

2016-11-19 InsightEducation


RSI清华(The Research Science Initiative Tsinghua)是一个为杰出中国高中生设计的独特暑期科研项目(内容涉及科学、技术、工程和数学领域,简称STEM)。学生将参加一周RSI麻省理工学院著名校友和清华大学教授执教的大学难度课程,然后由清华大学的顶尖学科导师进行一对一指导,进行为期四周半的最前沿和个性化的STEM课题研究并完成课题论文。学生将熟练掌握科学研究中的每一个步骤,从文献检索到原创实验的课题设计、具体操作和数据分析。这六周将成为学生一生当中最为忙碌和充实的六周。

RSI的主办方CEE 是由已故的美国五星上将H. G. Rickover和总裁Joann Di Gennaro在1983年共同创立的。1984年美国精英教育中心CEE(Center for Excellence in Education)与麻省理工大学合作创立了CEE的科学研究所 Research Science Institute(RSI)。当时,由三任总统同时参加了董事会,出面支持这个非盈利组织。CEE的使命就是培养杰出高中生成为科学技术领域的精英和领导者。


从2015年开始,RSI和清华大学合作,共同举办RSI-清华项目。 RSI学术人员将全程在清华校园内指导学生,由项目主管Benjamin Koo教授负责此次RSI•清华项目。研究指导团队包括美国顶级大学(如麻省理工学院)和清华大学的著名教授、优秀辅导员、助教和顾问。这些辅导员、助教和顾问均是目前在美国最顶尖大学(哈佛、MIT、斯坦福等)的RSI校友,其中顾问将和学生吃住在一起,帮助解答学生关于美国大学的学习、生活、和申请等各方面问题。学生将参加一周RSI麻省理工学院著名校友和清华大学教授执教的大学难度课程,然后由清华大学的顶尖学科导师进行一对一指导,进行为期四周半的最前沿和个性化的STEM课题研究并完成课题论文。这六周将成为学生一生当中最为忙碌和充实的六周。

RSI清华(The Research Science Initiative Tsinghua)2017年项目现已开放申请,热爱学术、喜欢挑战理工科学生,请在本公众号留言,联系睿智国际教育(Insight Education)咨询!

Why RSI,为什么选择RSI@清华

Why RSI #1. 学习如何熟练掌握前沿科学研究中的每一个步骤-从文献检索到研究论文的发表並可以參加科技竞赛如英特尔科技展览会。


Why RSI #1: Learn to master the complete process of conducting advanced scientific research including how to write a scientific research paper for publication and science competitions such as the Intel Science and Engineering Fair and the International Science Olympiads.

Students in China RSI-Tsinghua will gather for six of the most enriching weeks of their lives. The RSI at Tsinghua  combines one week of on-campus course work in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) with cutting-edge individualized STEM research projects for four and half weeks. The students attend college-level classes taught by distinguished professors from Tsinghua University and visiting professors from leading institutions who are alumni of the RSI at MIT.  Through one-on-one mentoring, students learn to master each step of the research process from literature review to the design, execution, and analysis of original experiments. During the final week, students prepare written and oral presentations on their research projects to be competitively judged at the end of the program. The top ten projects receive recognition.

Why RSI #2: 著名教授担任指导教授、辅导教授和辅导员

 RSI@清华中国青少年杰出人才培养计划学术人员将全程在清华校园内指导学生。学术项目主管Benjamin Koo教授和副主管将共同负责此次China RSI-清华项目。研究指导团队包括美国顶级大学(如麻省理工学院)和清华大学的著名教授担任指导教授、导师教授和优秀辅导员。这些指导教授、导师教授和辅导员均是目前在美国最顶尖大学 (哈佛、MIT、斯坦福等)的RSI校友,其中辅导员将和学生在一起吃住,帮助解答学生关于美国大学的学习、生活、和申请等各方面问题。

Why RSI #2: Distinguished faculty from Tsinghua and RSI alumni serve as mentors, tutors and counselors

The RSI Academic Staff will remain on campus with the students for the entire program.  Professor Benjamin Koo of Tsinghua University will direct the RSI along with a U.S. Co-Director. The staff consists of outstanding Tutors, and Counselors from Tsinghua and RSI alumni from top-tier U.S. universities. The counselors will stay with the students, helping them to adjust to the program, and answering questions on the US learning and living environment, and providing enriching activities.     

Why RSI #3:

 课题研究指导教授由清华大学最前沿的科学家、数学家和工程师组成。他们将与RSI项目主管和工作人员一同指导学生的研究项目。研究课题强调研究的原创性, 每一个项目都是基于学生个人兴趣个性化地构建,而学生参加的各种学术讲座都由科学、数学、科技和人文领域的顶级专家讲授。完成RSI的学生获得申请美国顶级大学的科研內容、推荐、和认证。从1984 到2013的 1590 RSI校友,34%进入哈佛,21%进麻省理工学院,8%进斯坦福大学,5%进普林斯顿大学, 5%进耶鲁大学, 其余的27%进入加州理工学院,杜克大学等顶尖名校。

Why RSI #3:  Leading scientists and experts validate RSI students ability to conduct advanced research, recommend, and certify RSI-Tsinghua program completion

Research Mentors are leading scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, at Tsinghua. They direct the research projects and work with the RSI Director and staff. Research mentorships emphasize original work on a question of current research interest. The projects are uniquely structured based on the students’ area of STEM interest. The featured guest lectures are presented by distinguished experts in science, technology, mathematics, engineering, and the humanities. From 1984 to 2013, there were 1590 RSI alumni that 34% of them entered Harvard, 21% to MIT, 8% to Stanford, 5% to Princeton, 5% to Yale, and the rest of the 27% entered Caltech, Duke and other top schools. Students who complete the RSI-Tsinghua program are among the group with advanced scientific research knowledge, validation and recommendation to set them apart when applying the top-tier universities.

 Why RSI #4: RSI全球校友网络

 RSI全球校友网络也属于项目的重要组成部分,参加CHINA RSI-清华的学生可以加入RSI在世界知名公司和顶级大学校园组织的各种活动,进入校友专属网站,获得暑期工作和社交活动机会,获得科研领域顶级专家提供的个人推荐信,以利于申请美国顶级大学本科或研究生项目。强大的RSI全球校友网络将会在学生未来的本科、研究生学习和以及职业生涯中起到重要影响。

Why RSI #4: RSI International Alumni Network
The RSI International alumni are an important component of the RSI Family.  Alumni benefit from events at corporate facilities and on university campuses, a special alumni website, summer employment opportunities, social media activities, and recommendations from mentors to leading colleges and universities for undergraduate and graduate studies.


睿智国际教育(InsightEducation)由约翰霍普金斯大学教育学院校友孙颖博士创立。 孙博士旅居美国多年,获美国教师资格证。在美国马里兰州著名的Walt Whitman 高中执教(科学)多年,对美式教育理论、实践有深刻的理解和经验。

作为国内少有的美国独立教育咨询委员会(Independent Educational Consultant, IECA)认证会员之一,睿智国际教育(INSIGHT EDUCATION)专注服务国内高端家庭,严格按照美国IECA制定的升学指导行业标准和职业规范,由睿智IECA顾问亲自针对每个学生不同情况和需求进行个性化指导,结合学生的兴趣、特长和未来专业方向,充分挖掘学生的潜能,有针对性地拓展个人学术背景、系统规划学术经历、活动经历、标准化考试计划等,从而在美国在本科申请中发挥更多优势,从而成功走入心目中理想的美国大学。

