and support to make it happen finally. below comes some pictures sharing recall of this hiking, check it out...

 2月21日周日,由厦门鹭跑团发起,Amoylife outdoor一起协办组织的集美灌口仙灵旗登山踏青活动完美收官,Amoylife outdoor总共有39人报名,最后来了35个,鹭跑团总共也有37个人报名参加。我们大概花了6个多小时,徒步了15-18公里左右,累计爬升916米,所有成员登山过程都一起互相帮助和相互鼓励,最终全部登顶。仙灵旗据说是集美第二高峰,后半段都是直上爬升的石头台阶,对不太经常运动的人来说,还是有一定挑战的,感谢所有成员能来参加以及对本次活动的关注和支持,感谢鹭跑团团长@大师和各小分队志愿者,以下是本次活动的相关图片回顾。

Circle up集合

▲ KFC of SM I is the place we gather & meet up every time when go hiking off island.

Bus Loaded上车

▲ We have a short self introduction and Hongbao dispathing game on the bus, it is like Amoylife send out a big Hongbao of 67.77 RMB each round(total 3 rounds with same amout), each one will get a random amount when click and grab the Hongbao in the wechat activity group, the maximum amount grabed one have to give a performance like singing or things like that...but...they all "dump" us finally...:-)


▲ Hike along the Cement Road & unsurfaced road for about 5-6KM.


▲ All upstairs till to the top start from about 7 KM of the whole trail, this is the most tough part of this hiking, life is tough, you need to be tougher, get over it.


▲ You will fall in love with the nature and like the feeling when you stand at top of this kind mountain which is maybe the nearest place that you can touch the sky in Xiamen, even you will be pround of yourself when you make it to the summit.


▲ Summit is fully occpied and under the charge of us. ***Grin***.

Show Time个人秀

▲ if you believe you can fly, then you can...


▲ each one bring their own lunch and snacks to share, we have a big picnic on top of the mountain and everyone enjoyed themselves with the delicious food & fantastic sceneries.

Special thanks特别感谢

▲ Special thanks to @大师 @兔子 from Amoy Running Club who co-organized and help a lot during this time hiking, great team work.



We have 242 RMB surplus of this time hiking, and we decide to donate the surplus money to Xiamen AFU Shelter on behalf of 39 hikers of this time trip to give some minor support for those dogs to buy some dog food or dog shampoo and things like that, you can scan below AFU Wechat Public Accound QR Code if you want to know more about AFU Shelter, and contact Lynette (English|中文)Wechat|微信:15980823994 if you want to be some help.

Plus 20 RMB from @Eria洪玉贵, total donation amout this time would be 262.

本次活动有228元的活动结余资金,AmoyLife代表本次参加活动的39个成员决定把结余的资金捐给厦门阿福之家流浪动物保护中心,用于中心给狗狗们购买一些狗粮和沐浴的物品等,感谢本次参加的所有组员,如果您想了解更多有关阿福,可以扫描如下二维码关注阿福之家流浪动物保护中心的官方公众号。如果你也想帮助这些狗狗,可联系 Lynette (English|中文)Wechat|微信:15980823994

另有20元的捐款来自@Eria洪玉贵,本次活动总共的捐款金额为: 262.


Xiamen AFU Shelter first started in November of 2004.At first, all we had was a website (www.xmdog.com) so that people could use the forum to discuss problems they have while they are raising their dogs,also how to rescue street dogs and cats.In March of 2009,we started our first shelter.

We are a non-government,non-profit organization.Currently we do not have any full time workers.Our funds mainly come from  public donation and fund raising events.Our funds are used for animal rescue and cruelty prevention,spade and neutering of dogs and adoption services.

捐物及义工联系|Donation Contact:

陈小姐(中文) 8924766 微信:cjcjcj999

Lee (English) Wechat:lv80242344;

Lynette (English|中文)Wechat|微信:15980823994

AFU其它联系方式|Other Contact:

1. 电话|Tel:15980823994/13950177679 / 8924766

2. 邮箱|Email:xmdogcom@163.com /xm99dogdog@qq.com

3. 微博|Sina weibo:厦门阿福流浪狗之家 http://weibo.com/xmdog

4. 微信公众账号|Wechat official account:Afuxiamen/xmdogcom


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code to follow Amoy Running Club




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