
    Neem Tree, also known as 'Azadirachta indica' is a tree native to India. In Sanskrit, neem is arista, which means something that is perfect, imperishable and complete. Not only its leaves, but the tree's seeds, roots and bark also contain important compounds that have many medicinal and beauty properties. The tree is supposed to denote 'good health' in our Ayurveda.
    印度楝树,也被称为Azadirachta indica,是一种原产于印度的树种。在梵语中,neem是arista,指完美的、不朽的、完整的东西。不仅该树叶子,而且其种子、根和树皮也含有重要化合物,有许多药用和美妙特性。在我们的阿育吠陀中,该树应该表示“健康”。
    Neem is best known for its anti-aging properties. Due to its antioxidant properties, neem protects the skin from harmful UV rays, pollution and other environmental factors. The vitamins and fatty acids in neem improve and maintain the elasticity of the skin, reduce wrinkles and fine lines. This make you and your skin look rejuvenated and youthful.
    Neem is also beneficial in fighting against fungal infection. It santi-fungal and anti-bacterial properties keep the harmful bacteria and fungi at bay. Thus, it protects the skin and keeps the skin related diseases away.
    Ayurveda, which follows the natural ways for treatment and medicine, has been using extracts of neem tree as a key ingredient, for good health and well being. Here are some of the herbal remedies, health benefits and magical properties of neem...


    One tree pharmacy

    Not only in Ayurvedic medicines, neem tree extracts have been apart of many home remedies that Indians have been following since time immemorial. We use neem to treat hair and skin issues.


    Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

    Neem leaves are used to treat fungal and bacterial infections. They are used to treat warts as well as chicken pox. Either the paste is applied on the affected area or the person is made to bathe in neem water. It can also treat foot fungi.



    You can keep neem soaked cotton near your windows or burn neem leaves to ward off insects. It is extremely effective and is used to fight mosquito menace.


    Increases immunity

    Many Ayurveda experts recommend daily intake of neem capsules. Neem tea is also widely prescribed to reduce fever, especially the malaria one. Since neem tastes bitter, the tea acquires a similar taste but works magically.


    Nature's tooth brush

    Chewing neem twigs for dental hygiene and care is an age-old Indian tradition. In Indian households, people used to brush their teeth using twigs of neem. And these days you find neem-based toothpaste to ensure good dental health. Due to its anti bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti fungal properties,it keeps away all sorts of dental infections and diseases.


    Strong and long hair

    Neem also helps in strengthening hair quality and promotes growth of hair. Neem paste is also used as a hair conditioner. Due to its antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, neem is an excellent way to curb dandruff. This makes hair follicles stronger, thus encouraging hair growth too. It provides the required nourishment and conditioning to the roots, making them stronger and shinier.


    Treat skin disorder

    There are many formulations in Ayurveda that are used to treat skin issues. It is because it has a detoxifying property. It is used to treat eczema and other skin infections.



    Neem can heal wounds without leaving any ugly scars. It also prevents septic infections. Neem is commonly used to heal wounds because of its antiseptic properties. Apply a little amount of neem oil onto the wounds and on scars, daily. Neem Oil contains the necessary fatty acids, which also promote wound healing and make your skin healthy.


    Acne relief

    Neem also has anti-inflammatory property that reduces acne. The neem oil is believed to relieve skin dryness, skin itchiness and redness. It also prevents pimples and skin blemishes.



    Neem leaves are known to be an effective blood cleanser for atherosclerosis and drinking Neem infused boiled water controls Diabetes. Neem leaves extract is effective in purifying the blood, removing toxins defending against infections. Neem leaves help to dilate blood vessels improving blood circulation and decrease elevated heart rates. It relaxes erratic heart beat sand controls high blood pressure



    Neem is used to treat malaria fevers. Gedunin- a component of Neem is said to be very effective for treating malaria. Mosquitoes exposed to odours of crushed neem leaves causes suppression of egg laying capacity. Consuming neem leaves is an important treatment of malaria.



    Neem bark leaves contain Polysaccharides and limonoids which are said to be benecial for alleviating cancer and tumour cells.



    Certain properties of neem leaf seed or barks can reduce pain and swell in joints. A massage with neem oil is effective in relieving muscle aches and joint pain.



    Anti-clotting properties

    Due to anti-clotting agents that reside in neem leaf extract, they effective in treating poisons and insects bites. Neem leaves are also used in the treatment of ulcers and inflammation as they have significant anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer activity.


    Herbal remedy and benefits

    This is not it. Neem is also used in organic farming. The popular neem seed cake, which is basically a neem seed residue which is left after oil extraction, is extremely beneficial for enriching the soil. It also brings down nitrogen loss and works as a nematicide.


    Other benefits

    Neem is also an excellent source of moisturizer for the skin. By applying neem oil, the fatty acids and vitamins in it moisturize and condition your skin, making it clearer and youthful. The vitamin E in neem oil repairs the damaged skin and also limits the effect of environment changes that can lead to skin damage.
    You will commonly find neem used in products such as bath powders,shampoos, skin lotion, toothpaste and many companies have even started marketing neem leaf capsule for better immunity.

    With the dengue menace round the corner, it also works as abrilliant source to repel insects.

