

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-03-28

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  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」






































Do you have an interview?

 5 ways to put your best foot forward!

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

Earlier this year, I encountered a group of nervous students waiting outside of a Tsinghua law school classroom. They looked serious and tense. I asked what they were so nervous about, and they said they had passed the Tsinghua master of laws written examination and were now waiting in line for their admission interviews.

I’m sure you know the feeling, as we all deal with interviews at some point. As students you interview for internships, and then as you approach graduation, for your first job or graduate school admission. And then later, you will likely interview for many jobs throughout your career, either for a promotion with your current employer or a position at a different company.

It's understandable to be nervous before an interview. We are being evaluated by other people who compare us to other candidates. We try to highlight our strengths, but they may see our weaknesses. If we do not get the job, we may feel rejected. During the process, there is a lot of uncertainty for us. But take heart! These strategies will help you.

One of the best ways to reduce your nervousness about an interview is to be well prepared and master some basic interview skills beforehand. Over the years, I have been on both sides of the table, as interviewee and interviewer. Here are 5 tips that I have learned from all of this interviewing experience.

In preparing this article, I also visited the Temple University Career Center for interview advice, as they help hundreds of students find jobs and internships every year. Check out our video on the 5 Tips to Land Your First Job.


Research the company

Be prepared. Learn as much about the company or university before the interview. Visit their web site and scroll through their social media posts. Read any news reports about their recent activities. If you have the chance, personally check out their products and services. If you are applying to a university, try to talk with some current students to gain insights.

I once interviewed a candidate for a job at Temple. During the conversation, he asked me to introduce Temple and our program to him. All of this information is publicly available. As he did not take the time to learn about us in advance, I figured he would not be prepared for work tasks in general. I didn’t think he was the right fit for us, so I brought the interview to an end.

Try to get the names of the interviewers in advance and learn about their backgrounds. Do you have anything in common with them, like being from the same hometown or having graduated from the same school? You can try to make connections during the conversation.


Ask good questions about the job

An interview is an exchange of information, not simply one person talking at another. When you research the company before the interview, try to see what their weaknesses or needs are. Then, at the interview, be prepared to ask thoughtful questions about the company and the job.

Through your questions, the interviewer will better understand your thought process and analytical skills. Avoid questions about vacation time, salary, and bonuses—at first, and focus on the substance of the job. What are the company’s growth plans? What is the manager’s priority this year? What are some corporate challenges that you can help resolve?

These kinds of questions demonstrate you think strategically and are solution oriented. At the same time, based on the answers the interviewer gives, you can find opportunities to highlight your own strengths and how they might help the company resolve some of its problems.

Bring a pad and take notes during the interview. When the interviewers answer your question, write down their response. By doing this, you are demonstrating that you are competent, responsible, and respect the interviewers’ thoughts.


Maintain good eye contact

In traditional Chinese culture, making direct eye contact was a sign of equality, and younger people often looked away from an older person speaking to them as a sign of respect. Today, however, this lack of eye contact can be misunderstood as a lack of confidence or simply being elusive. Avoid shifty eyes and look directly at the person speaking to you.

Some say that interviewers form a preliminary impression of the interviewee within the first 30 seconds, and very often this first impression does not change during the course of the interview.  Start the interview with a good handshake and introduce yourself. Be sure to dress professionally as well.


Express ideas clearly

Clear communication is an important job skill. The interviewer will assess your communication ability based on your responses. If you are incoherent or long-winded, the interviewer will likely bring the interview to an end and call in the next candidate. Sometimes we can get chatty when we are nervous, losing focus of the point and trying to fill the awkward space with words.

Prior to the interview, you can practice giving short answers to common interview questions, such as “How did you find out about this position?”, “Why do you want to work here?”, and “What interests you about this job?” You can practice your answers to these common interview questions with a friend or teacher in advance to help clarify your thoughts.

Answer the question that is being asked and try not to stray away into unrelated areas. If you do not think the interviewer is satisfied with your answer, you can offer to clarify. If you do not know the answer to a question, you can admit that, and then explain the work or thought process you would go through to get the answer.

A classic interview question is “Tell me about yourself.” This open-ended question can be quite difficult to answer, but you can use it as an opportunity to highlight the skills and experience that mesh well with the job description. I recommend answering this question by delivering a 30-second elevator pitch.


Show enthusiasm

One way to win over the employer is to express enthusiasm for the company and its industry. When I interview candidates, for example, I want to know that they are interested in international higher education and are keen about working in this field.

It is also important to be positive. Do not “trash” previous employers, but rather, say you are looking for opportunities to grow, either in a field your previous employer could not satisfy or in a new field.

My friend, interviewing can be very anxiety-provoking, as there is a lot at stake and lots of uncertainty involved. But by mastering these interviewing skills, you can take some control of the process and increase your chances of making a good impression. Be yourself, and I’m sure you’ll put your best foot forward and do well on your next interview!

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Tense \ ˈten(t)s \

a)含义:adj. 紧张的


i.They looked serious and tense.


ii.She was very tense, but she preserved an appearance of nonchalance.  

她内心很紧张, 可外表却装着满不在乎的样子。

c)近义词:anxious, nervous, troubled

2.Scroll \ ˈskrōl  \

a)含义: v. 滚屏;滚动


i.Visit their web site and scroll through their social media posts. 


ii.Scroll down to read about the latest update, or just click here.  


c)近义词:move, roll, wheel

3.Elusive   \ ē-ˈlü-siv \

a)含义:adj. 难懂的;难捉摸的


i.Today, however, this lack of eye contact can be misunderstood as a lack of confidence or simply being elusive. 


ii.My resume listed four positions in three years because I was always on the lookout for a better opportunity that would bring the ever-elusive job satisfaction.  


c)近义词:cagey, evasive, slippery


\ pri-ˈli-mə-ˌner-ē  \

a)含义:adj. 初步的;开始的


i.Some say that interviewers form a preliminary impression of the interviewee within the first 30 seconds, and very often this first impression does not change during the course of the interview.  


ii.And emphasize, if appropriate, that the results have not yet been published and are therefore only preliminary.  


c)近义词: introductory, precursory, prefatory 

5.Mesh \ ˈmesh  \

a)含义:v. 匹配;咬合


i.This open-ended question can be quite difficult to answer, but you can use it as an opportunity to highlight the skills and experience that mesh well with the job description. 


ii.These networks will connect ground, naval, airborne and satellite assets into an interactive mesh of battlefield information and decision-making.  


c)近义词:connect, correspond, dovetail 

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


