

Jackie Amoylife 2020-09-11


Tian Xin Valley is famous for this natural rock wihch looks like a heart.

We have 20 hikers joined this time trekking on March 6th morning, everyone done a great job to find the shape heart of rock finally with awesome teamwork spirit, you never know how strong you are until you start to try and push yourself to achive it, thank you all for coming and special thanks to @兔子 & @菠菜 for the always continuous gelivable support. and BTW to Girls, Happy Internation Women's Day, Forever Young.~

本次3月6号的登山活动有20位人员参加,在大家的互相协助和努力下,滚石越岭终于找到了传说中的天然心型石,非常感谢@兔子 和 @菠菜在本次活动中为大家提供的给力帮助,祝各位女同胞国际三八妇女节快乐,永远年轻,个个都走桃花运!

Meet up / 集合

 Meet up at Bus stop of Hui Zhan Exhibition at 8:30AM, walk 3.8KM to Bi Yu Temple, Sping is coming...

Bi Yu Temple / 碧玉庙

▲ Bi Yu Temple, right behind "厦门医学高等专科学校", one of ancient nunnery in island.

Trekking up / 上山

▲ All are huge natural rocks on the way up, you have to crawl on the rock and use your hands & feet meanwhile, and even need to climb up the trees like a monkey...

Arrived / 到达

▲ The heart shaple of rock is amazing, it is a natural formed one...

Trekking down / 下山

▲ it is not easy to go up and meanwhine it is more tougher to go down...

Nature / 自然

▲ return to the nature...

Sulan / 兔子

 he is the real man...

Nai Tai Wu Hiking....

Stay Tuned...

Outdoor Moments

Music Episode

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