

2017-12-31 桑国亚 老桑说

For English, please scroll to the bottom. 






  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」 


无论你所设立的计划是什么,头脑中都需要有一个清醒的计划安排,A goal without a plan is just a wish(没有计划的目标只能是空想)。在之前的“七日挑战”(后台回复关键词“七日挑战”即可阅读)系列活动中,我曾向大家提供了如何设立目标并成功执行下来的几个步骤。


史蒂芬·柯维在他的畅销书《高效能人士的七个习惯》(The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People)中介绍了七个帮助人们改变自己的好习惯,引导了许多人走向成功。





Habit 1: Be Proactive 习惯1: 积极主动

To be proactive(积极主动)意味着你不要受限于客观情况,而是要根据实际情况来调整方法去实现你的目标。正如柯维在书中所写:“我们的行为由我们自己决定,这并不是我们所面对的条件。”


这是一个reactive thinking“消极思维”(或“被动思维”)的例子,你根据情绪和外在环境(比如过去学习英语的困难,以及超过了有效学习英语的时期)来下决定。


如果你的目标是在经历多次失败之后继续提高英语水平,那么a proactive approach(“积极主动”的做法)就是“我可以采取另一种不同的方法来试试”。你应该主动搜集与学习英语有关的信息和资料,定制自己的学习计划安排,而不是在没有做出任何努力之前就接受你会又一次被打败的假设。

柯维在书中解释说,我们的生活其实两个“圈”之间的平衡:关注圈(Circle of Concern)和影响圈(Circle of Influence)。关注圈是指我们所在意、关心的事情,影响圈是指我们能做的事情。







1What are you concerned about?  


2What can you do about it?  



My friend,新的一年是反思自己目标以及其进行情况的最好时机。为了帮助你更好地实现你的目标,你可以多去想一想哪些行为能够更好地支持你、服务你。








New Year Reflection: What’s Next?

 Hello, my friend, 

I’m John Smagula. 」

It’s that time of year when we reflect on the past year and look forward to the next. Are you ready to conquer your goals in 2018?

A new year’s resolution is a tradition where we resolve to change an undesired trait or behavior about ourselves. We may set a personal or professional goal that we think will improve our lives. These goals often include to lose weight, save money, learn a language, or spend more time with family and friends.

To achieve whatever goal you have in mind, it’s important to put together a plan. A goal without a plan is just a wish. In my 7-Day Challenge series, I provided you with the steps needed to create goals and carry through with your plan.

Yet sometimes you need more than a goal and a plan to succeed. You’ll also need a strong foundation to support you in your effort.

Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a timeless bestseller that has helped many people toward success. His book sets forth seven lessons that cause personal change.

In his book, Covey does not focus on setting specific goals. Rather, he writes about the habits of effectiveness needed to support our goal achievement. These life habits form the basis of our character, creating a personal environment where we can better solve problems, maximize opportunities, and continually learn “in an upward spiral of growth.”  

With good basics, you’ll have endless options.

A discussion of all seven habits falls outside the scope of today’s post, and in fact, the book is written in such a way that it’s better to acquire one habit before moving on to the next. Covey writes that behavioral change is incremental, and he encourages readers to take things one step at a time.

So, as we start a new year, let’s take a look at where to begin.

Habit 1: Be Proactive

To be proactive means that you do not let your circumstances limit you, but that you work with your circumstances to achieve your goals. As Covey writes, “Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.”

For example, people often say to me, “John, I really want to improve my English, but I haven’t studied the language in many years, and I never studied it well to begin with. Since I won’t get a good TOEFL score or otherwise be able to improve, I’m just not going to bother.”

This is an example of reactive thinking. You let your circumstances (such as past English study limitations and time passed from active schooling) define your current reality.

Covey writes that our attitudes about life’s challenges are critical, and that “what matters most is how we respond to what we experience in life.” We all face difficulties, but how we deal with them is our own choice.

If your goal is to improve your English after many years of lapse, a proactive approach would be, “Let me look at my alternatives. I can choose a different approach on how to proceed.” Rather than assume you will be defeated, you instead collect information on language study, search out resources, and then create a plan to help accomplish your goals.

Covey explains that our life is a balance between two different circles: our Circle of Concern and our Circle of Influence. The Circle of Concern is what you care about…and what you worry about. The Circle of Influence is what you can do something about.

If you are concerned about a meteor hitting the earth, that would be in your Circle of Concern, but since there’s not much you can do about it, it falls outside your Circle of Influence. There are other more manageable concerns you might have, though, such as weight loss or increasing your salary. These fall within your Circle of Concern and your Circle of Influence.

A proactive person seeks to expand his Circle of Influence to resolve his concerns.

In other words, the proactive person will try to limit his Circle of Concern, enlarging his Circle of Influence to have a more positive focus. A reactive person, though, lets his Circle of Concern limit his Circle of Influence.

Are you focused on your concerns or your abilities? Covey writes that extreme focus on our concerns will limit our effectiveness, but if we focus on what we can do, our effectiveness increases. This habit, then, sets a good foundation for setting attainable goals for yourself.

If your concern is to spend more time with friends, but you are too busy at work, a reactive person would give up because there is no time. A proactive person, however, would think about how to adjust his work schedule to try to spend more time with others.

To cultivate this mindset, Covey suggests we try a 30-Day Proactivity Test toward higher effectiveness. For one month, stay focused on your Circle of Influence, working on things you have control over. Be aware of your concerns and realistic about which ones you can address. When you feel like you “should” do something, focus on what you “can” do.

What are you concerned about?

What can you do about it? 

Please try this exercise and share your comments with me. I would really like to witness your path to personal change.

My friend, a new year is a great time to reflect on your goals and where you are going this year. To help you achieve your goals, think also about behavioral changes that will support your effort.

If you try this 30-Day Proactivity Test, I’m confident you’ll see the world as one of opportunities and not limitations, bringing forth the strengths and skills to propel you forward.

Happy New Year!


Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


